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Posts posted by aptalca

  1. having some issues with plexrequests.

    already tried to remove/re-add the docker but now it cant install meteor. log is saying to check that I'm online, which I am.


    is anyone facing the same issue?

    Just reinstalled and restarted a few times and it worked every time. It could have been a temporary issue where the meteor servers were down or you may have been having Internet connection issues.

  2. I changed permissons:

    New log:



    I still see a black screen.


    When conainer is started, permissons are changed again. (nobody:users -> 99:users)


    I'm afraid you didn't answer my question.


    What were the user and group owners within openmediavault and within the container? I suspect the issue may be due to there not being a nobody user in openmediavault (or maybe it is not uid 99), but I'm not really an expert on permissions and how the users are matched to uids. Perhaps someone else can chime in.

  3. I think the problem is

    Starting X app...
    /startapp.sh: 2: /startapp.sh: /config/jd2/JDownloader2: Permission denied
    ERROR: openbox-xdg-autostart requires PyXDG to be installed

    The issue is the permissions. I'll look into a solution when I'm home




    any news? Are you able to identify the problem?


    It's hard to identify without access to OpenMediaVault.


    Can you check the permission on the config folder in OpenMediaVault as well as inside the docker container? The folder should be owned by nobody:users

  4. I've just started toggling Read-Only/Read-Write myself, it's just a bit tedious.


    I wasn't in the least bit worried about ransomware (until someone mentioned it, ignorance was bliss).

    Same here. It was a bit of a pain to set it up but now I'm more confident that I won't lose my data to lowly ransomware attack

  5. My server rebooted from a power glitch.  now here is what plexreqests tell me



    object with id F5Zb9Drm3hfnupCeG is not valid. trying to migrate..

    released expectedConstructor

    createdAt expectedNumber

    approval_status required

    seasons required





    Error: Date of request must be a number

        at getErrorObject (packages/aldeed_collection2-core/lib/collection2.js:437:1)

        at [object Object].doValidate (packages/aldeed_collection2-core/lib/collection2.js:420:1)

        at [object Object].Mongo.Collection.(anonymous function) [as update] (packages/aldeed_collection2-core/lib/collection2.js:173:1)

        at packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations/packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations.js:156:1

        at SynchronousCursor.forEach (packages/mongo/mongo_driver.js:1022:16)

        at Cursor.(anonymous function) [as forEach] (packages/mongo/mongo_driver.js:869:44)

        at validateCollection (packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations/packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations.js:114:1)

        at [object Object].registerMigration [as attachSchema] (packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations/packages/davidyaha_collection2-migrations.js:45:1)

        at app/lib/collections/collections.js:545:4

        at app/lib/collections/collections.js:549:4

    Exited with code: 8

    Your application is crashing. Waiting for file change.



    Im assuming this means my DB is corrupt somehow.  I have no problem starting over if there is a way I can at least manually readd my reqests.  Can I pull out plain text somehow?

    Not sure. You might have to ask in the plexrequests thread on the plex forum

  6. Ok ...I can Login to Session jDownloader2when opening http://ipandport/#/client/c/JDownloader2.

    Then I have just a black screen. Ctrl-Alt-Shft brings up a litte menu on the left side.


    I'm running the container on openmediavault. Maybe there is a known bug?

    Did I have to install java on the host or something like that?


    That means the container started but it was unable to start jdownloader.


    Can you post your docker run command? Do you see the jd2 folder created in the config folder you selected?



    A maybe stupid question: I'm running the jdownloader2 container on a headless server.

    How can I login to myjdownloader in this container without gui? The GUI included just shows a function for the clipboard, but no login window.


    What do you mean by the gui just showing a function for the clipboard?


