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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Add this to the bottom of your nginx.conf file, put in your ip and port for openvpn stream { log_format basic '$remote_addr [$time_local] ' '$protocol $status $bytes_sent $bytes_received ' '$session_time'; access_log /config/log/nginx/streamaccess.log basic; error_log /config/log/nginx/streamerror.log; server { listen 80; proxy_pass serverip:port; } }
  2. You likely have double auth, once through htpasswd and once through sonarr/radarr Two solutions: 1) remove internal auth in sonarr/radarr and only rely on http auth, or 2) make sure the user pass are exactly the same for htpasswd and the app's internal auth
  3. Do not manually run commands inside the container. Create a fresh container with an empty appdata folder, follow the directions in the readme
  4. Only the city one is provided by the alpine package, but it contains country info as well
  5. Everything's already installed. You just edit the nginx config to enable it however you like
  6. Did you forward port 53444 on your router to port 53444 on unraid and also map port 53444 to port 53444 in container settings?
  7. Take a step back. What exactly are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to be able to access nextcloud at https://yourdomain.com:53444 ?
  8. Different docker images created by different devs. They are like 2 different operating systems both running plex
  9. The only thing I can think of is that geoip v1 was recently removed as it was deprecated a while back and now the databases are no longer available. If you were using geoip, that will result in a failure. Geoip v2 is included in the image with an up-to-date database. You can use that instead
  10. Don't stop it, keep it running. If you don't want to use the webserver features at all, use dns validation and don't map any ports
  11. Where do you see that log? That doesn't look like the docker log for our image
  12. You should set up a reverse proxy. Look into our letsencrypt image: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/04/25/letsencrypt-nginx-starter-guide/#nextcloudsubdomainreverseproxyexample
  13. I noticed that, too. Didn't look into it yet, since it seems to work fine after a restart
  14. The mapping is in the template but I don't know how you set it up or if you changed it
  15. You likely created all the users while Authentication is set to something other than "local". The readme states that you need to switch to local first. Or, you didn't map the config folder correctly, so all your data is lost after an update. We don't control the openvpn-as webui, it's upstream. You can make a request to them for the import/export functionality. But just so you know. When you update/recreate the container, it automatically exports your old settings and database and imports into the new container (as long as the config folder is mapped correctly).
  16. the geoip2 database is at this path inside the container: /var/lib/libmaxminddb/GeoLite2-City.mmdb the instructions are here: https://github.com/leev/ngx_http_geoip2_module/blob/master/README.md#example-usage
  17. Geoip v1 has been deprecated for a while and as of last week, the databases are no longer available for download. So we removed the geoip packages from the image. But don't fret, geoip2 is included in the image and works. You just need to update your config to use that instead.
  18. No, it's strictly a routing/dns issue. Something must have changed on your side. Did you reboot the router perhaps?
  19. Having additional modules doesn't really hurt anything. We're going for simplicity. Variable for modules would increase complexity
  20. Perhaps you set the server to only accept encrypted connections over https
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