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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Do you shut down your server at night? There should be a renewal attempt every night at 2:08am
  2. Yeah, but it's good to have a backup, in case you can't connect to one for some reason. I have my pfsense one with udp on the standard port, the container on unraid that is tcp stream proxied by letsencrypt on port 80 and wireguard on an rpi3. Some public wifi block all outgoing udp connections and tcp over non-http/s so the port 80 one saved my a$$ quite a few times
  3. You don't need to add that line to the bottom, it's already in proxy.conf Is znc on the same user defined bridge network as letsencrypt? Is the container named "znc"? Is it running? Can you reach it via http://unraidip:6501 ?
  4. Post a screenshot of your container settings. Your networking is selected in there
  5. 1. Ignore that error. Openvpn tries to start itself via systemd but our image uses s6 instead. We start it later. 2. No ideas about intermittent connectivity 3. Don't set it to match your lan config, they will clash. Make sure it has different subnets used for the openvpn network (leave those as is). Just add your network's subnet into vpn settings/routing. And make sure routing is set to to nat and the other 2 questions are answered yes. What kind of networking are you using?
  6. Docker blocks connection between host and macvlan. Not much you can do about it
  7. All the conf files are in the config folder. /config/nginx/site-confs/default is the one you want to edit for https redirection. There are instructions in there
  8. That's host networking, not bridge. See the first item on the list above
  9. Assuming this is a fresh install, go to http://unraidip:32400/web from a computer that is in the same network subnet as unraid If the subnet is different, you can use the ssh tunnel method described at the bottom of this page under on a different network: https://support.plex.tv/articles/200288586-installation/
  10. Funny you ask for info. We need a lot more info from you
  11. Arch packages won't work, the others are docker images We don't compile nginx or the modules, because that would be a support and maintenance nightmare. If new packages are needed, you can PR to alpine. That's what I do: https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/pull/6762 https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/pull/7710
  12. No brotli package on alpine: https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=*brotli*&branch=v3.9&arch=x86_64
  13. With macvlan but it blocks the connection between the host and the container. Why do you need to give it a different IP?
  14. Another user had issues with adguard blocking it. Your issue is likely similar, possibly pi-hole
  15. If there is no setting for http auth, that usually means it doesn't work with it. Nextcloud has its own auth built in so likely it collides with http auth. Do you mean br0? That's macvlan, not bridge, and it blocks connections between host and the containers on it. But I'm making assumptions because you are not providing enough info to understand the situation.
  16. Edited my post above to add info on how to get redirect to www working. What you want to do is, only catch the naked domain and redirect it to www. You don't want ombi.domain.com to redirect to www.domain.com
  17. Change that section back to the defaults: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/root/defaults/default#L5-L10 Right now it is only catching www.domain.com and it's redirecting it to www.domain.com on 443. The defaults catch everything and redirect it to the https version of whatever's requested. Then you can create a second block where it listens on 443, the server name is domain.com and redirects to www.domain.com
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