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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. It's all explained in the docker image description on both github and docker hub
  2. Read the info at the top of the preset proxy conf. It tells you how to enter the domain url in plex settings so it is reachable via apps.plex.tv and in mobile apps
  3. Hi, We use custom networks (user defined bridge network) for docker containers for container to container direct connections with name resolution. One can manually create a user defined bridge network and it is available as an option under network in container settings. That part works great. However, if that custom network is selected, when one tries to add a port mapping, there is no option for "container port", but only host port and other fields like name and description. To reproduce, pick any docker template (preferably one in host mode), switch it to the custom network and add a port mapping. You'll see that the container port option does not exist. To work around it, one has to select "bridge" first, add the port mappings, and then switch back to the custom network. Thanks
  4. That's the docker network ip. You can use the host ip instead and it should work
  5. There is log rotation, it shouldn't have gotten that big. It rotates weekly and gzips all but the last two Did you modify the crontab?
  6. Sure, it is. The container by default is connecting to php via ip address already. It doesn't really matter whether the php/fcgi service is running in the same container or somewhere else, as long as the ip address is reachable.
  7. You changed the host port. The container port is still 8080. Nginx is connecting directly to the container via docker network, not going through host. Use 8080 in the proxy pass statement.
  8. Port should be 8080 and make sure both jira and letsencrypt are in the same "user defined bridge" network
  9. Reply about dns validation was to someone else, not you. ssl.conf already defines the certs. You don't have to do that manually. I don't know where you got those two lines from.
  10. Currently, no support for dns validation with duckdns. I recommend looking on namecheap, getting one with the lowest annual renewal (there were some $4/yr ones last I checked) and setting it up with cloudflare
  11. You shouldn't be changing certificate locations. Container handles them automatically through symlinks. Leave them as default.
  12. They are either or. If you do user defined bridge, don't modify the proxy conf and it should work (after you enable it by renaming). If you do host networking or macvlan, replace the container name with the ip address. What you tried to do above was mixing and matching. You had user defined bridge network, but you also tried to connect via ip of the host. However, because you did not map the container port on the host port, connection through host ip did not work.
  13. If you do user defined bridge, you should use the proxy conf as is, without replacing the container name with the ip address. You are trying to proxy through ip, but you didn't map any ports, so no connection
  14. Brackets mean "replace with your username" rather than literally typing "username"
  15. Uppercase doesn't work in dns hostnames in nginx. Change GitLab-CE to all lowercase or use the ip instead
  16. I connect 2 devices through the same user account on a daily basis. It must be the settings.
  17. I don't think it's two concurrent connections, but two concurrent users. You can have multiple devices/connections using the same user account. Iirc I tried connecting with 3 devices at the same time all using the same account and it was fine.
  18. Init file runs during container start. So you can put "apk add --no-cache sslh" in there and it will install if necessary during every container start.
  19. Not willing to route everything through sslh. You can add it yourself via mapping an init file into the /etc/cont-init.d folder
  20. I believe that's a known plex issue. There are a few threads on their forum about it
  21. It looks like there is an invisible/blank character before that return. Did you copy paste from somewhere? Try removing that and restart the container
  22. You can always pull the official php images (whichever version you need) and point the nginx fcgi parameter to the php container's ip address
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