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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. What are you doing exactly and what are you experiencing?
  2. 🙂 dockergui dev was really something I cooked up for myself so I could test new applications before I went out and created a repo for them. autostart is done through the startapp.sh https://github.com/aptalca/docker-rdp-dev/blob/master/startapp.sh which is currently set to launch the terminal
  3. Not easily, nginx comes from the alpine package repo. We are currently on the latest stable, 3.8, which uses libressl, which doesn't yet support TLS 1.3. However, the edge build of nginx is using openssl 1.1.1, which supports TLS 1.3. When 3.9 stable of alpine is released, it should support TLS 1.3 with nginx. Or you _could_ try and install nginx from the edge repo inside the container but we don't support it, so don't come to us if you try and have issues.
  4. Linuxserver version does not use the claim code. Did you set it up with host networking? and are you trying to connect to it while on the same subnet? If not, you may have to use the ssh tunnel method described on plex website, troubleshooting guide.
  5. Version variable is for the plex version, not container tag. And you need to use the long plex version (10 digits or so). The docker image tag on the other hand gets added to the end of the image name ie. linuxserver/plex:124
  6. If you do http validation, port 80 is required on the wan. If you do dns validation, you don't need port 80
  7. Yup, when connecting container to container, remember to use the container port, not the host
  8. We have a new build of couchpotato and we are looking for testers. This is a multi-arch build, meaning x86_64, arm and aarch64 builds are all hosted in the same repo and when you pull latest, your system should automatically get the correct arch. They also use our new build system. If you're willing to test, please first back up your existing config folder, then replace the image linuxserver/couchpotato in container settings with lspipepr/couchpotato and save. Then let us know here if it all goes well. Following successful tests, these builds will be published in the original repo. Thanks
  9. Not sure about ddns but duckdns let's you have any sub-subdomain below yours. So if you put in yoursubdomain.duckdns.org as the URL in letsencrypt and put in speedtest as the SUBDOMAINS your cert will cover speedtest.yoursubdomain.duckdns.org as well as yoursubdomain.duckdns.org. In nginx, there is already an example for cp on how you can reverse proxy a subdomain. Use that and it should work. When you use the subfolder method, the recommended way is to match the location (speedtest here) to the base url. But if there is no base url for your application, this get complicated as you experienced. Subdomain method doesn't require a base url
  10. Syncing disks is happening inside the container. Did you map your unraid disks or protected array locations in the container? If not, it shouldn't touch the array at all. Check your container settings and make sure that /mnt is not mapped. I remember there was talk a while back that unraid was going to add /mnt mapping by default to all newly created containers. Can't remember if that ended up happening or not.
  11. I don't believe that's container related. You should ask in one of the unraid threads.
  12. Do you have the app installed and logged in? Are you hitting that link while on the mobile device you installed and set up the app? I just installed the app on my phone, entered the url with subfolder, and logged in. The app works. And hitting that link in the mobile browser launched the app. The link won't do anything until your phone registers those mobile links with the ombi app which won't happen until you install it and set it up.
  13. Did you use the preset conf? That one is confirmed working with the mobile app (by others). Unfortunately I don't own the app so I can't test.
  14. Did you follow the directions at the top of the sample conf file? Once set up, you're supposed to access nextcloud through your domain not the local ip, because it will redirect everything to your ip. If you're seeing the welcome message, you have an issue with a redirect. Clear your browser cache, then recheck your settings.
  15. For the first part, yes. The thumbs are in a folder called media (iirc). You can move that folder to the array and create a symlink in its place. You need to make sure that the symlinked location is accessible from inside the container. Once it is symlinked and out of your appdata folder, ca backup should not back up that location (unless you specifically select it)
  16. There is an extra domains variable: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/README.md That will let you get a cert that covers them. Then you manage the different domains via server name directives in the site config. For example, each server block would be for a different domain and you set the server names accordingly.
  17. It's renewed automatically as long as you don't change the port forwarding or whatever else is necessary for validation
  18. Don't use the conf you got from the ombi github. It's not correct in this use case. Follow the directions here: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt/blob/master/README.md#site-config-and-reverse-proxy
  19. That's likely the issue. Don't use double auth. Use either grafana's built in or htpasswd.
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