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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Check the logs under letsencrypt folder to see why the renewals failed the last 30 nights
  2. He didn't say "I'm your daddy" so I'll go with Vader
  3. Make sure you're using the global api key and not the other one. It's a bit confusing to get to global the api key on the cloudflare interface. Also make sure that you're copying and pasting correctly and not missing or introducing characters
  4. There is a pending PR to make it work safely in bridge mode. Should be merged soon.
  5. It needs a newer version of nginx that is not yet released for alpine stable. When it is released, or image will use it.
  6. No, what I mean is, the docker image is only able to pull either the stable (public) releases or plexpass versions. Go to the Plex website, hit download and you'll see a toggle switch for plexpass. With it on and off, you'll see two versions listed. Those are the latest versions this image supports. Not ones that are posted on the forums.
  7. The docker image doesn't support alpha or preview images, only stable and plexpass
  8. Either your ip or your port forwarding is incorrect. Letsencrypt servers get a response, but it's not from the letsencrypt container.
  9. You do see the issue, right? Unraid gui runs on port 80? You gotta use a different port for letsencrypt
  10. I never used ddclient. You should try discord
  11. Perhaps we didn't make an unraid template, not sure. In any case, you can create your own template for it. It's a very simple one: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-ddclient
  12. Well there is your issue. Plex was never set up. You didn't claim your server. Until then it will block reverse proxy connections.
  13. Is Plex all set up and running? Also that's not the nginx log. That's part of a docker log of a container
  14. What are you doing exactly and what are you experiencing?
  15. 🙂 dockergui dev was really something I cooked up for myself so I could test new applications before I went out and created a repo for them. autostart is done through the startapp.sh https://github.com/aptalca/docker-rdp-dev/blob/master/startapp.sh which is currently set to launch the terminal
  16. Not easily, nginx comes from the alpine package repo. We are currently on the latest stable, 3.8, which uses libressl, which doesn't yet support TLS 1.3. However, the edge build of nginx is using openssl 1.1.1, which supports TLS 1.3. When 3.9 stable of alpine is released, it should support TLS 1.3 with nginx. Or you _could_ try and install nginx from the edge repo inside the container but we don't support it, so don't come to us if you try and have issues.
  17. Linuxserver version does not use the claim code. Did you set it up with host networking? and are you trying to connect to it while on the same subnet? If not, you may have to use the ssh tunnel method described on plex website, troubleshooting guide.
  18. Version variable is for the plex version, not container tag. And you need to use the long plex version (10 digits or so). The docker image tag on the other hand gets added to the end of the image name ie. linuxserver/plex:124
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