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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Found eventually a solution for your problem if you are using the old database you must do this commands within the container in mysql *LINK* If you are using a new instance of the container the error is also there but it's just a WARNING and not an error that doesn't start the container.
  2. Is this always happening or only if you are explore new regions? Please keep in mind that it should run just fine if you and your players are in a region that is already created by the server. Btw 4 seconds is not a really high value i know servers where there is a lag of even 60 seconds, that's a really choppy gameplay.
  3. Wich processor are you using? Minecraft java edition prefers speed over core count. This also sounds like a autosave issue. Did you get any error messages in the logs somthing like: Can't keep up...?
  4. Created a issue on github also nodejs changed something (backported a few functions), yesterday all my images where rebuilt because of minor fixes and since nodejs changed something and the developer of CSMM-7DtD not i can't get the docker to run.
  5. Nope, got not much time and this is a really big project like Battlefield, but i got it on my list
  6. From my research the developers had some issues with the linux and osx version *LINK* Please contact me in a few months again and i will look into it again.
  7. I think there was something wrong with the download from DirSyncPro or the Runtime (sometimes the download from github or sourceforge is incomplete) and redownload it from the CA Apps without a setting changed (or at least the port like in my case. Could you please try to delete the whole container and also the directory in your appdata folder? I've also made a complete fresh install on my Unraid server and it works all OOB (i've changed the port to 8083 as you can see on the screenshots. Did you run your appdata folder on the cache drives? Wich fileformat are the disks where your appdata folder is located? Also you can try to download the runtime manually and extract/place it in your runtime directory and then start the container again *LINK* (the path should be <DIRSYNCPROROOT>/runtime/jre1.8.0_211) just extract the tar.gz into the runtime folder and you should be good to go. I've also attached pictures how the appdata folder should look like. Log.txt
  8. Like @binhex said, you must turn yourself into a server OP or give yourself the privileges but my latest information on the bedrock servers are that the permission system is not implemented yet.
  9. Eventually @Spectral Force can help you out...
  10. If you're interested i can look into that but i think it should be totally doable.
  11. Are the savegame variables right? What files did you change, did you change any filename, did you delete something, what did you exactly change? Short explenation main configuration file must be in the root of your 7dtd folder then the Serverconfig variable in the template must be the same as the configuration file in the root of the directory eg: 'serverconfig.xml' (without quotes). The folders for the savegame and userdata cannot be changed manually. For the ingame settings i can't help you eventually someone else has a solution who own's the game.
  12. Sent you a message, docker is ready, please report back.
  13. You will barely recognize it... I can't see and tell any downside at the time. Also there is DNS Cloak for iOS and there are also clients for windows, mac, linux. Even firefox supports it natively...
  14. This should now be fixed after you updated and once restarted the container.
  15. I think you only mean the 7DtD folder in the appdata directory... That it locks up is completely not intended, also nothing has changed when it downloads the files... I also can't reproduce that i cannot acces the whole folder i think there might be a little permissions problem, all files accessable and editable. I think it has something to do with your domain in active directory. EDIT: I've now rebuilding the containers again please try again in a few minutes, now i've changed the permissions to 777
  16. Exactly. Nope, these are standard DNS servers and they are not secured by DoH but since i don't want to get Cloudflare or Google all of my DNS querys i rotate them and i let my server also use a few friends of mine and so no one could say wich traffic from wich device came, my server at home is more or less the DNS server for all of these devices. Yeah i thought of that but that's a little bit too much latency in my oppinion and there is everywhere a weak point. I'm sick that everybody tracks everything and now i got a gateway (my Unraid DNS server that asks goolgle, cloudflare and a few other dns servers unencrypted) where everything is a little bit messed up in terms of tracking because ~10 people are using it.
  17. Restart the container once please and try again but i don't get any issue, btw did you install it from the CA App or did you just click Add Container? I've tested it also and it works just fine if your UID and GID are the standard ones from Unraid.
  18. If you do it this way it makes no real sense becaus your whole dns traffic is routed through cloudlfare and you can use their apps instead. This docker should be only be a gateway to your mobile devices for all dns querrys... Also cloudflare can't detect that ( you are using DoH with your mobile device when you're using my container and possibly with or the public google dns resolvers since my container is not related to their servers. I created this container more in that mind that i don't must use their apps (since i'm rotating DNS querry services from various providers) and also filter out all my ads with pihole on my mobile devices including to be a bit more secure by encrypting it with DoH and get a little bit more battery life from my mobile devices. But you can also use it this way but it makes no real sense since there are apps that can use DoH and filter ad addresses like pihole does (the battery advantage is then gone).
  19. @bubo & @WeAreTheDynamite Please try to update the ARK or 7DtD docker through the Unraid GUI and report back, updated the docker so that this shouldn't happen again.
  20. It say's that you don't use DoH because you don't use the DoH app The can't detect it when you not using their app but if you are using their app than you don't get the benefit of PiHole adblocking even if youre not at home (also you know if it works if the ads are gone on your mobile device) also you can't detect easily detect DoH. You can also make a DNS Leak test to try if everything works correctly (also don't forget to specify only one upstream DNS server - your PiHole otherwise it will choose any server in the DNS upstream server list). DNS Leak Test
  21. Oh, what? What did you mean exactly can you describe the problem a little bit more? In my case i can edit all the files without beeing root on the appdata folder, only if a new file from the docker itself is created you must restart the docker and you can edit it again...
  22. Stop the Docker and remove it completely, click on the console symbol in the Unraid webgui in the top right corner enter: 'cd /mnt/user/appdata' press enter, then enter: 'rm -R <yourfoldernamegoeshere>' press enter (but please be sure that it is something like: 'rm -R 7dtd' otherwise you can delete other folders to) then simply close the terminal window. After you do that go to the CA App and redownload the Docker.
  23. Have you deleted the whole folder in the appdata folder and also the Container?
  24. Please keep in mind that this error is a totally game specific question and should be asked in the game forums. Also this is only a warning (even on my 32Thread server with 64GB of RAM and the game on SSD's i get this error) it indicates that the cpu is pushed to hard by the minecraft server try to lower your view distance. Also there was a bug in the game i think *link* try a quick google search for: Minecraft server ticks behind This is a very cpu intensive game and likes speed over threads (5Ghz better than 12 threads)... If you don't get any lag just ignore the warning message, it happens mostly on my server if i go to an undiscovered area where the server must generate the terrain but if it's created and you go again to this area everything works just fine without this message.
  25. Tried to get Alien Swarm to work but since my server has 32Threads and there is a bug in the game so that the game wouldn't work on cpu's that got 32 or more Threads i will not make a Docker for that game -Sorry...
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