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Posts posted by aptalca

  1. Could someone help me out getting zoneminder 100% working via NGINX?  The line i have setup below allows me to access Zoneminder with no issues from a browser, but the issue i am having is getting zmNinja to work.  When i am connected to my LAN, zmNinja works.  When i connect via VPN, zmNinja works, but when i try to connect via reverse proxy, it says it cannot access API's.  Is there anything else i need to add in order to make this work?  Thanks for the help!!
    location /zm {	include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;	proxy_pass http://UnraidServerIP:8084/zm;

    UPDATE:  Ok well i dont know what changed, but i can now all of a sudden get everything to work with zmNinja.  
    However I have discovered another issue.  If i try to get to https://mysubdomain.duckdns.org/whatever, while i am connected to my LAN, I can not get to anything.  Is there a way access while im connected to my LAN?
    Thank you guys!

    The issue is likely due to your router not allowing "nat loopback". Most routers have ways to whitelist domains, so Google is your friend.
    Bootstrap frameworks, especially on preconfigured templates definitely make landing page creation pretty simple these days.
    If you ever have time I'd be interested in a seeing a screenshot of yours.  What does yours do?  I assume it's basically a list of images/links to yoru dockers?  Or is it detailed enough where your'e accessing some of the docker's APIs and you're actually getting a compilation of some live data from any of the dockers?

    Nothing fancy, just a list of links to various webguis on a pretty looking page
  3. Trying to get this docker working. All looks good, but there are some things I'm not 100% sure about:
    1. Seen people mounting the config dir under appdata/ like -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn-as":"/config":rw
      Never seen this; shouldn't /mnt/user/appdata/openvpn-as work as well, given the /appdata share is marked cache-only, which it is by default?
    2. Haven't managed to get my head around the SSL certificates. I'm running nginx using letsencrypt certs, but using those really aren't feasible, as they expire every 3 months; also there's really no reason why self-signed cert couldn't be used for VPN purpose. Should we create our own cert using easy-rsa?

    On the latest unraid stable you can use either mount point.

    Openvpn container creates its own certs
  4. I suppose it's been close to 90 days since I initially set this up.  Has been working flawlessly since, but the gap in time has rendered this docker foreign to me once again.
    I was surprised a search within the thread for "renew" did not create more results.  I have been receiving regular emails for the past week from the LetsEncrypt Expiry Bot stating:

    Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in
    1 days (on 01 Mar 17 03:37 +0000). Please make sure to renew
    your certificate before then, or visitors to your website will encounter errors.
    I reviewed my log file to see this:

    cronjob running on Wed Mar 1 05:59:53 PST 2017
    Running certbot renew

    Processing /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/***.duckdns.org.conf

    The following certs are not due for renewal yet:
    /etc/letsencrypt/live/***.duckdns.org/fullchain.pem (skipped)
    No renewals were attempted.
    2017-03-01 05:59:54,446 fail2ban.server [258]: INFO Starting Fail2ban v0.9.4
    2017-03-01 05:59:54,447 fail2ban.server [258]: INFO Starting in daemon mode
    [cont-init.d] 50-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] done.
    [services.d] starting services
    [services.d] done.
    So according to this, they're not due for renewal?  I'm a little confused.  Is there something I can manually due to renew, or is this going to take care of it?  As of now, it seems to still be up and running.

    The one expiring is likely an old cert that is no longer used. Go to your website and check the cert details in your browser. It will tell you the expiration date
  5. any chance an upgrade to nginx is in the queue?  I require ngx_stream_ssl_preread module and ngx_stream_map module.  Sounds like those are in 1.11.5

    We install whatever nginx package is in the latest stable alpine (currently alpine 3.5). But even alpine edge only has nginx 1.10.3 and no stream map or stream ssl preread (unless those are bundled into the stream mod package). I'm not really familiar with those modules
    • Upvote 1
    Apologies aptalca with my delayed response; I had to get my website going again asap for something else, so got delayed.
    I also deleted the piwik setup from the letsencrypt container as I was unclear if it could be accessed externally with nothing setup yet, so deleted it, so I cannot quickly test adding iconv back in.
    I did try adding it myself at the time but forgot you had updated to php7 so tried to add the wrong file, which was not found.
    Also, I am not clear whether adding piwik directly to this container with my reverse proxy would be the best setup, or whether I should use your nginx container to host piwik in a similar way to how you have done nextcloud.
    To add further complication I see your nginx container is ubuntu and not alpine (which I love) so was thinking again at the best approach to take.
    Ideally you would create a piwik container like nextcloud using your existing nginx containers [emoji4] but I know you have enough to do already! [emoji4]

    Nginx has just been rebased to alpine 3.5 with php7 (same versions as the letsencrypt one)
  7. Hi there
    I am trying to install piwix analytics to my nginx webserver using your docker, but am missing iconv support.

