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Report Comments posted by SelfSD

  1. Reading this post from last year it says that in Unraid 6.9, you have to bind the PCI device to vfio-pci which will hide it form Unraid. If you could even manage to do that with the safe guard quoted below, wouldn't it already break the array and show missing disks even if you don't mount it to a virtual machine?




    If a device is being used by Unraid (such as a USB controller, disk controller, etc) then the web interface will prevent you from selecting it.


  2. What is the mount point for new disk pools and is the cache pool still be at /mnt/cache/?


    I'm following @Squid's Docker FAQ advice by having docker config directories pointed at /mnt/cache/appdata/ instead of /mnt/user/appdata/ and I would like not to screw up my server and containers by having everything pointing to an invalid mount point.

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