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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. The webserver is published in two ways: 1. Through the admin gui port (defined in container settings) 2. On the tcp and udp connection ports. You should disable the second one in the openvpn-as gui. And do not make the 943 port available on the internet. That way the gui will only be available on lan
  2. You can set it to anything you like. But that folder has to be mapped in container settings and in nginx you will use the container side of the mount. So if you map /mnt/user/webfiles as /webfiles in container settings, set the root to /webfiles so it will use that share
  3. Guys, it's all in the official readme on GitHub and docker hub. Use bridge networking, don't set the interface variable, make sure your port mapping is correct (@syniex yours is not) and add the cap-add statement. The unraid template was updated a long time ago but you may have to update it manually for existing setups. Or, you can remove the container (keep the appdata config folder) and recreate from a fresh new template from the community apps with the same appdata folder.
  4. Bridge networking? Post your container settings
  5. That's an unrelated issue due to the alpine lua package. No fix for that yet, but it's not the cause of your proxy issue
  6. Perhaps you can add it to nginx.conf outside of all the server blocks so it gets inherited by them Pay attention to all the "include" statements. They literally mean copy and paste that file right here. That's how nginx starts with the main nginx.conf, imports all the included files and creates a giant config file that it then sorts through
  7. From a networking perspective, yes, you can access other subnets. I have devices on vlans on different subnets and I define those subnets in openvpn-as gui settings as accessible and I can access them. One thing you need to keep in mind is the "security" feature of macvlan. If you used that for any containers, they won't be accessible by the host or anything that uses the host's network interface
  8. That help notice only applies to incoming connections to the container. So the docker container will be accessible only on the ports that you map. But outgoing connections are not restricted. You will connect to openvpn-as container on port 1194 or 9443 (incoming), which you will map, and then the connection will go from openvpn-as to unraid (outgoing).
  9. Please don't recommend users to do that. And if you do that yourself, don't expect any support from us. The container itself does all of those steps correctly and automatically. Just follow the steps in the readme, set it up with bridge networking and it works.
  10. Plex does automatic backups of its database every three days. Their website/forum has instructions on how to restore
  11. Check your Plex server log. Likely corrupt database
  12. Go to the address https://serverip:port for the client interface. Without "/admin" at the end. That interface is set up in the admin gui and is enabled by default. More info on openvpn-as website
  13. Reproduced them. There are two separate issues. The issue of nginx not starting is fixed in the next update. Still looking into the luajit error, but it seems to only affect lua, nothing else.
  14. I can't reproduce the error. Please list the reverse proxy configs you enabled or any specific changes you made to your nginx or site configs
  15. No. But you can create a second container with a different name and set that up with the other duckdns account. But why do you need that many if they all point to the same IP?
  16. You're assuming something is listening on those ports. That assumption is incorrect in your situation. Only during validation, port 80 is listening. After it fails, nothing is listening as nginx is not started.
  17. Read the image description and check out our blog article: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/04/25/letsencrypt-nginx-starter-guide/
  18. Hey guys, I'm just gonna drop this here. It's a new starter guide with a bunch of examples we published: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/04/25/letsencrypt-nginx-starter-guide/
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