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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Do you have htpasswd file in both letsencrypt and heimdall? If so, delete the one in heimdall. If not, clarify what you're doing. It's not clear where you're running the htpasswd command and where you're deleting the default file.
  2. Host networking doesn't work on the latest unraid. Plenty of posts in this thread if you search. Use bridge networking
  3. We do not support users running manual commands. The readme contains info on how to troubleshoot renewal issues. In your case, either your ip on duckdns is wrong or your port isn't forwarded properly
  4. The server is already claimed by an account, you can't expect to just claim it by another. Try removing it from the old account first
  5. https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-openvpn-as/blob/master/README.md#application-setup
  6. Depends on if they made the file available at the same endpoint. It may work, worth a try, but you need to use the long version with all the extra digits after the dash
  7. That's likely the macvlan security feature that blocks connections between host and macvlan containers
  8. Did you follow the steps in the link I posted for you? You didn't even post a full log. You keep saying it doesn't work. I don't know how you expect us to help you more.
  9. Turn off cloudflare proxy (orange cloud)? That's what we recommend anyway. If you want to proxy through cloudflare, we don't officially support that (ie. you're on your own).
  10. Take one step at a time. You have not gotten your certs yet, no point in messing around with reverse proxy. See here: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/07/10/troubleshooting-letsencrypt-image-port-mapping-and-forwarding/
  11. Finally had time to look into it and figured it out. New build will be available shortly that will fix that error requiring restart of new containers.
  12. In the first scenario, why are you setting interface to eth0? It should be br1. Unraid 6.7 made some changes that introduced that iptables error when openvpn is used in host networking (and I guess macvlan). No idea what causes it.
  13. Are you talking about reverse proxying containers on macvlan? Then the answer is no. It's a docker restriction (security feature) that blocks connections between host and containers on macvlan.
  14. When it's officially released as either beta or stable, there will be automatic updates
  15. Such fixes should really be done upstream. But seeing as couchpotato isn't well supported anymore (for quite a while now), did you consider switching to radarr?
  16. I'm assuming you're making those go through the vpn only for outgoing connections, not incoming. Then why not make your whole lan go through the vpn? I use PIA and my whole lan goes out through the vpn by default via pfsense. Only for streaming devices (netflix and amazon refuse to work through vpn) I have a rule that lets them bypass the vpn based on their IP. I don't use vlans for containers or streamers (only for a guest network). Then you'll have all containers in bridge or host, and no issues with connecting to each other.
  17. Either your ip is incorrect on your dns, or your port forwarding is incorrect. Try this: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/07/10/troubleshooting-letsencrypt-image-port-mapping-and-forwarding/
  18. There are three types of networking for docker: host, bridge and macvlan. Host and bridge networks use the same ip as the host machine. Macvlan let's the container get its own ip. In this case you're using macvlan, and it has that security feature where it blocks communications between the container and the host ip (and everything that's using that ip). I don't know what your other containers are on so can't comment on them.
  19. Our image doesn't use acme, which is a third party script. We use the official client, certbot. Honestly, GoDaddy is not very good at DNS services. I'd take cloudflare over any of those domain registrar provided DNS service any day. Cloudflare is free, very easy to switch to and propagates changes almost instantly. You're better off using cloudflare as your dns provider. I have domains bought from various providers like dynadot and name cheap, but they all point the name servers to cloudflare, which handles dns for me
  20. If sonarr and radarr are on macvlan, and others are on a custom bridge, they won't be able to connect to each other. That's a docker security feature to prevent connections between the host (and the host networks) and macvlan
  21. You need to disable your http to https redirect in your default site config. You can't have both http and stream listening on port 80
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