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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Most likely a mapping issue. What settings did you use? Where is your config folder stored?
  2. Read the github or the docker hub page. It is all explained there
  3. You're missing the port forwarding on your router as sparklyballs wrote above. Validation requests from letsencrypt come to your router, but they need to be forwarded to your unraid's ip and the port you selected for letsencrypt
  4. It first tries to get the latest release's version number, and then inserts it into the url to get the link https://github.com/bwssytems/ha-bridge/releases/download/v4.5.6/ha-bridge-4.5.6.jar but in your case the first part failed and it got blank, hence the wrong url: https://github.com/bwssytems/ha-bridge/releases/download/v/ha-bridge-.jar You can place the jar file into the config folder, and then set the environment variable -e VERSION="4.5.6" That way it will find it locally and will use it until your connection issue is resolved. EDIT: To see what issue it's having, can you exec into the container with "docker exec -it Home-Automation-Bridge bash" and then run the following? curl -sX GET https://api.github.com/repos/bwssytems/ha-bridge/releases/latest | grep 'tag_name' | cut -d\" -f4 It should give you "v4.5.6"
  5. Nginx in this container already supports http2. Based on what you posted above, it seems one of your php files is referencing another, which doesn't exist. It's a user config problem, not a docker one. You need to make sure Request2.php exists and it is being referred to at the correct location
  6. Those are ubuntu commands. This container is based on alpine. I'm not sure what exactly you need but we don't support dev versions of nginx, only stable releases
  7. Still working here. Looks like you had a connection issue to github and the container could not figure out the latest version correctly
  8. Check to make sure the transcode folder selected has the right permissions. If it does, then it's a question for plex
  9. As far as I know, there is no easy solution for that problem and it is a very common issue for people using 192.268.1.x You would have to change one of the ip ranges
  10. The port has to be 443 inside the container and on the router (wan side) so in between those two, it can go through a different port (on unraid host) ie. 443 on the router forwarded to 444 on unraid, and the letsencrypt docker container maps 444to 443
  11. Your issue is likely due to your router not allowing nat loopback. Depending on what the router is, there are different solutions
  12. Could be your site config for nextcloud or could be browser cache. 301 is a permanent redirect.
  13. Unraid gui uses 443 so letsencrypt container cannot bind to it. You can disable unraid https in settings
  14. A comment would be great for now. Until I can figure out whether I can fix it or not. Thanks
  15. It doesn't sound like you read the instructions. Don't add users through command line. You don't delete the admin account, you disable it. Start over fresh, read the instructions on github or docker hub.
  16. I can confirm that the latest version of calibre doesn't work in this container. Since the baseimage it's using was coded by someone else, it may not be fixed. I'll look into it but no promises
  17. Set edge to 1, and watch the logs. Sometimes it takes a long time to download the updated calibre during which time there is no ui
  18. Did you change the nginx.conf to make it run as a daemon? That would be the reason. Set it to "daemon off;"
  19. What exactly are you doing? It seems like you're trying to start up a second instance of nginx
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