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Everything posted by sentein

  1. I used Gparted on a linux mint system to format the drive to NTFS. Just did it again and it mounts properly into Linux Mint but throws an error for no file system still.
  2. I gparted the entire hdd to NTFS in linux mint. I will try it again. Maybe i need to delete the partition table as well and start from scratch. When i formatted the disk in a windows machine the only option i had was to format it into xfs or the other supported file system. Other than the file system does the script look like it should work?
  3. For whatever reason i cannot get the backup script to work not matter how i go about it. The latest format of the drive has left me with the attached. I cannot Mount or unmount at all. I have restarted the server and tossed the drive back in fresh. It does this on a fresh reboot so i have no idea what i messed up. I realize i have been at this for too long but is there anything i can do to get this working. I need to get this over to a friends house tomorrow and i feel like i hit a road block. When i put the HDD in UD sees the drive but nothing from the script actually happens. I have attached the latest script in a TXT file to this. I am using a direct SATA connection through a Hot Swap Bay to the motherboard. What am i missing? anyone at all, i am at my wits end. Backup Script.txt
  4. Right now i have a 60TB array with 2 xeon 2650v2 256gb of ram and with a plex docker using an P600 for transcoding. I have a few other dockers running but that is the only one with any real hardware associated with it. I am using the Nvidia plugin on version 6.9.2. With all that out of the way, i am attempting to use either a Tesla M40 or a Tesla K80 passed through to a VM as a second GPU. The main idea behind this is i want all of my rendering horse power on the server so i can design in fusion 360 or use blender from almost any machine i own. I would like to use the original VNC as the base GPU so i can have easy access to the VM anywhere in the house. As of right now i have tried to set the Tesla M40 up as the second GPU in the VM but Windows does not see the hardware at all. I do not have a Vbios for it either. I have also tried to use the card as just a PCIE device but unraid will not let me pass it through that way. I would rather not setup a second machine if i can help it. Is there something i can do to get either of these cards to pass through correctly? I have enough system resources to choke a horse on my server i would rather keep it in one box.
  5. Are SSDs really a good option for cache drives? I have 2 positions in my new case that i was thinking about tossing cache drives in. I am split between 2 500GB SSD or 2 1tb SATA drives. I would like the speed of an SSD but i am unsure of how fast they might burn out. Also has the mover improved in the recent years? I ask because i have no cache right now and that was directly related to the problems i was having with the mover.
  6. Just to pic your brain a bit. Would you know of a write up or similar for this "Fastest way is if you can copy multiple disk to disk sessions with rsync or something similar"? That sounds like exactly what i need. Also i did see in a post a little earlier that active cable limit for 10gb was 33'. Was this limit for, as an example passive copper SFP+ cables or would fiber OM3 & OM5 also be limited to this length? I have a new 30m OM3 cable here and would like to know before i run it.
  7. What is going to be the fastest way to copy data between 2 unraid boxes? I am using 2 10gb Nic, one in each system. Should i direct connect the 2 systems and use rsync to get the data copied the quickest? I have tried using a switch with a windows and a linux machine doing the heavy lifting but the performance is horrible and apparently my memory fills up and stops the transfer. Could i throw a 8TB drive in as cache to speed up transfers at all? Then remove the 8tb drive after the transfer is complete, the disks on the system will be static after the transfer. Any thoughts would be helpful.
  8. I have no cache drive. on initial install i tried to run one but it never worked correctly.
  9. I probably screwed up your trouble shooting effort. I tried a reboot and got this. VVVVVV . Should i start up the metadata refresh and see if i can get it to crash again or just hesitantly update unraid? last time i tried to stay with the best version of unraid it crippled my system.
  10. Sorry had to make an emergency run to the vet. Attached is the requested Diagnostic zip. i really hope it is just a crash. If it is not would it hurt anything to reboot it?
  11. My server had been up for 18months with no issues. I updated all of my dockers this morning which seemed to go fine. then after starting plex i had it refresh all the meta data. that was going to take forever so i dozed off. i woke up an hour later to not being able to access any of my network shares. Checked my dockers and those were either not loading or said they were empty. Is there some way to figure out what happened here? Unraid is acting like my user directory has been deleted. If i were manually looking for this directory where would i find it? Just trying to salvage this. Would updating unraid to a newer version help at all?
  12. Pretty bad when my server has epic fail right in the log file. Where can i find my database so i can try to recover it? output: [Error] MigrationLogger: System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x80004005): database disk image is malformed 2021-04-19 01:35:16,590 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output: 2021-04-19 01:35:16,612 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output: [Fatal] ConsoleApp: EPIC FAIL! [v3.0.6.1196] NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.CorruptDatabaseException:
  13. Good to know. When running i was running parity i did not receive any notifications of errors. Thank you very much sir.
  14. Yeah i received a notification of 2 read errors. and parity was in sync before all of this. I have a drive ready to replace it when i get home. I have already used a VPN and shutdown the array which will hopefully stop anything else from happening.
  15. I have a drive that just failed, well it did fail " offline uncorrectable returned to normal value". Either way i am replacing it as i have a read error when it was uncorrectable. I did a parity check 4 days ago. If i take the array offline right now throw a new drive in ad rebuild from parity will that error follow the rebuild?
  16. No i have not. If you can, could you please link it? So if anyone has this issue again it shows up on their radar? Thank you very much. This will come in handy as well.
  17. Hot Dang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This got both servers working. You guys are all amazing. I know this was not a pfSense forum so i am sorry for the stupid question. There was only so much i was willing to try by reading and breaking it. Thank you guys so much!!!!
  18. Yes it is. Sorry i should have made that more clear.
  19. I have tested both servers and the Configs on both seem to not seem too make a difference.
  20. Using Terminal i am still unable to Ping Github.com in unraid. and all the problems stated in the first post still seem to be there. But with your help pfsense can at least see github.com so it is a step in the right direction.
  21. Results look Promising PING github.com ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=53 time=27.433 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=28.330 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=28.046 ms --- github.com ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 27.433/27.936/28.330/0.374 ms
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