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Everything posted by ich777

  1. You don't have to install it multiple times, just restart it, without credentials for this game! I think SteamCMD is installed because it tries to update itself but can't (steamcmd.sh is in there and that should be enough). The log says that it's trying to update but after multiple failed attempts it gives up. This would be the command that SteamCMD tries to execute: '${STEAMCMD_DIR}/steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +quit' (without quotes - you can put it in like this but be sure to type in 'su $USER' without quotes!!!). This seems like a pure network issue. I also tried to download the container and it works without any problem.
  2. Done, thanks for reporting that, didn't even notice that...
  3. You have no files in it... Looks like something is preventing the container from downloading anything.... EDIT: Have you entered Steam credentials in the container? If so please remove it, I think for DontStarveTogether you don't need it. Enter it only if they are marked as required.
  4. I meant only for the tmp folder. Is this really necessary?
  5. You can use my Debian-Buster-Nvidia container for that.
  6. Thanks for the answer! I'm thinking if I should update the template so that everyone that downloads the container will have that in it.
  7. How have you setup you template within Unraid and what upload path have you've choosen?
  8. Welchen Container benutzt jetzt? Nur rein aus Interesse, vielleicht hilft das jemand anderem.
  9. Is teilweise sogar noch heute...
  10. Sorry muss noch einen Nachtrag machen hab mich aus diesen Gründen noch nicht damit beschäftigt (sind schon etwas ältere Fotos aber bau sowas hobbymäßig - frag lieber nicht wie da der Stormverbrauch war... Glaub das waren Xeon 2670 mit 64GB ECC Reg DDR3 1.866Mhz und 2x GTX1080 und einmal ein Ryzen 2600 mit 2x GTX 1080 bin mir aber nicht mehr sicher):
  11. Sorry ich bin nicht so der Stromsparmensch bzw. wäre das nicht so vorteilhaft für meinen Server (dient auch als buildserver für diverse Unraid Container und auch zur modifikation von Unraid -> siehe Unraid-Kernel-Helper usw...)... Da kennst du dich sicher besser aus. Wollte nur meinen Senf dazu geben und alles was ich bis her gesehen & gehört hab.
  12. Die neuen Ryzen CPU's sind momentan wenn man sie mit Intel in der gleichen Konfiguration vergleicht um einiges sparsamer speziell im Idle (auch die 5er Serie aber die haben leider keine iGPU) aber auch nur wenn du ein "B" Motherboard benutzt da es bei den boards mit PCIe Gen4 gleich wieder anders aussieht... Das sollte sich in den nächsten Jahren aber glaub ich auch normalisieren. Ich bin schon gespannt auf die neuen nur mehr 12V ATX Motherboards da kommst beim verbrauch extrem runter da du nicht 3 bis 4 verschiedene Spannungen erzeugen musst. Also im Idle bei einem Ryzen 3700 wenn ich mich recht erinnere so um die 20 Watt am Windows Desktop (bin mir aber nicht mehr so sicher). Der kommt bald keine Angst.
  13. Hallo! Welchen container nutzt du, wie hast du alles konfiguriert? Evtl wäre da das Unterforum für Docker Container genau für diesen Container der richtige Ort um dein Problem zu posten. Wie siehts mit deinen Einstellungen selbst aus? Sind die genau wie bei OMV? SABnzb ist nicht unbedingt der schnellst client, sieh dir mal NZBGet an ist zwar nicht so hübsch aber schneller.
  14. There seems to be something wrong with the network, try to restart the container again. Have you PiHole installed in your network? Recently I also have some porblems with my internet connection (some sites won't open, long loading times,...), I also get some questions here why some things are not downloading but I think this has something to do with a backbone and the "Internet" itself... Try to restart the container again and look if it downloads the game in the logs. Can you tell me whats in the two folders for the game in your appdata directory. @Cyd sadly no, been really busy with my life at the time...
  15. I will look into this but does it make any sense if it runs on the same machine? Can you send me the link where you take the text from? Btw this is the Dedicated Server Container.
  16. No problem. Have you installed the Unraid-Kernel-Helper-Plugin? Please send me a PM and we can chat about that...
  17. Looks really nice and is also a lot better coded than mine I think... (webcoding is not my favourite kind of thing). Interested on a colab, eventually integrate that in the Unraid-Kernel-Helper?
  18. Nice Sadly I don't know how to do that and what that even means, but I think you will get that on the forums
  19. Oh nice you are using the today updated container Can you check if you can download this file (I can reach and download it). The container tries also to download this file and then do the further steps. Please also check if in your appdata directory is a file called 'installed_v_1.10.3', if so please delete it and try to restart the container.
  20. I will look into it. The time inside the container is the same as on your unraid box?
  21. Please update the container and the cron jobs will work now fine. Please report back if you experience any issue...
  22. I have to look into this but I think it has to do with it that cron isn't enabled in the container itself, I will fix this as soon as possible
  23. Have you read the instructions on how to install mods on linux? There is a major problem with your mod: "@Enhanced Mouvement" it has upper case letters in it and on Linux that is not possible! Search on this site for 'Case sensitivity & Mods' (If I remember correctly when I initally created the container I read lot about that upper case letters will not work on Linux if a mod is used)
  24. After reading the comment again, are you running cron inside the container or on unraid and pass it to the container? If you are running crone inside the container it wont work... You have two ways to do it, run cron from unraid and pass it to the container or make a script with a while true loop and let it sleep for howlong ever you want and the execute the command (there are other ways too with 'at'), in my opinion the second way would be the best.
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