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Posts posted by aptalca

  1. Here's a thought I just had. What if all shares are read only, except the cache disk. Throughout the course of the day, files would be written to cache as usual. At some predetermined time (say 3am), unRAID kills the network connection, sets the shares to writeable, and the mover does its thing. Once the transfer is complete, the shares are changed back to read only, and the network connection is restored. This would safeguard data on the server in the event of another PC on the network becoming infected.

    The mover does not use smb or nfs shares. It writes directly to the shares mounted in unraid.


    Ransomware is a threat through exported shares via smb or nfs.


    Lock down share exports and you'll be good to go

  2. Hi aptalca, I have tried to deploy http v2 on my (otherwise up2date) webserver running your Nginx-Letsencrypt container.


    A requirement for this to work is OpenSSL 1.0.2 which is currently only embedded in Ubuntu 16.04, which the latest baseimage (.19) is based on.


    Would you kindly accept my PR https://github.com/aptalca/docker-webserver/pull/17  8)::)

    Hi rix. I believe there are significant changes to some of the components like php between ubuntu 14 and 16. I have to do thorough testing before upgrading. But it's on my list of things to do

  3. hi aptalca,

    the calibre web server doesn't work, it loads and when clicking on 'All books', it shows the next errror message:


    TypeError: this.undef is not a function


        at Object.createException (


        at Object.run (


        at printStackTrace (


        at render_error (


        at booklist (


        at HTMLDocument. (


        at Function.ready (


        at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (

    Can you post a screenshot of your settings and also a log?


    I'm assuming you set a custom library location and it may not have been set up correctly

  4. Hi would it be possible to get an inotifywait script added to the RDP-Calibre docker please.


    Example inotify watches the ebook download dir then calls the update calibre script when it detects changes.


    inotifywait script at boot


    while true #run indefinitely
    inotifywait -r -e ,close_write,move,create, /download && /calibre-update.sh


    something like this for calibre-update.sh

    /opt/calibre/calibredb add --recurse --library-path "/config/" "/download" 2>&1


    I wonder if one could setup this at the unraid layer outside of the docker instead...  Have the inotifywait script running in unraid and call upon the docker to execute...  a command like

    docker exec -it Calibre-server /opt/calibre/calibredb add --recurse --library-path "/config/" "/downloads" 2>&1



    Inotifywait would add too many complexities that I'm currently not willing to take on (due to too many potential support requests). I think it's easy enough to open up the gui every once in a while and do a folder import.

  5. Hi gfjardim,


    Does the new plugin enable smart for new drives? Most drives have smart disabled when first put into unraid. I believe unraid only enables smart for them when they are added to the array. But when one is preclearing them before adding to the array, smart is disabled and the preclear reports are not very meaningful.


    I'm currently enabling them with

    smartctl --smart=on /dev/sdX



  6. Any ETA on zoneminder 1.30? Thanks for all your work made my life a million times easier!


    Wasn't aware it was released. Trying a dev build now. If the update is seamless, it will be published right away. If not it might take a little while.


    EDIT: As I suspected, a simple update breaks things. No clue why it's not working. I really dislike zoneminder updates. You almost have to re-install from scratch every time there is a new version. Not sure when I'll have time to release a separate container for 1.30 as I'm super busy with other things

  7. Does the nginx-letsencrypt docker support multiple domains, or do I need to make a seperate Docker container for each domain I have?



    Single domain only.


    Two separate dockers wouldn't work for automated renewals as they can't share the outside port 443. Unless your router can forward to different ports based on url (very rare)


    My router does a lot of things but that is not one of them. I guess I'll set up a 2nd container for now and worry about manually redoing the certs if needed (remapping ports for the renew process). My end goal is to move from one domain to another so this should achieve that.



    Actually now that I  think about it that won't work since my outside 443 port can only map to one docker container.... damn

    Through the nginx site config, you can do a redirection from one port to another

  8. Does the nginx-letsencrypt docker support multiple domains, or do I need to make a seperate Docker container for each domain I have?



    Single domain only.


    Two separate dockers wouldn't work for automated renewals as they can't share the outside port 443. Unless your router can forward to different ports based on url (very rare)

  9. FEATURE REQUEST for beta version:


    Some newly added drives have smart disabled. In that state if the preclear script (beta) is run, there are no smart attributes retrieved. It kind of defeats the purpose of running the preclear to stress test the drives as one cannot compare the values before and after.


    Could you modify the script to make sure that smart is enabled prior to start and enable it if it wasn't?


