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Everything posted by ppunraid

  1. You can change the protocols in the client application. But I would verify in the logs on the server side to see what it's seeing. On my client I have ipv4 only
  2. Also another thing to throw out there is if you restart your dockers, you may get different internal IP address. It's annoying and I haven't looked into how to make them static yet.
  3. THIS IS AWSOME!!!! After some user error I was able to get this to work easily. Also if you have a specific speedtest server you want to use, you can get the id field here: http://c.speedtest.net/speedtest-servers-static.php Thanks so much for this!
  4. Did you ever get this resolved? Looking at my own graphs: SELECT distinct("free") FROM "disk" WHERE ("path" = '/rootfs/mnt/cache') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null) Also another thing to note, I believe /rootfs/mnt/user is a virtual link to a directory that resides on the disks rather than a physical directory. You'd have to select the individual physical drives.
  5. @atribe, I was looking for a speedtest docker that feeds into grafana and ran into a repo that you had created on github. I was wondering if you could build the xml file for unraid? Thanks!
  6. Are you getting an issue specific to connecting to owncloud? can you connect to other dockers within your unraid via LE? can you connect to LE itself?
  7. Are you using the unraid URL or some specific host name for your server. If the later, you'd have to either create a host file to resolve the IP or push dns through the tunnel. If your using the unraid URL, then it should resolve without any further action.
  8. Are you advertising routes through the vpn? Can you get to other docker apps...Can you ping your server?
  9. OIC, for my perference, so I don't have to mess with file permissions, I would ssh as root to your unraid box, then use nano or pico (can't remember which one works ATM) to edit the file. Acutally if your on the most current version of unraid, there is a web terminal option.
  10. Just for clarification, did you add your new user as admin before disabling the default admin? I've used spaceinvader one's walkthrough without problems. also can you post the error
  11. @drsparks68, how did you get graylog working? I get to the graylog front end page and get the following: We are experiencing problems connecting to the Graylog server running on Please verify that the server is healthy and working correctly. You will be automatically redirected to the previous page once we can connect to the server. Do you need a hand? We can help you. Less details This is the last response we received from the server: Error message Request has been terminated Possible causes: the network is offline, Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin, the page is being unloaded, etc. Original Request GET Status code undefined Full error message Error: Request has been terminated Possible causes: the network is offline, Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin, the page is being unloaded, etc. In the logs, it appears everything is connecting up.
  12. Cool, but your output doesn't show anything with 443
  13. sudo service rsyslog restart that should restart the logging
  14. Sorry man, can you grep your messages from the router while trying to run the ssl certificate tail -f /var/log/messages | grep 443 Also, can you remove from the name-server from the DNS forward section
  15. This just clicked...your server is set for google DNS and I bet unraid server is trying to update google DNS...I would setup the edgerouter to be your DNS server and have the edge router query google for DNS.
  16. Can you enable logging default on your ACL rules? That's why we're not seeing any logs From the GUI go to: Firewall/NAT tab > WAN_IN > Actions > Edit Rule set > Configuration Tab Do this for WAN_LOCAL as well. Then look in the messages while trying to update the ssl cert. Just so we can see what the unraid server is doing. You can turn it off after. Do you have ACL's for your Local network as well? I have local firewall rules, because I only allow certain IP's out to the internet and I separate out the guest network. But I take it the unraid server can already get out to the internet anyways. Just a thought. While we're at it, whats in your port forwarding tab?
  17. Sorry to hear that. Is logging enabled on your ACL's? or are you forwarding them to a syslog server. If your not forwarding syslog, you could verify if syslog is working by just doing tail -f /var/log/messages or cat /var/log/messages If you do the later, then it will be long, but pay attention to the last time entry in relation to actual time, they should be fairly close. the only way I know how to get it to start working again, short of reboot is: sudo rm /var/log/messages sudo service rsyslog restart To get the ACL configuration from CLI configure show firewall Also, if you could provide context as to what interfaces are outside/inside PM me if you like if you
  18. from the ubiquiti CLI try this command: tail -f /var/log/messages | grep 443 Then try it again and post the results Also, if you can, post your ACL's
  19. Do you have 443 forwarding on the router? I had to disable that for it to work. Then I re enabled it afterwards. Not sure if unraids implemenation of let's encrypt requires 90 day reissue.
  20. Hello, Is there away to pass the unraid.net cert to the dockers? I haven't decided yet if I'm going to expose anything externally. but would be nice for internal where https is needed.
  21. Right, but I'm choosing to do it this way. I plan on allowing access to other docker apps such as nextcloud, smokeping, etc. I also don't want to expose a bunch of ports to the outside.
  22. Hello, I posted this on linux.io's forum as well, but wanted to see if I could get a faster response here. Just started using openvpn-as, I want to be able to restrict where users can go within the Lan. right now I'm just advertising the unraid server to VPN users, but want to dial it down further to just plex ports. Don't want to give users access to the kingdom. thanks in advance
  23. To me it sounds like it's working as expected? To the mycloud on a different machine your getting 80MB/s. So I would look towards the mycloud first. Actually I just did a quick search and found an old article stating write speeds are around 80MB/s http://www.storagereview.com/wd_my_cloud_review So like trurl stated, not enough to go on, but that is my indication
  24. why not just use the ubiquiti as your firewall instead of trying to replace the google fiber box? It's fully featured and can do everything else. I have google domains doing dns for me, but pretty sure you could use duckdns as well.
  25. I highly doubt it.I got the notification just as soon as I reverted to 1.5.1
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