    I don't suppose it would be possible to add the --with-iconv option into your build scripts for php, if that is how it works [emoji4]

    Please ...

    System Check

    PHP version >= 5.5.9  7.0.16 
    PDO extension  
    PDO\MYSQL extension  
    MYSQLI extension  
    Other required extensions  zlib 
     iconv: After making this change, restart your web server. 

    You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "iconv" support enabled, --with-iconv.

    Can you exec into the container and install the package "php7-iconv" and see if it fixes your issue? If so we'll add it to the image in the next update.

    You can install packages with "apk add --update php7-iconv"
  8. I was able to follow these steps and successfully move my Calibre library, however, the GUI now throws a 500 error.  The error in the logs shows it is still trying to find the metadata at the old location:
    [24/Feb/2017:10:40:58] HTTP Traceback (most recent call last): File "site-packages/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 656, in respond File "site-packages/cherrypy/lib/encoding.py", line 188, in __call__ File "site-packages/cherrypy/_cpdispatch.py", line 34, in __call__ File "site-packages/calibre/library/server/utils.py", line 54, in do File "site-packages/calibre/db/legacy.py", line 133, in check_if_modified File "site-packages/calibre/db/legacy.py", line 130, in last_modified File "site-packages/calibre/db/cache.py", line 62, in call_func_with_lock File "site-packages/calibre/db/cache.py", line 218, in last_modified File "site-packages/calibre/db/backend.py", line 1229, in last_modifiedOSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/metadata.db'


    Did you do a fresh install?
  9. Hi aptalca.
    I installed the Dolphin docker and looking for a file compare functionality.
    There is a "compare file" toolbar button, but it is greyed out. I read that Kompare should be added so that this functionality will work.
    Then I found the services menu, added Meld and still can't compare ("couldn't find the program '/temp/meld-menu-arg1);meld").
    Any thoughts/suggestions how to add file compare functionality to the docker?

    You might have to exec in and add some packages. I never really used that
  10. Hi, may a question about the jdownloader2 docker, if i would like to use a separate guacamole to connect to the jdown server instead the buildin one, is that possible ?
    couldnt find any rdp listen port inside the jdown settings or any addon allowing the rdp ...
    would be nicer to have more together in one place ...
    thanks ahead

    I believe you can just map a port to 3389 and use that (on mobile at the moment)
  11. Hi Guys,
    A little help with HA-Bridge please.
    I want to configure a device that basically sends an API request to my Kodi machine. In this example, if I enter the URL code below into any web browser, in my Kodi machine, it launches an Artwork Downloader (add-on) search:
    http://myusername:[email protected]:88/jsonrpc?request={%20%22jsonrpc%22:%20%222.0%22,%20%22id%22:%200,%20%22method%22:%20%22Addons.ExecuteAddon%22,%22params%22:%20{%22addonid%22:%20%22script.artwork.downloader%22,%20%22params%22:%20{%22mediatype%22:%20%22movie%22}}}

    For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to configure HA-Bridge. Please see screencap below:
    I am surprised how little information is out there on HA-Bridge.
    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Post on the app's github page. Their dev is amazing and will help you figure it out in no time.
  12. Duckdns docker only updates your external ip address on the duckdns servers. You said your external ip is still the same so the duckdns docker wouldn't actually do anything as there is nothing to update.


    Accessing into your network through that ip depends on your modem and router settings

  13. First confirm that the ha subdomain works by directing the ha site config to a static html file (remove just the proxy bit and it should open the Welcome page)


    Then you can see if the reverse proxy works.


    Does the home assistant page work at that ip and port 8123?


    you can also try adding in the include for proxy conf as shown in the examples. That contains specific rules to make the proxies work.

  14. Been all morning trying to figure out why I cannot access my website after a memory stick crash and rebuild.


    I have a backup of the configs and reinstated them but could not connect.


    I just thought of trying to connect via my mobile 4g and it connected first time.


    Is there any way I could have banned myself with fail2ban or the like, as to the reason me not being able to access my site from my own broadband connection?


    Thanks in advance


    Edit: Just tried via a vpn and connected straight away too, so it seems I have banned myself? How do I go about unbanning myself :)

    Exec into the container and use fail2ban-client to unban

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