    I currently do the following to enable it manually but sometimes forget or not realize:

    smartctl --smart=on /dev/sdX





    Hi guys.


    Brand new to Dockers and looking to start off with ZoneMinder 1.29.


    I have a 4TB WD Purple that I'd like to exclusively use for storing images. I've installed the drive and formatted it with Unassigned Devices. What do I do next? Do I need to create a vdisk or something and somehow assign that to the ZM Docker?


    The config files can go on the same SSD that the Docker image will be on.


    Mount the 4TB disk with the unassigned devices plugin and use that mount location as the config folder location within the zoneminder container settings during install.


    The images and videos for zoneminder are stored under its config folder in "events"


    No need for a vdisk. They are used for VMs. Docker containers use regular shares on unraid for their data

  11. Is there a tutorial or write up on how to set it up. I just bought a apc ups pro 1500. I'm running the latest unraid and not sure how to hook it up and get it up and running. Do I just plug in the ac adapter into the unraid or do i also have to plug in the usb plug. I would like to have it shutdown my desktop and server if possible. Thanks in advance.

    You need to plug in the usb as it is how the UPS notifies the server when there is a power outage.


    I believe with the default settings in unraid (make sure you enable it in the settings), it just works with apc. Change the triggers and you're good to go.

  12. I am having an issue with my Nginx-Letsencrypt docker not updating my ssl certificate and I am at a loss as to what to do. I keep getting privacy errors in chrome and I am able to see it is due to having an out of date certificate. The day my certificate expired I started having this issue. I have restarted the ndignx docker, rebooted my unraid box, all to no avail. Any help would be appreciated!!


    Here is the output from docker logs Nginx-letsencrypt


    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...

    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh...

    Setting the correct time


    Current default time zone: 'America/New_York'

    Local time is now:      Sun Jul 24 15:33:07 EDT 2016.

    Universal Time is now:  Sun Jul 24 19:33:07 UTC 2016.


    Using existing nginx.conf

    Using existing nginx-fpm.conf

    Using existing site config

    Using existing landing page

    Using existing jail.local

    Using existing fail2ban filters

    SUBDOMAINS entered, processing

    Sub-domains processed are: -d www.jefflix.duckdns.org

    Using existing DH parameters

    rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/letsencrypt’: No such file or directory




    cronjob running at Sun Jul 24 15:33:07 EDT 2016

    Updating certbot script. It will display help info, which you can ignore


      certbot-auto [sUBCOMMAND] [options] [-d domain] [-d domain] ...


    Certbot can obtain and install HTTPS/TLS/SSL certificates.  By default,

    it will attempt to use a webserver both for obtaining and installing the

    cert. Major SUBCOMMANDS are:


      (default) run        Obtain & install a cert in your current webserver

      certonly            Obtain cert, but do not install it (aka "auth")

      install              Install a previously obtained cert in a server

      renew                Renew previously obtained certs that are near expiry

      revoke              Revoke a previously obtained certificate

      register            Perform tasks related to registering with the CA

      rollback            Rollback server configuration changes made during install

      config_changes      Show changes made to server config during installation

      plugins              Display information about installed plugins


    Choice of server plugins for obtaining and installing cert:


      --apache          Use the Apache plugin for authentication & installation

      --standalone      Run a standalone webserver for authentication

      (nginx support is experimental, buggy, and not installed by default)

      --webroot        Place files in a server's webroot folder for authentication


    OR use different plugins to obtain (authenticate) the cert and then install it:


      --authenticator standalone --installer apache


    More detailed help:


      -h, --help     print this message, or detailed help on a topic;

                            the available topics are:


      all, automation, paths, security, testing, or any of the subcommands or

      plugins (certonly, install, register, nginx, apache, standalone, webroot,



    URL is jefflix.duckdns.org

    Subdomains are www

    deciding whether to renew the cert(s)

    Preparing to renew certificate that is older than 60 days

    Temporarily stopping Nginx

    * Stopping nginx nginx


    Generating/Renewing certificate

    Missing command line flag or config entry for this setting:

    Please choose an account

    Choices: ['db70471a0cef@2016-07-18T21:23:35Z (22a1)', '78963df01a2b@2016-04-16T1                  6:35:50Z (6e7e)']

    Restarting web server

    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban


    *** Running /etc/rc.local...

    *** Booting runit daemon...

    *** Runit started as PID 217

    Jul 24 15:33:14 45315b394643 syslog-ng[227]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5                  .3'

    Jul 24 15:39:01 45315b394643 /USR/SBIN/CRON[243]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/ph                  p5/maxlifetime ] && [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] &&                    /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean /var/lib/php5 $(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime))

