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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Looks like attempts to update the geoip db are failing. Harmless but we'll look into it
  2. You can request php modules to be added and unless they're really fringe cases, we add them. What exactly are you trying to set up?
  3. I have a theory about that. Can you create an issue on the GitHub repo so we can track it easier?
  4. Nobody is an actual user on unraid. It is meant to own all files on unraid, which is exactly what the user permissions script does. Your issue is that Plex (running as user nobody) saves the new files as owned by user nobody, but the group permissions are missing write. Your smb user, which is in the same group as user nobody, is allowed to read those files but cannot delete them.
  5. That's right, it's not a docker image issue. It's because your smb user is different than user nobody. Plex is not creating those files with group write access.
  6. Just a heads up to both of you, mapping the /transcode location is not enough. You also need to go into Plex server settings in the gui and select /transcode as the transcode location
  7. Create the container with host networking and make sure you're connecting to it from the same network subnet. Once you claim the server, you can switch to bridge again
  8. First, make a backup of your Plex data just in case (you can use the backup and restore plug-in) The image/container structure should be compatible. Stop the other container, then just create a new container with the linuxserver image and point the config folder to the same folder the other container was pointing to. That's really it.
  9. "docker exec -it letsencrypt" is used to run things things inside the container while you're on the host console, outside of the container. If you're already inside the container, just run the part that starts with htpasswd
  10. You're only supposed to rename the files, not move them to different folders. Documentation is pretty clear on that.
  11. Your confs don't match your logs. The web address you're trying to connect to has http auth turned on. It looks like you have a conf somewhere that has an incorrect server name set (with /airsonic at the end), etc. Either go back to defaults and start over, it post your full config or it is impossible for us to help you
  12. Try incognito, 301 redirects are supposed to be permanent and are cached by the browser
  13. Lua issues are harmless. Server name conflicts are a problem you need to fix. You likely have duplicate site configs
  14. Make sure the container name is bitwarden and that both containers are in the same non-default bridge network
  15. You can unselect the option for letting the client access other devices on the network. Put in the pihole ip into the dns ip setting in openvpn-as
  16. Also, for anyone who's trying to troubleshoot ports. . . Can you see me only works if you already have a service that's listening on that port. If you have a cert error and you never get the "server ready" message in the log, there is nothing listening. Nginx is down because it doesn't start until certs are successfully retrieved. See here to troubleshoot: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/07/10/troubleshooting-letsencrypt-image-port-mapping-and-forwarding/
  17. Referring to the post I quoted. Your error literally says see the error message above but you didn't post the error message above.
  18. It auto updates itself weekly: https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/blob/master/main/libmaxminddb/APKBUILD#L42
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