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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/default#L4
  2. Just map 9090 to 8080 and 9091 or anything else to 9090
  3. Nope, no paths needed either. Just supply the subdomain and the token as environment variables and that's it
  4. No, the container doesn't need any ports mapped because there are no incoming connections to this container. You can just set networking mode to bridge and not map any ports
  5. ? Delugevpn uses its vpn tunnel for incoming connections. They don't come through the wan. Not sure how the host iptables would block that. It may be possible, but I'm not a networking guru
  6. I'm guessing because there are no ports mapped
  7. Plex keeps crashing. May be a corrupt database. Check the plex media server logs in the config folder
  8. Why ip? You need to set the A record for your domain name so it forwards to your home ip. Then this container will be able to validate the certs and only then nginx will start working and start responding to requests. Right now the webserver is down due to missing cert
  9. Again, please read the instructions. It literally says underneath that field that if you're using a dynamic dns address, the URL should be customsubdomain.domain.url so for you it would be test.duckdns.org and for SUBDOMAINS you can put nextcloud and anything else you like. Also uncheck subdomains only because you want the cert to cover the url as well. I'm not sure what the error was, but it could be due to inputting the subdomain like that.
  10. Your cert doesn't cover a "nextcloud" subdomain. In fact it doesn't cover any subdomains underneath the custom one you got from duckdns. You probably should have read the instructions in the container settings right underneath the url and subdomains fields
  11. You enabled hsts so Chrome refuses to connect unless the cert is valid. Post your logs and reverse proxy configs and we'll take a look.
  12. If you use a command in post arguments like that, the container executes that command and when the command exits, container shuts down That's a docker thing. Try mapping a file named 80-config into /etc/cont-init.d/ and in that file, put your apk add command ie. "-v /path/to/80-config:/etc/cont-init.d/80-config" equivalent in dockerman
  13. Go to https://yourdomain.com from your cell phone while on cell connection (wifi turned off). If you get the default homepage then you confirm port 443 is forwarded correctly. If not, is a port issue (or the ip on cloudflare is not correct)
  14. Why did you completely modify the preset proxy conf? They are supposed to work out of the box as long as you followed the readme in that folder Also, did you even confirm that letsencrypt cert generation worked successfully? I recommend doing all of those things step by step. Don't go from scratch to reverse proxying something at once. Also, post a log
  15. The page you linked to tells you what the default user pass are.
  16. @Heciruam I say it over and over again. Please read the instructions. It literally says underneath that field that if you're using a ddns, it should be set to customsubdomain.ddnsprovider.com If you're following a guide, please ask for help from the guide's author, and if you're following our instructions, please read them.
  17. Ctrl+alt+shft brings up a menu where you can use the clipboard
  18. Ok, I get it now. But how is cloudflare sketchy if you're only going to use it to set the A record to a local ip that will only work inside your lan? You don't have to move your domain anywhere. You just point your nameservers on your domain host to cloudflare's nameservers.
  19. Creating a custom network in command line, just four lines above: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/proxy-confs/_readme#L24 The preserve setting is under docker settings, advanced view (see screenshot). The rest is in container settings. It says "Then in each container setting, do one of the following:" so you need to look for that option in container settings, not docker settings. I recommend reading the entire document first, before attempting changes so you understand all the steps first.
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