    Jul 24 16:09:01 45315b394643 /USR/SBIN/CRON[255]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/ph                  p5/maxlifetime ] && [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] &&                    /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean /var/lib/php5 $(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime))

    Jul 24 16:17:01 45315b394643 /USR/SBIN/CRON[267]: (root) CMD (  cd / && run-par                  ts --report /etc/cron.hourly)

    Jul 24 16:39:01 45315b394643 /USR/SBIN/CRON[270]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/ph                  p5/maxlifetime ] && [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] &&                    /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean /var/lib/php5 $(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime))

    Jul 24 17:09:01 45315b394643 /USR/SBIN/CRON[282]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/ph                  p5/maxlifetime ] && [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] &&                    /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean /var/lib/php5 $(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime))

    Jul 24 17:17:01 45315b394643 /USR/SBIN/CRON[294]: (root) CMD (  cd / && run-par                  ts --report /etc/cron.hourly)

    It looks like you changed parameters (likely subdomains) after it was installed. That was not allowed in the older versions of this container (there was a disclaimer). And that's probably why it broke. The error message says there are two accounts on there (I'm guessing the second account was created when the script tried to renew with different parameters and things got messed up)


    Delete the folder "etc" in your config location and restart the container and everything should be fine

  13. Hi,


    I recently installed the docker "calibre-rdp". Everything works fine but it doesn`t update calibre when the Variable "EDGE" is set to 1 as described in the Readme.

    If "EDGE" is set to 1 I can not access the calibre GUI. Thank you for your help.

    The update can take a while if their server is being slow. Sometimes up to 30 min


    The log should tell you what is going on

  14. I lost my nginx-letsencrypt docker info and now I am trying to create it again using the same domains and email and everything. There seems to be an error with it launching nginx however as I get this error when starting the docker up:


    Preparing to generate server certificate for the first time

    Temporarily stopping Nginx

    * Stopping nginx nginx


    Generating/Renewing certificate

    Restarting web server

    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban



    Any ideas?


    Edit: To clarify this is a clean install with no changes to anything other than the info entered into unRAID when making the docker.


    Thanks for anything you can do.

    If it is a clean install in an empty config folder, the issue is likely due to cert generation.


    Most likely, your port 80 is not forwarded to the container properly, or there is an issue with your domain url setting.


    The letsencrypt log in the config folder can point you in the right direction



    There are no log files in config/nginx-letsencrypt/log/letsencrypt or in /nginx


    Is this where I should be looking?

    Oh oops. Nevermind. The initial one doesn't log to that file, but logs to the docker log. Type the following in the unraid terminal and it should show the error:


    docker logs Nginx-letsencrypt


    I got the following


    Restarting web server

    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban

    ERROR  No file(s) found for glob /config/log/nginx/error.log

    ERROR  Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for nginx-http-auth jail


    *** Running /etc/rc.local...

    *** Booting runit daemon...


    Thanks for the help

    Please post your container settings


    I have linked my container settings with 2 things to note:

    1. I've changed the domain and email for security

    2. My router is port forwarding 80 to 81 and the docker switches it back to 80



    Port 443 is the one used for cert generation. Is it forwarded?


    The log you posted is missing the beginning part about certs and other local files.

  15. I lost my nginx-letsencrypt docker info and now I am trying to create it again using the same domains and email and everything. There seems to be an error with it launching nginx however as I get this error when starting the docker up:


    Preparing to generate server certificate for the first time

    Temporarily stopping Nginx

    * Stopping nginx nginx


    Generating/Renewing certificate

    Restarting web server

    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban



    Any ideas?


    Edit: To clarify this is a clean install with no changes to anything other than the info entered into unRAID when making the docker.


    Thanks for anything you can do.

    If it is a clean install in an empty config folder, the issue is likely due to cert generation.


    Most likely, your port 80 is not forwarded to the container properly, or there is an issue with your domain url setting.


    The letsencrypt log in the config folder can point you in the right direction



    There are no log files in config/nginx-letsencrypt/log/letsencrypt or in /nginx


    Is this where I should be looking?

