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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. For something internal only, you can use our nginx image. You can drop the web files into folder www and set the default site conf accordingly.
  2. No, that's the logic built in. You can do "ls *.conf" to see the active ones. How is tab completion difficult? It's the first part of the naming scheme that's unique per app, and it matches the conf before the .sample And how frequently do you edit them honestly?
  3. If the reverse proxy is already set up via container name as dns hostname, you can remove the 8989 port mapping
  4. Ok, as a test, stop the letsencrypt container. Then set up the regular nginx container with the same exact port mappings as letsencrypt. See if you can reach the container using your domain name at both ports 80 and 443
  5. Could it be browser cache? There shouldn't be duplicates unless there are two Plex servers are running with the same name but different server ids.
  6. So basically you did everything but read the official documentation? See here for the most accurate info: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/openvpn-as Or here: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-openvpn-as You may have missed the cap add statement. If it still doesn't work after that, check the logs (both the docker log and the log folder under config folder)
  7. Leave the one you want to access remotely in host networking and read the top of the proxy conf to see what exactly you need to change for host mode
  8. You shouldn't have changed the port if it's connecting via container name. Read the docs for letsencrypt, it's all explained there and the top of each config tells you what to change. Don't change anything else unless you know exactly what you're doing (changing server name to cloud is fine)
  9. Symlinks work as long as nginx inside the container can follow it and access the target. I'm assuming the symlink is pointing to a share hosting your movies on unraid, but the letsencrypt container does not have access to that share (location not mapped) so nginx read the link but cannot find the target. Here's what you can do: 1) map your movies location into your letsencrypt container as "/movies" and create symlinks in your www folder that point to "/movies/filename"
  10. Those errors are harmless. The openvpn package is trying to start itself via systemd after install and also after init and it's failing because there is no systemd service inside the container. We manage it with s6, so you can ignore those errors. Client/admin web pages are managed through the admin gui. By default both are served over port 943, where the naked url gets you the client ui and the /admin subfolder gets you the admin interface. They are all openvpn-as standard behavior.
  11. Did you update to rc7 through the nvidia plugin?
  12. Your previous logs showed a lot of weird errors. Post a new log with your new config
  13. Did you forward the udp port on your router as udp?
  14. No nano inside openvpn container. He needs to edit it on unraid directly via "nano /mnt/user/appdata/openvpn-as/etc/as.conf"
  15. If you have existing data, you're fine. Only on a brand new install with the latest version, data wasn't being stored properly. It's fixed now. I basically focused so much on upgrades that I didn't notice a bug that affects new installs
  16. It seems there is a bug for new installs. Looking into it. EDIT: Yup, missed something for new installs. PR submitted, should be merged soon. After update, it will reset one more time but then it should be good.
  17. Run it in bridge mode as shown on GitHub or docker hub page
  18. Glad you got it sorted. I'd highly recommend backup options if the server is remote. I personally have 3 options: 1) openvpn on router 2) openvpn on unraid 3) wireguard on an rpi
  19. Alright ladies and gents, the rewrite for openvpn has been pushed to master and there is a new build on docker hub. You should be able to return to linuxserver/openvpn-as or update to 2.7.3 safely
  20. Once we merge to master, I'll notify here so you can switch back to the "linuxserver/openvpn-as" image
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