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  1. I know this thread is positively ancient, but I'm one of the apparently rare few still running this plugin on both my Unraid boxes running v6.11...and just testing it again now due to all the people saying it "doesn't quite work" low and behold modifying a single one of the bait files locked up my entire array, exactly as expected. So as yet another person who really, really appreciated this plugin and was super bummed to see it go - was it ever explained what exactly "doesn't quite work right" with newer versions of Unraid? I realize it's a reactive defense more so than proactive, but more than that it's a very realistic layer in a defense 'stack' so it's unfortunate seeing it gone. Thanks!
  2. Just came here to say thank you so much for this. I was seeing this exact same issue recently, only to the tune of 4-600Mbps crushing my bandwidth. Sure enough this fixed it. Thank you!
  3. Another +1 I'd love to see this. Especially in light of the new easy remote access setup this would be slick!
  4. Twitter handle @DavidOhlin, followed Unraid there! Thanks for doing this!!
  5. For what it's worth, here is the version of the script that @zandrsn mentioned that I heavily modified for use with Nut...this is working to pull what I wanted to pull from my USB-connected Liebert GXT3 UPS. Also I'm terrible with this kind of stuff, so this took me several hours last night and there's probably stuff that could be improved LOL but if anyone else can get use out of it then I figure I might as well post it here to share! #!/usr/bin/php <?php $command = "upsc"; $args = "ups"; $tagsArray = array( "battery.charge", "device.model", "ups.status" ); //do system call $call = $command." ".$args; $output = shell_exec($call); //parse output for tag and value foreach ($tagsArray as $tag) { preg_match("/".$tag."\s*:\s*([\w|\s|\.|\/]+)\n/si", $output, $matches); //send measurement, tag and value to influx #print("$matches[1],$tag"); sendDB($matches[1], $tag); } //end system call //send to influxdb function sendDB($val, $tagname) { $curl = "curl -i -XPOST 'http://[influxdb_ip]:8086/write?db=nut' --data-binary 'ups,host=tower,region=us-west $tagname=\"$val\"'"; $excsr = exec($curl); } ?>