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About Rich

  • Birthday May 7


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  1. After 10 hours of troubleshooting post upgrading my server, this was the solution i needed. Thank you so much for posting, you've allowed me a good nights sleep after a crappy day.
  2. Did anyone get to the bottom of this? I’m shopping around for a CPU upgrade and had my eye on a 13700.
  3. Understood. So DNS isn't passed through to br1, br1 simply uses the same DNS address that br0 has been set to. Assuming i've understood things correctly, i just need to add a firewall rule to allow my br1 network access to the DNS IP on br1. Thanks for your help.
  4. That's what i had gathered from reading different posts; DNS is effectively passed-through / inherited from system level and not configured locally (eth1). But why isn't is working in this case?
  5. If i run, docker network ls and then, docker network inspect xxxxxx on the bridge, none of the eth1 dockers appear in the list. Assuming this is why the dockers aren't getting DNS?
  6. Ok, so i can now ping the gateway and from the docker console connected to the NIC. What isn't working is pinging an address, e.g. google.com, which points towards a DNS problem. Is that likely, as i'd read that eth1 should use the DNS settings from eth0?
  7. For clarity, what i am trying to do it add a NIC to the server, set it up as eth1 and then set 5ish dockers to use br1 so they can use the NIC to access a separate network and get internet access via the that network / eth1/br1. Is that actually possible? The settings i have currently are as pictured. From the Docker console, for a docker on eth0/br0 i can ping it's gateway and For a docker on eth1/br1, with the pictured settings, i cannot ping it's gateway but can ping Really appreciate any help provided.
  8. Tried again with and without a gateway for eth1 and still no luck. What am I missing?
  9. Thanks for the reply. I'm confused at why other posts say the gateway should be empty? Also i have a UDM Pro setup with multiple subnets, the two in question are visible in the screenshots above. I started with the gateway populated and still no internet access for the dockers. I have triple tested that a laptop on the new subnet can access the internet, which it can, so it doesn't appear to be an issue with UDM Pro network settings.
  10. I've just added a (working) NIC to my server to function at eth1, however after setting up and installing dockers on br1 i realised nothing on the network has internet access. I can ping from outside the network inward and from inside the network to other local IPs, however i am not able to get access out of the network. After a quick google i found results saying i needed to keep the gateway for eth1 blank in network settings, which i thin did, however no luck with outward access. Settings are as below. Would really appreciate some pointers here as i've been at this for hours with no luck. Thanks.
  11. Hi there, is it possible to add netcat to the nerdtools plugin, please?
  12. Is anyone able to help me out here, please?
  13. It doesn’t appear in nerdtools, that’s why I’m installing it via the extra folder, on boot.
  14. Would really appreciate some help with this one, please.
  15. Would appreciate some help with this one: I have a bash script that runs, via User Scripts, each time the array is started to turn on a TP-Link smart plug. To get the script working i had to install the netcat pkg, which is now done automatically by placing the txz in flash/extra/. All worked well, however at some point over the last few weeks, the script stopped running and when i manually test i now get this error, nc: error while loading shared libraries: libmd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I have seen a previous post HERE where a similar issue was fixed, but my understanding of Linux isn't good enough to be able to adapt the fix, if possible? Can anyone give me some pointers? Thank you.
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