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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. The services would be at different ports. Port 80 would go to the letsencrypt container. Based on the address, subdomain.yourdomain.com or yourdomain.com/yourapp the requests would be forwarded to those services. This thread has a ton of info on that. I suggest starting with Googling nginx reverse proxy to get the general idea, then read through this thread to figure out how to configure it
  2. I think the way they handle database changes is not optimal. The app itself should update the database (through proper versioning), not the installer. What if someone were to restore an older database that was backed up a few versions ago, do they have to install that old version and update through the installer?
  3. You don't need privileged mode. For intel, follow the instructions in this thread about fixing permissions, then you enable the setting in plex gui. On unraid, you can't use non intel gpus for hw transcoding in docker because the necessary drivers for them are not loaded. You can, however, pass them through to a VM and do hw transcoding in plex in a VM. You can load the drivers that way.
  4. Why would you do that? It wouldn't even be able to download any metadata or artwork, well, it wouldn't even be able to identify the media
  5. I don't see anything wrong with the container settings. Likely a dns setting issue. Both containers use the same exact method to validate
  6. If you go to on lan, it connects fine? Nothing jumps out at me in the site config. You should check the nginx logs in the config folder to see what's going on
  7. You can start by posting your site config. And then provide more concrete info such as what address you're trying to access, domain or ip. Also clarify whether it's timing out every time, which would mean no access as opposed to slow loading. Also try each case through lan and wan to make sure it's not a dns loopback issue. There are too many possibilities and not enough info to diagnose.
  8. I did do just that to test and got our plex container to do hw encode with nvidia But plex doesn't support hw decode on nvidia just yet
  9. Yup, my first guess would have been a weird character in the domain name, but yeah capital letters would do that. In linux, everything is case sensitive. In urls, I recommend keeping everything as lowercase
  10. What you're seeing, /config/keys/letsencrypt is just a symlink. The folder it points to doesn't exist. Both of your screenshots are partial and I can't see the important info so can't help you with what's going on there
  11. Try changing the config location to a /mnt/cache or /mnt/disk I suspect it might be a symlink related issue
  12. What are you encoding from and to? I just tested a stream and it looked pretty good. Guardians of the galaxy 2 10+mbps 1080p hw transcoded to 4mbps 720p on a G4600 (hd630) kaby lake. I noticed that sometimes when I first start a stream, it looks like a 240p YouTube stream for about 30-60 sec and then it magically fixes itself.
  13. Figured out the logrotate issue. It is a remnant from a permission issue from a very long time ago. I guess you have had that container for a long time. The problem is, the "log" folder and the folders underneath that are missing the "x" permission. You can either give them the execute permission or simply delete the log folder, restart the container and it will create new folders with the correct permissions.
  14. Wget issue is an alpine issue. I'm considering reporting it. It seems logrotate is also having issues. Not a clue why
  15. What about the allowed subnets above that? Does that list include the right subnets?
  16. Check out the vpn settings / routing and make sure you give access to the local network
  17. As long as unraid recognizes your usb device and loads the drivers, you can pass the device into the container through the container settings gui (select device under "Add another path, port or variable")
  18. I simply mounted the letsencrypt key folder in the emby container. No need to copy anything
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