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  1. Also having the same error. Is this present in earlier versions? I've tried fixing permissions but nothing works. 700570059: Saving in-memory database to /config/data/mosquitto.db. 1700570059: Error saving in-memory database, unable to open /config/data/mosquitto.db.new for writing.
  2. I am also getting this error and would really like to solve it for my home assistant camera motion configuration.
  3. I didn't have SEL on in the supermicro IPMI. I turned it on and will reboot to see if it occurs again I guess. I'm assuming you mean one of the DIMM's are bad and needs replacing?
  4. I posted this in general support and didn't get any response can someone assist please? "Your server has detected hardware errors. You should install mcelog via the NerdPack plugin, post your diagnostics and ask for assistance on the Unraid forums. The output of mcelog (if installed) has been logged" tower-diagnostics-20230802-0912 (1).zip
  5. Hello, I got this error today and it said to post this. I was in process of removing a disk and shrinking the array completing that for rebuild of parity when fix common problems detected this error. Should I be concerned about it? tower-diagnostics-20230802-0912.zip
  6. My cache drive with 6.9.2 is CacheSATA_SSD_PH191012004271 - 120 GB (sdt)91 F54200btrfsUnmountable: Too many missing/misplaced device Nothing changed in my configuration. tower-diagnostics-20210612-1736.zip I removed the cache drive from array, started then readded it and now it saying unmountable no pool uuid I reformatted my cache and restored my appdata from backup and resolved the issues. Some of the apps are wonky but seems to have worked on the most important ones. Gotta redo plex and couchpotato.
  7. Updated from 6.8.3 to 6.9.2 and all my docker settings are wiped out. Everything looks like it's been reinitialized. I've looked and not seeing this unless i'm missing something obvious. Need help!
  8. I've been having sporadic networking problems with my streams from my unraid server. Attached is the diagnostics file. I've noticed in viewing the netdata information that the disk read/write gets really high when it occurs (basically just buffers and makes viewing impossible). Most 720P & 1080P files I can see without problem. Some 4k works too but almost every huge file eventually becomes unwatchable. I'm using Intel xeon E5-2630L 2 Ghz rackamount server with 48 gigs of ram. I've a router AX88U that should be able to handle the traffic easily. Something in what the server is doing is disrupting the streams. Can anyone assist? tower-diagnostics-20191230-2114.zip
  9. I'm using the mysql setup for kodi where I'm synchronizing the watch lists in whichever area i view so it has to be one methodology. SMB works for all of them but its not flawless. Sometimes in ultra HD streams it will hiccup and stutter. NFS would never do that. I was looking into autofs to mount the shares as it seems that the difference between my synology box and unraid is that windows is recongnizing that synology is mounting a share automatically without having to map a drive like in unraid in windows. Ultimately i really need to get NFS working like it does on synology. Is there anything in my log that is wrong though?
  10. Hello? Getting NFS setup and working viewable is crucial part of the whole server. Can someone help? Added diagnostics file tower-diagnostics-20190805-1757.zip
  11. Having a problem with configuring unraid NFS sharing. As other threads have instructed I've inclued my exportfs output oot@Tower:/etc# exportfs -v /mnt/user/Media <world>(rw,async,wdelay,hide,no_subtree_check,fsid=103,anonuid=99,anongid=100,sec=sys,insecure,root_squash,all_squash) /mnt/user/appdata <world>(rw,async,wdelay,hide,no_subtree_check,fsid=105,anonuid=99,anongid=100,sec=sys,insecure,root_squash,all_squash) /mnt/user/domains <world>(rw,async,wdelay,hide,no_subtree_check,fsid=106,anonuid=99,anongid=100,sec=sys,insecure,root_squash,all_squash) /mnt/user/isos <world>(rw,async,wdelay,hide,no_subtree_check,fsid=107,anonuid=99,anongid=100,sec=sys,insecure,root_squash,all_squash) /mnt/user/system <world>(rw,async,wdelay,hide,no_subtree_check,fsid=108,anonuid=99,anongid=100,sec=sys,insecure,root_squash,all_squash) This same exportfs -v works from my synology server /volume1/video 192.168.1.*(rw,async,crossmnt,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure_locks,anonuid=1025,anongid=100,sec=sys,rw,no_root_squash,no_all_squash) /volume1/photo <world>(rw,async,crossmnt,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure_locks,anonuid=1025,anongid=100,sec=sys,rw,no_root_squash,no_all_squash) I'm able to see the synology server on windows 10 pro and windows 10 home machines in kodi installs but the unraid shares can only be accessed from windows 10 pro i can go into the folder.. but it still won't show up upon browsing to the NFS share. its really strange. I'm at my wits end trying to configure this and after years of it working fine it decided to not work 2 days ago. I'm thinking of just switching everything to samba but i use windows machines & firetvs with kodi to access everything and wanted to use NFS because of how streamlined it is in comparison. Was wondering if the routing table that was strangly setup had anything to do with it? Routing Table PROTOCOLROUTEGATEWAYMETRICDELETE IPv4default192.168.1.1 via br0213 IPv4172.17.0.0/16docker01 IPv4172.18.0.0/16br-d6382c11b1161 IPv4192.168.1.0/24br01 IPv6::1lo256 Not sure why anything past the first protocol is needed at all. Can someone help?
  12. My install has ZM keep going into stopped state with the process still running. Was looking at monit to get it to restart automatically. Frustrating. Anyone have advice?
  13. Yes I have sabnzbd, sonarr working. As well as these others: Application Version Port Mappings (App to Host) Volume Mappings (App to Host) Autostart Log Apache-PHP-Adminer up-to-date 443/tcp 80/tcp /logs /mnt/user/appdata/apache/logs/ /config /mnt/user/appdata/Apache-PHP-Adminer /web /mnt/user/appdata/apache/www/ /web/adminer /mnt/user/appdata/apache/www/adminer/ OFF CrashPlan up-to-date /config /mnt/user/appdata/CrashPlan /mnt/user /mnt/user /backup /mnt/user/Backup/ /unassigned /mnt/disks/ OFF glances up-to-date /mnt /mnt /var/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock ON hydra up-to-date 5075/tcp /config /mnt/user/appdata/hydra /downloads /mnt/user/appdata/Downloads/complete/ ON kodi-headless up-to-date 8080/tcp 9777/udp /config/.kodi /mnt/cache/appdata/kodi ON mariadb up-to-date 3306/tcp /config /mnt/user/appdata/mariadb ON muximux up-to-date 80/tcp /config /mnt/user/appdata/muximux ON radarr up-to-date 7878/tcp /movies /mnt/user/Media/Movie/ /config /mnt/cache/appdata/radarr /downloads /downloads/ OFF sabnzbd up-to-date 8080/tcp 9090/tcp /downloads /mnt/user/appdata/Downloads/ /incomplete-downloads /mnt/user/appdata/Downloads/incomplete/ /config /mnt/user/appdata ON sonarr up-to-date 8989/tcp /dev/rtc /dev/rtc /tv /mnt/user/Media/TV/ /downloads /mnt/user/appdata/Downloads/ /config /mnt/user/appdata/ OFF Docker Repositories
  14. Which volume? In Unraid? I can access unraid server from a windows PC the same as from my synology to the windows PC but synology > unraid isn't working. In Unraid I have the following: Only created Media with subfolders TV & Movies so far. appdata application data - - - Compute... 14.5 TB Backup Public - - Compute... 14.5 TB domains saved VM instances - - - Compute... 14.5 TB isos ISO images - - - Compute... 14.5 TB Media Media Library User Share Public Public - Compute... 14.5 TB system system data - - - Compute... 14.5 TB
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