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Everything posted by Siwat2545

  1. Not at the moment Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  2. I just give both onlyoffice and nextcloud a valid https certificate, also you need to disable encryption
  3. Hi, I'm currently working on this, but in the mean time you can use the log in homebridge docker page in unraid Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  4. Oh, I thought you're talking about the H265 encoder version, if you mean the h265ize version, it is updated now, try force update in about 2 hours. - Siwat
  5. I cannot do that as I am not the developer of H265ize
  6. Build Triggered, Should be done soon, try clicking on force update Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  7. Here's my config Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  8. I have it working with subdomain, in the config of phlex, enter https://[yoursubdomain]:443 Note that the url is https as Google and Alexa won't accept http unencrypted Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  9. Key: MB_KEY Value: [Your API Key] Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  10. You need to use, also you need to set base url in setting of phlex Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  11. You need to use the packages and apt-packages variable
  12. I ran top command and see user 998 taking up a lot of the memmory and with pid, I pin it down to gitlab and when I stop it, my memmory usage went down a ton(top, mem graph attached), will see if it freeze again( when I stop it, my home assistant automations fire a lot quicker, and my webserver is more responsive, plex media server decode in an instant) Here's the after
  13. I will try to screenshot the "Processes" page when it freeze, is there a way to view the docker cpu usage?
  14. "Siwat PC" CPU Usage is at 16% when the docker freeze and stay at 6% even when the unraid dashboard says it is at 100%
  15. Interesting, I've assigned a sum of 30GB to VMs and all of the leftover for docker, I will now try running only one docker, will get back to you, PS. The freezing happen more often after running "docker build" command
  16. Another UPDATE: All of my cpu and memmory usage seems to be at almost 100% when it froze and go down to 60% when it stop freezing
  17. I tried recreating the dockermachine img, haven't freeze so far. PS. My drive are all spun up and VMs are working as well.
  18. So This happen like 2 month ago, sometime, all the docker container will halt (It just stop doing whatever it's doing and freeze) and after a while, it will start working again. One time that this happen, I was running apt-get in one of the container and apt-get freeze but it continue extracting the packages after it unfreeze Usually this isn't a problem for me, but recently, I migrated my Home Assistant Server From vSphere to unRaid and I realize that this is and huge issue when I wake up at the middle of the night and I can't turn the lights on or when I'm trying to drive to work, and my front door won't open Tower Diagnostic Attached
  19. Glad to hear that it worked! I might add this to the FAQ soon.
  20. Yes, this is normal, it will use all the CPU for encoding, I suggest you pin the CPU core to restrict it's usage Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  21. You need to proxy pass to https://(your documentserver url)
  22. Sorry for the late reply, I'm haveing a midterm test rn, cert file can be found in the certs directory of your let's encrypt container