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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Does anyone else have issues with stopping docker containers while a preclear is running? I have had this issue for a while, it persisted through multiple unraid updates and reboots so I'm wondering if it's specific to my hardware. If there is an active preclear session, I am unable to stop docker containers. The docker stop process gets stuck for a very long time. Only happens when preclear is running (have been preclearing some 8TB drives that take a long time so it's easy to reproduce and easily noticeable) Thanks
  2. Oops, wrong thread. Limetech should build a new image with the latest plex and then you'll see the update on unraid gui
  3. When you say you set openvpn to use br0, do you mean openvpn is running in bridge mode, on br0, or do you mean it is running in host mode but interface is set to br0? My openvpn is running in host mode. Interface is set to bond0 (i have eth0 and eth1 bridged under bond0 in unraid settings). I can connect to all dockers running in host or bridge mode (br0 or user custom bridge) as well as all other machines on the network, including vlans. Keep in mind that I wouldn't be able to connect to any dockers that have their own ip (macvlan) because docker blocks direct connection between host and macvlan, and openvpn is running on host, but I don't have any that do macvlan that I want to connect to anyway.
  4. It seems your issue is definitely with openvpn settings since you can access other containers from inside that container. Perhaps you should ask on openvpn forums
  5. If you use nginx auth via htpasswd, the fail2ban filter for that is already active
  6. I have a large library, but not as large as yours. I also have large files. I never really experienced sluggish behavior from either plex or emby. Is your plex consider data on a cache drive? Preferably ssd?
  7. Plex is crashing for you. Could be corrupt database. Check the plex media server logs in your config folder. That should tell you the reason for the crash
  8. You didn't enter the right address for mariadb? I don't know, it's your website code.
  9. Docker compose added to the nerd pack plugin (link two posts above)
  10. Did you add those subnets (like for br0) to your openvpn config as allowed subnets?
  11. @dmacias Can you add docker-compose to this plugin? It's not a package, but a script that would go in /usr/local/bin/ Here are the instructions for getting the latest (static link for current stable) curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.21.0/docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose Alternatively, you can grab the latest script by querying the json at https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/releases/latest and grabbing the "browser_download_url" asset with "Linux-x86_64" in the name You can also query the latest version tag through the same json and checking for the "tag_name" asset (to do update checks) Here's the original request thread for docker-compose and I believe it would be more appropriate to add it to this plugin: Thanks
  12. Thanks so much, this works great in 6.5.1 It even adds the ability to assign static IPs in that subnet, pretty cool
  13. To update ip on cloudflare, you need to use a separate app, script or device. I believe you said you had ddwrt on your router. That probably handles that. If not, we have a ddclient docker that will do it. Letsencrypt doesn't update your ip on cloudflare, but it can use cloudflare api to verify domain ownership so you can get letsencrypt certs
  14. There are a lot of questions here so I'll take a stab and try to answer a few. But before I start I should let you know, it seems you took a lot of these configs from guides or other people. They are all so heavily modified that it is difficult for me to help troubleshoot. Nginx is a highly capable and thus complicated piece of software. For specific nginx config questions, I would recommend asking the folks who wrote the specific configs you're using. First of all, I don't quite understand why you came up with such a confusing domain name forwarding structure. To me it seems all you needed was to use your main domain for business, and set A records for certain subdomains that point to your home server. If you're already using cloudflare for managing those dns records, I'm sure your ddwrt router can update those subdomains on cloudflare with ip changes. You shouldn't need to use the freedns ddns as an intermediate. In letsencrypt, you can do one of two things, 1) set the url as mydomain.com, set the subdomains as matt,matt2,matt3 and set only_subdomains to true. That way it won't try to validate mydomain.com but you can add as many subdomains as you want, or 2) set the url to matt.mydomain.com and set subdomains to 1,2,3 and you'll get a cert that covers 1.matt.mydomain.com etc. With regards to multiple site configs, it's up to you. Nginx simply combines them all into one giant config file through include statements in nginx.conf and other sub-confs. The only rule is, there has to be one named default, otherwise the container will create one. You likely had issues due to duplicate servers or locations. If you want your server to only respond to certain requests, play with the server name. Keep in mind that you can define a default server name for each port, so if nginx gets a request with an unrecognized destination address, it will send it to the default server. So you can create a separate server block as a catch all by defining it as the default and make it do whatever you want, serve a 404, redirect to Google, etc.
  15. Very strange. Your letsencrypt setup is missing the renewal config file which should be auto generated along with the cert. Could be due to a bug from the last time your cert was generated, or it was somehow deleted by mistake. Change the container settings and add or remove a subdomain, which should force cert generation from scratch. After that, you can run the same commands and the last one should list a conf file with the name of your domain
  16. That is strange. Run the following commands on unraid terminal: docker exec -it letsencrypt bash cat /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log ls -al /config/etc/letsencrypt/renewal
  17. I don't know. You clipped the log, so we can't see why no renewals were attempted. Post a full log.
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