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Everything posted by fanningert

  1. I don' know what you have in your /config/nginx/proxy.conf. But the easy way is to remove this line. Caddy is much easier and I like it. I will create a docker for proxy feature.
  2. @Ezro I think the problem is the reverse proxy settings. (I personaly use caddy a reverse proxy and lets encrypt webserver). Change your reverse proxy setting to... location /gitea { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; } Regards Thomas
  3. @Ezro go to the app directory of gitea (/appdata/gitea/gitea/conf) and open the app.ini. Change following values to your domain URL. [server] SSH_DOMAIN = DOMAIN = ROOT_URL = I would like to prefer to make a sub domain for GITEA, but when you like to run GITEA as sub directory, here the changes in the app.ini. (not tested) [server] SSH_DOMAIN = DOMAIN = ROOT_URL = Regards Thomas
  4. Hi, I created a new docker container on my template repository. Everythink is working fine. The only think is that "Community application" can not find the version. I think the problem is that I am using not the latest tag. <Repository>coderaiser/cloudcmd:latest-alpine</Repository> Support-Thread: Link Template on GitHub: Link Regards Thomas
  5. Application Name: Cloud Commander Application Site: Docker Hub: Github: Template-Repository: Description: Cloud Commander is an orthodox web file manager with console and editor.
  6. @Taddeusz This option is active (Sorry is a German screenshot) and it was possible for me to connect to the machine. But from today something might be changed (Windows update)? It is also possible for me to connect from my laptop via remmina rdp client to connect to the virtual machine (Windows 10). But via guacamole docker image it is not possible for me. But on the other hand, it is possible to connect to a windows 7 virtual machine. EDIT: Ok I found the solution. The problem is that currently I get a certificate error at the login. When I now activate the option to ignore the certificate the connection is working. Thanks for your help.
  7. I have the same problem here. It's started today. I also was not possible for me to ping the Windows 10 PRO server. Looks like Microsoft updated the firewall with an update. I activated the firewall for the private zone the PING ipv4 and ipv6 feature and PING is working now. I also checked the RDP section and everything looks correct. I am also possible for me to connect with remmina from my linux desktop on the windows 10 pro desktop. But like I wrote in the first sentence, from today I am not possible to login on the windows 10 pro desktop (I don't changed a guacamole settings). I also test to deactivate the firewall. Nothing changed (I am not possible to login). I found this issue on guacamole. Could it be that the docker of guacamole can not connect the vm server? Extra info: The RDP to my Windows 7 desktop (also a vm) is working
  8. @robw83 The solution is in my first post of this thread. But you are right, in the package documentation, this step is missing. I will add it. Thanks for the information. The only step you need to do is configure the RPC setting in the connection section (Settings -> Connection Settings) of the webui and enter the host, port and your SECRET. When I find a solution, I will let change this settings over the docker settings.
  9. Sorry, I am currently working on a working release. When everything is working, then today I release a working version. EDIT: I changed the docker source to the offical repository and now it is working.
  10. Application Name: Gitea: Git with a cup of tea Application Site: Docker Hub: Github: Template-Repository: EDIT: Current master of gitea is not working. I am working on a version with the current stable 1.1.4 release.
  11. Have fun with it. -> Thread Aria2 + WebUI Currently the docker container is not in the community apps (I am not long enough active in this forum). But you can add the template URL to your docker page and create a docker with template. It is now part of the community applications.
  12. This are now three docker container. aria2-daemon = Only the Aria2 daemon aria2webui = Aria2 daemon and webui-aria2 aria2-with-ariang = Aria2 daemon and AriaNG Application Name: Aria2 Daemon Only Docker Container: aria2-daemon Application Site: Docker Hub: Github: Template-Repository: Application Name: Aria2 + WebUI Docker Container: aria2webui Application Site: + Docker Hub: Github: Template-Repository: Configuration after installation: After the first start you need to add your HOST, RPC-Port and SECRET code in the connection settings of the webUI (Settings -> Connection Settings). Application Name: Aria2 + AriaNg Docker Container: aria2-with-ariang Application Site: + Docker Hub: Github: Template-Repository: Configuration after installation: After the first start you need to add your HOST, RPC-Port and SECRET code in the connection settings of the AriaNg (AriaNg Settings -> RPC). Features of all three docker containers single files for every hook of aria2, add there you can add your custom code. (,,, ...) Many aria2 options are added to the unRaid docker settings page. You can add aria2 options into the file aria2_ext.conf, it will be append to the aria2.conf on the next start. But check first if the option is not already accessible over unRaid docker ui. Add a simple script to download all torrents of a rss feed. Simple add your rss feed urls (one url per line) into the file "rss_feed.txt" (Location config directory). And execute the script /config/ in the docker container. Beware currently the script download every torrent of the file and add it to the aria2 queue. There is no check if the torrent already loaded. Hints When you change the secret code, you need to change the secret also in the webui. TODO Execute on startup of the docker, plus option to deactivate this feature.