    Oh oops. Nevermind. The initial one doesn't log to that file, but logs to the docker log. Type the following in the unraid terminal and it should show the error:


    docker logs Nginx-letsencrypt


    I got the following


    Restarting web server

    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban

    ERROR  No file(s) found for glob /config/log/nginx/error.log

    ERROR  Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for nginx-http-auth jail


    *** Running /etc/rc.local...

    *** Booting runit daemon...


    Thanks for the help

    Please post your container settings

  16. I lost my nginx-letsencrypt docker info and now I am trying to create it again using the same domains and email and everything. There seems to be an error with it launching nginx however as I get this error when starting the docker up:


    Preparing to generate server certificate for the first time

    Temporarily stopping Nginx

    * Stopping nginx nginx


    Generating/Renewing certificate

    Restarting web server

    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban



    Any ideas?


    Edit: To clarify this is a clean install with no changes to anything other than the info entered into unRAID when making the docker.


    Thanks for anything you can do.

    If it is a clean install in an empty config folder, the issue is likely due to cert generation.


    Most likely, your port 80 is not forwarded to the container properly, or there is an issue with your domain url setting.


    The letsencrypt log in the config folder can point you in the right direction



    There are no log files in config/nginx-letsencrypt/log/letsencrypt or in /nginx


    Is this where I should be looking?

    Oh oops. Nevermind. The initial one doesn't log to that file, but logs to the docker log. Type the following in the unraid terminal and it should show the error:


    docker logs Nginx-letsencrypt

  17. I lost my nginx-letsencrypt docker info and now I am trying to create it again using the same domains and email and everything. There seems to be an error with it launching nginx however as I get this error when starting the docker up:


    Preparing to generate server certificate for the first time

    Temporarily stopping Nginx

    * Stopping nginx nginx


    Generating/Renewing certificate

    Restarting web server

    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting nginx nginx


    * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban



    Any ideas?


    Edit: To clarify this is a clean install with no changes to anything other than the info entered into unRAID when making the docker.


    Thanks for anything you can do.

    If it is a clean install in an empty config folder, the issue is likely due to cert generation.


    Most likely, your port 80 is not forwarded to the container properly, or there is an issue with your domain url setting.


    The letsencrypt log in the config folder can point you in the right direction

  18. Hi Aptalca,


    Thanks for your work on these docker apps. Question about DigiKam. I noticed they released 5.0 recently, i set my edge variable to 1. Is that all i need to do? Or would the docker have to be updated by you first before something like 5.0 would be available to update to?



    If edge is set to 1, digikam should be updated during container re/start.


    I'm out of town so can't test it now, but as long as the ubuntu repo is updated, the container should also update.

  19. Does the clipboard work to paste data into the Calibre-RDP docker? I can't seem to get it to accept a text copy paste from another browser window to the webrdp calibre window.

    Ctrl+alt+shift opens the side menu and gives access to clipboard

    Whatever clipboard that menu is referring to doesn't seem to be the one that Calibre is using. Does it work for you? I highlighted and copied a block of text in Calibre, expecting the clipboard window to populate with what was copied, and the window remained blank. I pasted a block of text into the window, and right click pasted into the comment field for a book's metadata, but nothing pasted.


    What am I doing wrong?

    You're right. Just tested it and it seems the left panel freezes the gui and therefore the copy paste doesn't work (in Chrome at least)


    Looking into it

  20. Well in that case I'm really confused as to what issue dikkie is having....


    Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

    I have yet to see any container that there is ever a valid reason to change it the entry.


    There actually is one use case, that's when you modfiy a config to put a weburl on the end.  So becomes 


    But other than that agree with you completely

    Also another use case. If the container is using the "host" method and there are no ports forwarded, and you change the port for the gui inside the container, then you have to change the webui link manually

  21. Not likely. Lead developers of owncloud left and started their own project (Nextcloud). Owncloud closed their US office.


    I don't see how this should in any way affect:


    1. the current and continued development of owncloud,


    Most of their developers (if not all) left and started their own new project (open source). And their creditors (banks) pulled credit support. So owncloud lost their devs and their cash. It is unlikely that they will recover. Most users will eventually move onto Nextcloud.



    2. the ability to update this docker by the original docker creator to the latest stable release: 9.0.3.


    As most of us are, we are truly grateful for the talented developers that have provided these dockers, but it's very disconcerting that an app that is used by so many users and has had support until now is all of the sudden a dead app. The original creator of this docker should at the very least address her/his intent to continue or end support.


    If I were the developer of this container, I wouldn't put more effort into a project that is on its last leg. Keeping owncloud up to date has always been a struggle, even on a vanilla ubuntu install that I myself experienced, I can imagine it would much more complicated in a docker container. I can't speak for the dev, but if it were me, I would advise users to move onto Nextcloud. And if I wanted to continue maintaining a container for file sync & share, I would start working on nextcloud, but that's just me

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