    The built in web gui should let you see the native jdownloader app in the browser. There, you can enter the settings for myjdownloader and enable it. After that myjdownloader should be accessible through the account you set up

  8. I keep getting the following when trying to install Jdownloader2.


    Pulling image: aptalca/docker-jdownloader2:latest
    IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from aptalca/docker-jdownloader2.
    IMAGE ID [e9c5e611068d]: Already exists.
    IMAGE ID [c29de585b225]: Already exists.
    IMAGE ID [0b3e3644d782]: Already exists.
    IMAGE ID [a3ed95caeb02]: Already exists.
    IMAGE ID [f9cf24c26853]: Already exists.
    IMAGE ID [47f8cff1b587]: Already exists.
    IMAGE ID [c7f597623b22]: Already exists.
    IMAGE ID [848ff3ed44b9]: Already exists.
    IMAGE ID [09242b92ea5a]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 78 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete.
    IMAGE ID [25dda6b51530]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 138 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete.
    IMAGE ID [5da3a07e6fd2]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 284 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete.
    IMAGE ID [8ecd81a7bfc8]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 89 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete.
    IMAGE ID [41ef1f9d8e79]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 284 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete.
    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="JDownloader2" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "WIDTH"="1280" -e "HEIGHT"="720" -p 8987:8080/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/JDownloader2":"/config":rw aptalca/docker-jdownloader2
    Unable to find image 'aptalca/docker-jdownloader2:latest' locally
    latest: Pulling from aptalca/docker-jdownloader2
    e9c5e611068d: Already exists
    c29de585b225: Already exists
    0b3e3644d782: Already exists
    a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
    a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
    f9cf24c26853: Already exists
    47f8cff1b587: Already exists
    a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
    a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
    a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
    a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
    c7f597623b22: Already exists
    848ff3ed44b9: Already exists
    09242b92ea5a: Pulling fs layer
    25dda6b51530: Pulling fs layer
    5da3a07e6fd2: Pulling fs layer
    8ecd81a7bfc8: Pulling fs layer
    41ef1f9d8e79: Pulling fs layer
    8ecd81a7bfc8: Waiting
    41ef1f9d8e79: Waiting
    25dda6b51530: Verifying Checksum
    25dda6b51530: Download complete
    5da3a07e6fd2: Download complete
    41ef1f9d8e79: Verifying Checksum
    41ef1f9d8e79: Download complete
    09242b92ea5a: Verifying Checksum
    09242b92ea5a: Download complete
    09242b92ea5a: Pull complete
    09242b92ea5a: Pull complete
    25dda6b51530: Pull complete
    25dda6b51530: Pull complete
    5da3a07e6fd2: Pull complete
    5da3a07e6fd2: Pull complete
    8ecd81a7bfc8: Verifying Checksum
    8ecd81a7bfc8: Download complete
    8ecd81a7bfc8: Pull complete
    8ecd81a7bfc8: Pull complete
    41ef1f9d8e79: Pull complete
    41ef1f9d8e79: Pull complete
    docker: layers from manifest don't match image configuration.
    See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.
    The command failed.

    That looks like an unraid or docker hub issue. It can't successfully download the images. Are you perhaps running out of space in your docker img file?





    I having weird behaviour when updating the docker. Right after installing the update (where it downloads 0 data) if I click on "Check for updates" it says there's an update pending again. I tried removing jDownloader completely including /config path and it still happening the same. I'm on beta22!


    EDIT: after reinstalling jDownloader completely I was able to login and update jDownloder to the latest version, but now I'm getting this errors all around the place :(. I can't connect through local or with my.jdownloader.com




    I can get to the screen below, but once I click on "OK" button nothing happens and it seems to hang.



    This is related to the new unraid bug where it constantly thinks there is an update when there isn't.


    Somewhere along the line, when you did the update I guess, it was uncleanly shut down and the x1 lock file was never deleted. A reinstall should take care of it. Click on the container name and select edit. Don't make any changes and hit apply. It should reinstall it fresh and the x1 lock file should be gone.


    I tested installing it, and updating it within the jdownloader gui and it works.


    Don't update the container through the unraid docker tab, it was recently updated with the browser and I'm not planning any updates to the container for a while anyway. Hopefully limetech will fix the false update problem soon.

