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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. On the surface it looks about right. Actually you had to repeat the ssl info because it is in a different server block.
  2. Go to WordPress admin, settings, general and you'll see two fields for wp address and site address. My guess is they are set up with www
  3. That seems totally stock. I'm assuming your wordpress is being served in the www folder. You must have a redirect in wordpress. Did you set the website url as www.domain.com in wordpress settings? There could also be browser cache when 301 redirects are involved. Try a new browser or incognito
  4. What php.ini did you create? Only modify the php local and restart. You don't need anything else
  5. ?? You didn't mention you already made changes to enable reverse proxy. That requires a whole another set of troubleshooting methods. Https is not a valid option for validation. Check the docs
  6. That was an annoying forced change by letsencrypt done to reduce their server load at peak times. I guess they forgot that many people have scripts that are not run by cron. We pushed an emergency update last night to remove cert renewal during container start
  7. Is wordpress set up in the letsencrypt container or are you reverse proxying? I have them set to 64MB the same way and it works
  8. With letsencrypt, you're trying the https address, right? Log suggests nginx is started and there are no errors. What happens when you try to connect?
  9. Make sure that your ip is set correctly on your dns provider and that there is a cname created and set up for the "server" subdomain. If all looks good, you can try stopping the letsencrypt container, create an nginx container with the same exact port mapping, and see if you can reach it through the domain and ports 80 and 443
  10. I think you mean proxy and not redirect (they have very different meanings for webservers) If you post your config we'll take a look
  11. That's a dns hostname resolution thing. Not nginx's fault. Use all lowercase in container names or define a network alias for the container
  12. First set it to the regular bridge and set up your port forwards if you like. Save and exit. Go into the container settings one more time, change it to proxynet, don't enter an ip and hit save. Unraid doesn't recognize your proxynet as a custom bridge network (assumes it is macvlan) so if you try to change port mappings after selecting proxynet, unraid won't do it properly.
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