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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Either your IP is incorrect, or you have port forwarding issues. Also, you really don't need to create multiple domains on duckdns. Create one, use that as the url here, and everything else will be a sub-subdomain. For example, you register mycustom as your duckdns subdomain, so you'll put "mycustom.duckdns.org" into url, and put "nextcloud,sonarr,sabnzbd" into subdomains and your services will be accessible at "nextcloud.mycustom.duckdns.org". See here to troubleshoot the port/IP issue: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/07/10/troubleshooting-letsencrypt-image-port-mapping-and-forwarding/
  2. You said you followed the linuxserver troubleshooting guide. So what happened? Did you do the test?
  3. Roxedus already answered you there. It's a macvlan issue. You have some containers on macvlan, and they can't access the host or any service running on the host. That's a docker security feature.
  4. Edit the default site config, create 3 server blocks, one for each site, and set their server names and root directives accordingly. You can create folders "/config/www-domain1", "/config/www-domain2", etc. This is just basic nginx config. There are plenty of guides online.
  5. My calibre image is deprecated. Use the linuxserver one
  6. Maxmind already provides a script that you can run via cron on the host. Luajit alert is an upstream issue with the luajit nginx module on alpine. It's harmless, just an alert.
  7. I have been doing all my linuxserver.io development through this image for a while. I work on dozens of git repos and it works just fine. Make sure the config folder is on a /mnt/cache or /mnt/diskX location. Fuse on unraid may cause issues
  8. When you put up the nginx container, are you trying the http endpoint? From outside of the lan?
  9. That sounds like a plex issue. You should ask them on their forums
  10. Only worry about the last line. The others are system ones and are used for things like logrotate. 4) yes
  11. I don't think anyone on the team has ipv6 resources/capability, so no, we don't have any plans since we can't even test anything.
  12. 1) fully automated 2) daily 3) sure, edit the crontabs/root file in the config folder and restart the container PS. If you do dns or duckdns validation, you don't need to keep any ports open or forwarded as they are not used for validation
  13. https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/04/25/letsencrypt-nginx-starter-guide/ And https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/07/10/troubleshooting-letsencrypt-image-port-mapping-and-forwarding/
  14. Edit the default site config and modify the location block for "/" For unraid, you can copy and modify an existing proxy conf with unraid values
  15. Educated guess. You didn't set the option in docker settings for "not deleting custom networks" so on server reboot, unraid is deleting your custom network.
  16. Is this a new container or an update of an existing install? Check the openvpn logs in the config folder and it should tell you what the issue is Also try using /mnt/cache endpoint for the config folder instead of /mnt/user
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