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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Ctrl+alt+shift opens the side menu and gives access to clipboard Whatever clipboard that menu is referring to doesn't seem to be the one that Calibre is using. Does it work for you? I highlighted and copied a block of text in Calibre, expecting the clipboard window to populate with what was copied, and the window remained blank. I pasted a block of text into the window, and right click pasted into the comment field for a book's metadata, but nothing pasted. What am I doing wrong? You're right. Just tested it and it seems the left panel freezes the gui and therefore the copy paste doesn't work (in Chrome at least) Looking into it
  2. Ctrl+alt+shift opens the side menu and gives access to clipboard
  3. I watched it go all the way down but still not here [emoji22]
  4. I have yet to see any container that there is ever a valid reason to change it the entry. There actually is one use case, that's when you modfiy a config to put a weburl on the end. So becomes But other than that agree with you completely Also another use case. If the container is using the "host" method and there are no ports forwarded, and you change the port for the gui inside the container, then you have to change the webui link manually
  5. I don't see how this should in any way affect: 1. the current and continued development of owncloud, Most of their developers (if not all) left and started their own new project (open source). And their creditors (banks) pulled credit support. So owncloud lost their devs and their cash. It is unlikely that they will recover. Most users will eventually move onto Nextcloud. If I were the developer of this container, I wouldn't put more effort into a project that is on its last leg. Keeping owncloud up to date has always been a struggle, even on a vanilla ubuntu install that I myself experienced, I can imagine it would much more complicated in a docker container. I can't speak for the dev, but if it were me, I would advise users to move onto Nextcloud. And if I wanted to continue maintaining a container for file sync & share, I would start working on nextcloud, but that's just me
  6. How are things in the EU? Oh wait. . . never mind :-P
  7. Not likely. Lead developers of owncloud left and started their own project (Nextcloud). Owncloud closed their US office.
  8. Just reinstalled and restarted a few times and it worked every time. It could have been a temporary issue where the meteor servers were down or you may have been having Internet connection issues.
  9. I'm afraid you didn't answer my question. What were the user and group owners within openmediavault and within the container? I suspect the issue may be due to there not being a nobody user in openmediavault (or maybe it is not uid 99), but I'm not really an expert on permissions and how the users are matched to uids. Perhaps someone else can chime in.
  10. The issue is the permissions. I'll look into a solution when I'm home Hi, any news? Are you able to identify the problem? It's hard to identify without access to OpenMediaVault. Can you check the permission on the config folder in OpenMediaVault as well as inside the docker container? The folder should be owned by nobody:users
  11. Same here. It was a bit of a pain to set it up but now I'm more confident that I won't lose my data to lowly ransomware attack
  12. Not sure. You might have to ask in the plexrequests thread on the plex forum
  13. The issue is the permissions. I'll look into a solution when I'm home
  14. I'm assuming the jd2 folder is full of jdownloader files. Hmm. . . Can you post a log? docker logs JDownloader2
  15. That means the container started but it was unable to start jdownloader. Can you post your docker run command? Do you see the jd2 folder created in the config folder you selected?
  16. What do you mean by the gui just showing a function for the clipboard? The built in web gui should let you see the native jdownloader app in the browser. There, you can enter the settings for myjdownloader and enable it. After that myjdownloader should be accessible through the account you set up
  17. Ah, it must be the dockergui baseimage. Great find Squid
  18. That looks like an unraid or docker hub issue. It can't successfully download the images. Are you perhaps running out of space in your docker img file?
  19. Thanks for the link, I looked at it and the newer versions don't have Primary and Backup designations. "Priority" replaces primary and backup. Primary and backup are just two tiers. Priority allows for many tiers
  20. I'm afraid not. I never really used apache and am pretty happy with nginx. It would be too big of a learning curve for me with little to no gain
  21. This is related to the new unraid bug where it constantly thinks there is an update when there isn't. Somewhere along the line, when you did the update I guess, it was uncleanly shut down and the x1 lock file was never deleted. A reinstall should take care of it. Click on the container name and select edit. Don't make any changes and hit apply. It should reinstall it fresh and the x1 lock file should be gone. I tested installing it, and updating it within the jdownloader gui and it works. Don't update the container through the unraid docker tab, it was recently updated with the browser and I'm not planning any updates to the container for a while anyway. Hopefully limetech will fix the false update problem soon.
  22. https://wiki.zoneminder.com/How_to_get_ssmtp_working_with_Zoneminder It seems you have to install a couple of packages for mail and configure them first. And then zoneminder will be able to send e-mails. If you're capable of doing those in command line, go ahead and try, and if it works, I'll update the container with those packages and a persistent e-mail config file. If not, I can take a loot when I get a chance (no promises)
  23. Can you send me a link with recaptcha so I can test? Done Your link didn't work, so I couldn't test the recaptcha, but I figured out how to get the browser to work exec into the jdownloader container, do apt-get update and apt-get install firefox And then in jdownloader settings, click on advanced settings, search for "browser" and change the two variables as shown in the attached picture. After that, jdownloader is able to open links in firefox (I tested by opening the changelog in the help menu) and when you close the browser tab, focus goes back to jdownloader. If you confirm that it works, I'll update the container and have it include firefox
  24. Doubt it, but I'll ask the developer of the dockergui base
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