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Everything posted by Josh.5

  1. If that is the case, then perhaps test it using the 3 official lancache containers separately rather than this one. That would prove once and for all that it is a fault with the lancache-bundle image.
  2. Logs are @ /configs . It's should say in there some details about the scan. Try enabling debugging also
  3. Can't see why it wouldn't work. Sounds like a very cool idea using syncthing
  4. This is more of a docker thing than an nginx thing. The beauty of docker is that you can shutdown this lancache-bundle container on unraid, create a tarball of your whole cache directory, then extract that archive on the Synology NAS wherever you are going to bind to the lancache-bundle container. If you do this, then as soon as you run the lancache-bundle container on the Synology NAS, it will see those cached files exactly the same as if it were being run on unraid. This is what docker is for, an agnostic wrapper around processes so that they run the same way in the same environment no matter where they are deployed.
  5. How did you lose your data? did you point your /tmp/unmanic directory to your ****/TVShows/ directory or something? NVM. A second read of your other post and I understand what you did. I'll push an update that will only recursively clear out sub-folders starting with "unmanic_file_conversion-****" so that if anyone misunderstands the meaning of directories created in "/tmp" and mounts that folder to data they want to keep, it wont delete it. The link you posted for heelphan's issue seems to not be related to this tho.
  6. The cache directory is where unmanic temporarily stores files as they are reencoded. This is cleared when the container starts. So as to no leave tmp files lying around from unfinished jobs
  7. For the apple caching, you will need to make a request at https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains/
  8. Ha! My local internet download speed tops out at ~3MB/s. All you superior people with your fast internet.[emoji23] The reason I set this up was because I get massive speed boosts on the second PC downloading the cached files. 20MB/s us lightning fast for me [emoji1]
  9. I thought the part HTTP/1.1" 200 959280 "-" "Valve/Steam HTTP Client 1.0" - - [28/Feb/2020:22:33:35 +0100] "GET /depot/239145/chunk/a9b9fd989145495a72c6beb7817d5071a98de418 Was fetching the cached data?
  10. At a glance it looks like it's working fine....
  11. Yes. That bug is now squashed. Give it another try now. Follow the instructions I wrote previously to clear out the old data and view the logs to see it in action. I've taken logs out of docker logging for now as it was annoying to view in unraids web popup. Its my intent to make a variable that can be set to switch the logging to docker logs on/off....
  12. Open a terminal on unraid. Run : tail -fn1 /mnt/user/appdata/lancache-bundle/log/*/*.log
  13. I've pushed a fix for this. The error shows that on the first run of the container, the log files inside the /var/log/nginx directory do not exist. I've amended that script to chown the directory instead. thanks @nadbmal for finding a quick workaround
  14. I've pushed a decent update to the lancache-bundle which should now fix most of the issues that people were having. However, you will need to update the template a bit. Either make these changes yourself: Add the Nginx Logs volume. Modify the "data:" volume to point internally to `/data/cache` (The container will not work without this modification) ...or remove the container and start fresh from the template found here: https://github.com/Josh5/unraid-docker-templates Before you start the container, you will also need to clear out the logs directory: $ rm -r /mnt/user/appdata/lancache-bundle/log This is important if you ever want to see your logs... Finally, once you do have it running and would like to see if it is working, open a terminal on your Unraid server and run: tail -fn1 /mnt/user/appdata/lancache-bundle/log/*/*.log The update is kinda large. But it will help a lot with maintaining it in-line with the lancache project. This basically basses off the current lancachenet/monolithic:latest image and adds in the lancachenet/lancache-dns and lancachenet/sniproxy projects with a small amount of tweaking. This is opposed to how it was before running off my alpine base which was a considerable amount smaller, but required that I actively maintain most of the parts of the lancache-bundle image myself. So this should be much better I'm testing it out tonight. So far so good... Let me know if there are any more issues.
  15. Give me a few hours and I will push this update... Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
  16. Oh... Mkay. Thanks for Steamcache bundle. It was definitely the inspiration for this. I'm hoping to push an update to fix some issues this week. Glad others are finding it useful. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
  17. Yea. Pgs subs are images, not text. They cannot be converted to txt. Your problem is you are trying to remux it into another container (mkv) which does not support pgs subs codec for subtles. You can select the option in settings to remove subtle streams. That should resolve your problem. But you will then need to also download your subtitles separately after the conversion if you still want them. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
  18. FFMPEG log recording is only enabled if you turn on debugging. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk
  19. Just thought I'd write a quick update. I was expecting to have HW encoding sorted by end of October, but now that we are getting into the warmer months I'm using all my free time to carry out some much needed maintenance on my house. I probably will not get back to working on Unmanic until February/March. If you find issues, feel free to put them on GitHub, I will get around to it eventually. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas (or whatever other holidays you celebrate at this time of year) and thanks for using Unmanic. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk
  20. There will be an FFMPEG command also in your unmanic logs. That would be the best place to start. After that it would be a case of finding out what FFMPEG limitations exist for h265 and the command that Unmanic generated. How big is the file? Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk
  21. FFMPEG logs are not saved unless debugging is enabled. They add an unnecessary weight to the database for everyday use. It is possible that in the future when history is able to be cleared etc, the FFMPEG logging will be on all the time. But for now as there is no simple way to reduce the history log, this is a debugging only feature. If you are seeing issues with files failing to convert, I'd recommend that the first course of action is to enable debugging. This will then show you the FFMPEG logs and also other key logs from Unmanic and will greatly help with determining the cause of the failure. I'd be willing to bet you have an issue with subtitles as that is the common problem most people have with Unmanic at this stage. Flick on debugging and take a look... Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk
  22. Feature requests are welcome. You should raise an issue for it on GitHub. Issues posted here in the forum are easy to lose track of and forget about. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk
  23. I have merged and published the next release. See here for a change log: https://github.com/Josh5/unmanic/releases/tag/v0.0.1-beta7 If you are having issues with conversions, you will now have the ability to flick on debugging in your settings which will also enable saving of the whole FFMPEG command STDOUT log. This does log a fair amount, so do not just leave debugging on unnecessarily. By doing this, you will then have visibility of the issue that is preventing FFMPEG from succeeding via the history screen's Conversion Details section (See screenshot below). Note: If you have errors with the application not starting after this update (as I imagine that some of you will) it is because you have jobs in your history that are too old to migrate to the new database. That is unfortunately too bad as I did not wish to spend too much effort making sure everyone's history was migrated (as that would require quite a bit of testing). If you see an error like in the screenshot below, then run these commands: cd /mnt/user/appdata/unmanic/.unmanic/config/ mkdir tmp mv history.json ./tmp/ mv completed_job_details ./tmp/ or just delete it if you do not wish any sort of backup of your history.... cd /mnt/user/appdata/unmanic/.unmanic/config/ mkdir tmp rm ./history.json ./completed_job_details Once you have done this, restarting Unmainc will work fine. All your settings will be intact with a fresh history log. Sorry for the inconvenience on this. I really am trying to push forward with finishing all these breaking feature adds prior to a full release hopefully before the end of this month.
  24. Feature requests are welcome. You should raise an issue for it on GitHub. Issues posted here in the forum are easy to lose track of and forget about. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk
  25. Yes. Unmanic will just copy the stereo AAC streams from the source file to the destination file without re-encoding. Your subtitle issue is likely due to the subtitle codec of the source being image based. Unmanic can only handle text based subtitles at this time. Image based ones will cause an error with the FFMPEG command. I have created a feature request on GitHub for modifying the application's behaviour in dealing with these image based subtitle codecs: https://github.com/Josh5/unmanic/issues/74
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