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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Also keep in mind that httpval is deprecated and replaced with "VALIDATION", which can be set to http or dns. So far it is still backwards compatible, but in the future, httpval support will get dropped
  2. DO status report: https://status.digitalocean.com/incidents/8sk3mbgp6jgl
  3. Are you sure there isn't something else running on port 81 on unraid? According to your log, letsencrypt servers cannot reach your container when they try to connect to your domain on port 80, which could be that your dns is not set up correctly, or duckdns is forwarding to the wrong ip, or your router is not forwarding to the correct lan ip or port, or your container is not listening on the right port. You can temporarily put up a regular nginx container (while letsencrypt container is down) with the same ports and try to connect to it through your domain on port 80 and see if you get the default placeholder page
  4. What do you mean by sub-domains activated and stuck? Did you forget to forward port 80 on your router?
  5. Digitalocean outage knocked out the droplet that hosts the feeds
  6. Glad to hear. Just so you know, in the nginx site config, you can define a default_server directive, one for each listening port and any request that doesn't match a specific server block will go to the defined default
  7. Plex is crashing on you. Check the plex media server log in the config folder. Likely a corrupted database, in which case you can restore from a backup (plex does automatic db backups). Or it could be permissions related. Either way, the log will tell you
  8. Did you check the logs in the ombi config folder? You should probably contact the ombi dev since it is app related.
  9. How should we know? We are not the authors of ombi. We just make the docker image. Also I don't know what you mean by adding your paypal link. No clue how you added it, so no ideas from me
  10. If you have your own domain name, get a free cloudflare account, point your nameservers from your domain name provider to cloudflare and set cloudflare to "dns only". Then in the config folder, edit the cloudflare.ini file and enter your email and global api key. DNS validation will take care of everything automatically. On cloudflare it is super easy to create new aliases for subdomains. Your cert can even cover all subdomains via a wildcard cert.
  11. You should have followed my directions above more closely. I specifically told you to use the https address. The default site config is only listening over port 443 (https). But there are instructions in there to enable listening on port 80. This image requires some knowledge on how to set up nginx. The container sets up the webserver and its environment, but the user has to customize the config files to serve their content.
  12. "If I run the following on the unRAID command line: tail -20 /var/log/nginx/error.log" That is not the log of this container's nginx. That is the unraid web interface's log. The container app logs are in your /config folder "According to the guide, I should be able to navigate to the letsencrypt installtion via server:81 and should see the following:" You need to visit https://yoursubdomain.duckdns.org to visit the interface since that is the address your cert covers. If your router blocks access to it from your lan due to nat loopback, try it from a cell phone over cellular connection to test. If you're still confused, you should post in the thread for the external guide.
  13. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that is hardcoded into the dns plugins. Not sure if the plugins provide any options to be entered into the cfg files. The documentation for certbot and the plugins is pretty awful. I had to go through the source code to figure out the wildcard options
  14. Perhaps there is a problem with the api info you entered. Not sure. You can try deleting that existing wrong txt record from your dns I use cloudflare, which is also free and supports wildcard
  15. None that I know of. I use split dns but either should be fine: https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Why_can't_I_access_forwarded_ports_on_my_WAN_IP_from_my_LAN/OPTx_networks
  16. Now with the default site config, go to https://yoursubdomain.duckdns.org on your mobile device on 4g/3g connection. But you need to clear your cache first because you had a 301 redirect before, which is cached permanently. Or do it on a new device if you can (or ask a friend to do it). You should get the default homepage. PS. Don't do 301 redirects unless you're sure you'll stick with it. Do a 302, it's a temporary redirect.
  17. I believe plex does auto backups of the db. The setting is under scheduled tasks
  18. Most browsers can show you cert details while visiting a site. On Chrome mobile, click on the lock next to https, hit details and then cert info
  19. Remove the server name directive from the block listening on port 80 so it will respond to any request. The return line in there is already set to redirect all http requests to their https counterpart
  20. Your server block is not listening on any port. Check the example in the default site config
  21. Your current cert is good until May 6th. You likely had an older cert that was never revoked, and it is about to expire. You probably just deleted the appdata folder. Nothing to worry about.
  22. Your problem is likely nat loopback Try it on your cell phone with a cell connection. If it works, it is nat loopback
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