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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. They re-enabled it for some providers. It is unclear what the long term action will be. But we already have a PR on github to add the option of http validation through port 80
  2. Never heard of the server tokens one, but most of the rest are legit and fairly common security related settings. If you Google them you'll see tons of mentions. We didn't set those in the default config because some sites won't work with them.
  3. Thanks for the heads up. I forgot about that notice. @Squid ? Can the comment be removed? The issue is fixed upstream. Thanks
  4. Also keep in mind that plex only does hw encode on nvidia, not decode (silly omission of a flag in their ffmpeg build). I let them know about it a few times a long time ago but they dismissed it by saying they don't officially support nvidia. Plus, most consumer nvidia cards are limited to two simultaneous transcodes. Although I tested all sorts of hw transcode options, I'm still using sw transcode on my production server, which can handle at least 7 simultaneously. I'll probably consider switching to hw transcode only when hevc content becomes ubiquitous, because sw transcode won't cut it for that.
  5. This container only generates one cert, which covers all the domains and subdomains you select
  6. Looks like somebody didn't read the instructions. "Url" should be the top level you control. If you're using dynamic dns, your "url" will be "yoursubdomain.ddns.net" You do not control ddns.net and letsencrypt cannot validate it. That's the error. Once you fix your url, your subdomains then will allow your cert to cover www.yoursubdomain.ddns.net and such as well
  7. Feature request: Instead of one giant tarball, could this app use separate tarballs for each folder in appdata? That way it would be much easier to restore a specific app's data (manually) or even pull a specific file since most of them could be opened with untar guis. Plex is the major culprit with it gargantuan folder.
  8. Could be browser cache (301 redirect from an earlier try). Try in a different browser, or mobile and see if it works
  9. Plex only (officially) supports intel at the moment. For nvidia one can install the nvidia drivers on both the host and inside the plex container to make it work. However, you probably won't be able to install them on unraid.
  10. ?? He already has the cert generated for 2 domains. He just needs to separate the web files
  11. Put them somewhere in the config folder and set the root variable in the site config to point to it. One way is to have /config/www/site1 and /config/www/site2
  12. When you change ports, only change the host mapped ports, not the internal container ones. Then, in the nginx site config, you'll set it to listen on 80 and 443 still. If you're confused, read the docker faq and pay attention to the port mapping info
  13. Check the mapped paths in the container settings. /config inside the container is whatever you mapped it to on the host (I'm assuming /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt from your post) You can map additional paths
  14. Don't set only subdomains to true. Set the domain/url to bacnet.duckdns.org Did you reboot the router after you set the port forward? Maybe you have to
  15. It seems you have two issues: 1. Your url should be bacnet.duckdns.org not duckdns.org because you do not control duckdns.org 2. bacnet is not properly forwarded to your ip and/or container
  16. Certificates can contain multiple urls. Your browser is likely showing the first one listed. If you click on the details you'll see all of them. If the address didn't match, you wouldn't get the green padlock and would get a warning instead.
  17. My least favorite kind of troubleshooting. Well, whatever floats your boat
  18. I just updated mine to the latest and restarted, it's working fine
  19. In order to use physical devices in docker, the host has to load the drivers first. Unraid doesn't have usb webcam drivers. That's why for dvb tuners, community is compiling and distributing custom unraid kernels with dvb driver support
  20. Linuxserver site does not tell you to add users through command line. I repeat, do not add users through command line. Follow the steps in the original post. They're super simple.
  21. Does your domain name contain any weird characters? You can pm me if you don't want to post it publicly. I think a user had a similar issue that stemmed from the domain name being different (can't remember exactly how) that broke the scripts that create the folders
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