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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. 1) Not that I know of. Old container used a lot of symlinks, which aren't ideal. New container defines files in place. 2) s6-svc -h /var/run/s6/services/nginx 3) Nginx is started by the s6 service manager. Check out the file /etc/services.d/nginx/run 4) Some people host public wordpress sites. We design for the lowest common denominator, but you can always put whatever you need in the www folder as the container doesn't touch that as long as it exists
  2. I believe it works, but you have to run it on port 80, and to do that, you have to move the unraid gui to a different port (instructions for that are on the forum that you should be able find easily) You would think that at this point and time in technology companies would stop using port 80 since most homes would already have something running on port 80, baffles me. The reason is that this bridge emulates a hue bridge. And the hue bridge (physical device) listens on port 80. From Google's perspective, there is nothing wrong with hardcoding the hue communication port because it is always 80. It is a problem for other software that pretend to be a hue bridge [emoji6]
  3. I believe it works, but you have to run it on port 80, and to do that, you have to move the unraid gui to a different port (instructions for that are on the forum that you should be able find easily)
  4. IIRC plex requests links to a plex username. So probably best just to leave that without .htpasswd. You can setup different .htpasswd files. But you need one per "group" You can also add multiple user pass combos to the same htpasswd file
  5. That's possible with letsencrypt, but not this container. This container only supports one domain with multiple subdomains
  6. I encountered that error on a new install as well, but haven't figured out a fix yet. I am also now part of the linuxserver team and they have a plex requests container that works well. You might want to switch to that as I will most likely deprecate this container in favor of the linuxserver one soon. That one has a different config folder structure so I would recommend setting it up from scratch.
  7. No need for a PM, address is here... https://www.linuxserver.io/donations/ I would like to send it to him directly. Thanks I recently joined the linuxserver team and this container was truly a team effort (still is). Feel free to donate to the team if you like. But I don't accept donations personally. Thanks
  8. can't remember off the top of my head but if it's not we will push an update Until then you can install with apk add --update curl if it's missing Thanks! Looks like today's update added curl. Can you also add GD? cURL and GD are the most used features and i'm surprised they were not included. In the meantime, I'll add gd manually. Thanks again! Yeah, there are a whole lot of php modules out there. I personally host an html5 site and a bunch of reverse proxies so don't really use php at all. If there are other modules that are commonly used and needed, let us know and we'll add them to this container. I'll go ahead and add php5-gd
  9. Don't map the same folder twice. I have no idea how unraid or docker handles it. Just change the second mapping to /Downloads instead of /config/Downloads and you can select that as the download location in jd2 settings
  10. That's the official letsencrypt client script trying to update itself. Not something under my control. It may have been a temporary connection issue to github I'll look into it but likely not something on my end
  11. What does the docker log show? Did you forward port 443 on the router to port 444 on unraid?
  12. can't remember off the top of my head but if it's not we will push an update Until then you can install with apk add --update curl if it's missing
  13. Install the new container in a new config folder, let it get the certs, and then you can transfer the contents of the www folder and the necessary elements from the site config. That's really all.
  14. Inside the container, find the file /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh The last line starts the calibre server. You have two options: 1) You can add a parameter for password: https://manual.calibre-ebook.com/generated/en/calibre-server.html 2) You can delete that line, and instead, you can start the webserver from the calibre gui under sharing over the net (you have to select port 8081 for it to work) PS. This is really for advanced users and is not the intended use of this container, but since you figured out how to get the theme to work, I'm confident you can do this as well
  15. Did you enable cnl to listen for outside connections? If not, go to advanced settings, search for cnl and one of the three options should be for listening on localhost only. Uncheck that, hit ok, restart, then you can go to http://unraidip:9666/flash and you should see the word jdownloader. I'm assuming you also added port mapping for 9666 in the container settings
  16. If you don't want to see the notification, you can go to plex settings and change the update channel to public. That way it will only notify you if there is a new public version, which the limetech docker installs.
  17. You can exec into the container and install it. As long as you don't delete the container, it will be fine. I'm not planning on updating that container any time soon (unless I have to due to an error)
  18. You can use nginx reverse proxy to password protect it
  19. Is this a good work around for what I am trying to do? I guess you'll just have to try it. But like I said before, try it with just a regular webserver first, like the plain nginx container. If you can access its home page from the Internet, then you can set up letsencrypt.
  20. I agree with CHBMB. If you're forcing all traffic through a vpn, I'm honestly not sure how it affects webservers. Your wan ip address essentially becomes the vpn server's ip address and depending on your openvpn set up, it might reject all direct traffic outside of the tunnel. I think you should experiment with getting a regular (basic) web server up and running first. Once you get that working, you can look into letsencrypt.
  21. Could be. I really can't say. The container uses the same settings and resource allocation methods described in the official install guides, but being run in docker could have side effects. I'm afraid there isn't much to go on.
  22. Enter the EDGE variable in container settings and set it to 1 and after that it will auto update calibre on each container start
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