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Report Comments posted by CIA

  1. I'm running 6.10.RC2... And while I've lived with this being the norm even when running 6.9.2, I decided to ivestigate...
    I run my unraid server behind pfsense with HAProxy & Letencrypt so this allows me to run unraid as a sub domain with a FQDN and Cert... unraid is not accessible from the WAN without VPN due to a ACL rule.
    I too can't use the webtermianl for any length of time due to it refreshing, I had a similuar issue with Home Assistant.

    Adding this to Home Assistants Backend within HAProxy resolved the refreshing issue.



    And as an extra step, while reading this thread @Mgutt gave me in idea


    GET ws://tower:5000/webterminal/ws HTTP/1.1


    May need to add a 2nd backend to resolve the ws connection.

    You can find similuar uses of this if you run vaultwarden with websocket true...


    I'll set mine up and report back results.

  2. I never had this behaviour before moving to 6.10.RC2... ?


    I assign IPs to every docker, so ports don't matter to me I always remove them.

    If an update ever came with new variable/change it would have to be set by a user... that user should be checking anyway.


    So I'd rather the docker break... and have me check why than it setting something that would break multiple dockers.

    Example if my MySQL docker goes down.. 10 other dockers fail.

    I personally don't allow automatic updates, this way I can micro manage any docker changes.


    It's not happening during docker update, it's happening during the docker check for update... the update only sets the change.


    Example docker is set to check 4 times a day which changes the template (restarts are fine) but then the backup plugin turns docker off... backups then turns it on... docker is now bricked.


    FCP part I understood... don't mind it... what I'd like to see though is a more toggleable interface for FCP so I can refine what Fixes that I'd like to see... Every user has their strengths and weaknesses I understand you're trying to cater to everyone. Maybe adding the link to the Github or authors page also... so user can check enviroment variable changes.


    Again, my main concern was the template being changed I only added FCP too cause it gave a false negative about the template.

  3. Ok, I'll try that, but it's still just a work around...



    template being altered without user permission... and

    FCP plugin should not be telling you that the template doesn't match... dosn't match because my template is going to be different, I may have a more complex setup than everyone else... you can't add every enviroment variable to the template... well you could but it would look insane... I'd rather just use docker compose.