  10. Anyone able to help with the ZoneMinder docker configuration?


    I have it installed and running fine, by following the instructions at the beginning of this thread. :) I also have my events folder on my cache drive, and moved to my array nightly.


    My problem is with getting email alerts to work. My ISP SMTP server requires authentication. I don't seem able to add these details.


    Lots and lots of googling later I'm still at a loss. I'm not sure if the Docker has access to sendmail (or similar) or what I need do to configure it. Certainly the ZoneMinder GUI config is limited in what you can set, with relation to email. I've had a snoop around in the Docker, but still none the wiser.


    Any pointers appreciated :)




    It seems you have to install a couple of packages for mail and configure them first. And then zoneminder will be able to send e-mails.


    If you're capable of doing those in command line, go ahead and try, and if it works, I'll update the container with those packages and a persistent e-mail config file.


    If not, I can take a loot when I get a chance (no promises)

  11. It works except for recapacha, which is  becoming increasingly popular..

    Rrcaptcha won't work without the browser..

    Can you send me a link with recaptcha so I can test?




    Your link didn't work, so I couldn't test the recaptcha, but I figured out how to get the browser to work


    exec into the jdownloader container, do apt-get update and apt-get install firefox

    And then in jdownloader settings, click on advanced settings, search for "browser" and change the two variables as shown in the attached picture. After that, jdownloader is able to open links in firefox (I tested by opening the changelog in the help menu) and when you close the browser tab, focus goes back to jdownloader.


    If you confirm that it works, I'll update the container and have it include firefox


  12. Hi aptalca. I am the guy who poked you about the (awesome) letsencrypt integration into you nginx docker. Thanks for that  8)


    I am here to request another nerdy feature:


    I have written a script that crawls (german) sites for JDownloader jobs. The crawling works perfectly, but for some advanced (cf. Recaptcha v2) captchas JDownloader needs an actual browser to work with.


    More details are found here:



    Sadly it is not as simple as "docker exec -it JDownloader apt-get upgrade && apt get install firefox", because JDownloader relies on typical OS-features to open the captcha tabs.


    Here is my request:

    Would you (maybe optionally even) integrate some sort of browser into your JDownloader container, so we can keep using it with modern captcha solutions?




    Should have read ANY of the previous posts before posting this  :-X:-[

    The request still stands, because merely installing firefox is not enough. The system needs some way of knowing how to handle http links


    Maybe along the lines of

    sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

    I'll look into it, but doesn't it work through myjdownloader as jivetrky mentioned?


    I intended the docker webgui to be used initially for setting up the app, and the user would later use the myjdownloader interface for general usage as it is much easier to do copy paste and such.

  13. Would it be possible to add a browser to the jdownloader2 docker? I have links from a site, that need captcha decryption, but it seems jdownloader doesnt support it natively. It displays a message that a real browser would be necessary to display the captcha and prompts the user to open it. Clicking "Open Browser" does nothing. I don't know if this would be doable using guacamole, but I hope it is.


    I don't really have a way of testing it (don't have any links that require captchas) but can you try the following in unraid terminal:


    docker exec -it JDownloader2 bash
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install firefox


    After installation, you can try the gui and see if it opens firefox and more importantly whether you can exit out of it.



  14. Would it be possible to add a browser to the jdownloader2 docker? I have links from a site, that need captcha decryption, but it seems jdownloader doesnt support it natively. It displays a message that a real browser would be necessary to display the captcha and prompts the user to open it. Clicking "Open Browser" does nothing. I don't know if this would be doable using guacamole, but I hope it is.

    Not sure, never tried it. Does the myjdownloader interface work for those?

  15. Any word on when we might see a LibreELEC 7 image? OpenELEC 6 is a little stale now since it is based on Kodi 15, and not latest stable.


    I see that the custom images are hosted on Eric Schultz's Github, but I didn't see any new activity.


    The reason I'm asking is because I use a mysql setup, which requires all clients to use the same version (database version) and all my other clients are on Kodi 16.



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