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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Your domain (external ip) is forwarded to your unraid gui. Fix your port forwarding. Follow the article I linked above
  2. Letsencrypt server seems to reach a server, but it's not the letsencrypt container. So either your ip is incorrect, or your port forwarding. See here: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/07/10/troubleshooting-letsencrypt-image-port-mapping-and-forwarding/
  3. See here: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/04/25/letsencrypt-nginx-starter-guide/ And here: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/07/10/troubleshooting-letsencrypt-image-port-mapping-and-forwarding/
  4. It looks like your config folder is borked. Restore from a backup or start fresh
  5. This container does not update your ip on your dns provider. That's your responsibility. This container only does the domain validation through various methods (through cloudflare in your case).
  6. It does function unless EDGE is set to 1 which does in container updates
  7. v4 has breaking changes and doesn't work with my old personal image. It has now been deprecated and all users are recommended to switch to the new linuxserver/calibre image. In the new container, select the folder that holds your metadata.db and books as the library folder. @Squid can you remove my old personal rdp-calibre listing from Community Apps (or mark it as deprecated)? Thanks
  8. It can't connect to your app at but you don't even show a proxy conf for that proxy address in the site conf you posted. What happens when you try to access https://yourdomain from a cell phone with wifi turned off? And what happens when you go to https://externalip from a cell?
  9. Thanks for the kind words. 1) proxy_pass should use the host_ip:port for bridged containers and IP:port for any other service that may also be on a remote machine, but I have a feeling you're using macvlan (docker container has its own IP) and if that's the case, macvlan blocks connections between the container and the host (and any other container or service that is using the host's IP) as a security feature so it won't work. 2) If you're referring to incoming connections, then they all should go through letsencrypt reverse proxy. If you're referring to outgoing, then I'm currently putting them on macvlan so they have their own IP and set a LAN rule on pfsense to route their IP (source) through the WAN gateway. But I only have a couple of those (duplicati and rclone) and I don't/can't reverse proxy them due to the macvlan restriction I mentioned above.
  10. Code server is hosting their own marketplace because the licenses prevent them from accessing the official Microsoft marketplace. There may be some issues with some of the extensions. You should report them to code server on github. Especially on v2, the development tag of this image, many extensions are not yet working.
  11. If your unraid gui is using ports 80 and 443, then http and https connections to your domain will go there. Change those ports and map letsencrypt to those ports
  12. Just delete the proxy confs you don't need. The samples get auto generated on container start
  13. Base is not ignored, everything gets copied over. That's why it's from scratch and it only copies the necessary files into the image so you don't overwrite critical things in the code server image
  14. No, you don't create a new image based on ours. See the dockerfile here: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-mods?files=1 Dockerfile basically imports the root folder, which contains the necessary init and service files. You're essentially using docker hub to host your files in a single tar archive. Then with our image, you specify the mod repo so the container retrieves and extracts the custom init and service files to be executed. Init files install stuff and make changes to the data, service files manage apps and executables. Hop on our discord if you want to discuss that further.
  15. This is the best approach: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/09/14/customizing-our-containers/ If you think others may be interested, you can publish your mod for it, which can be pulled into the main image by any user
  16. development tag is already live. Going forward, latest will be stable releases from their github and development will be pre-releases from their github, whatever version they may be
  17. Github and docker hub pages linked in the first post have the most up to date info You can also check out this blog article for some examples: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/04/25/letsencrypt-nginx-starter-guide/
  18. Yes, you can do that. Just use different ports. I have 2 openvpn instances on my network, one's a backup for the other
  19. Not strange at all. Iirc Plex doesn't use hw acceleration for thumbnail generation. They never did.
  20. For duckdns, "update" means IP changed. If your ip doesn't change, it will tell you that it wasn't updated. When you try a manual update on their website, it says it is not updated because your ip is still the same as the record.
  21. Reverse proxy for pretty addresses for containers. You don't have to expose your reverse proxy url outside of your lan. You can vpn in like you do, then enter sonarr.domain.com in the browser and you get sonarr
  22. Dhparams file is created during container start if it doesn't already exist. It can take a very long time. I guess if the process is somehow disturbed during that time, you may end up with an empty or a corrupted file. Nginx fails to start because it can't read the file.
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