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Everything posted by MMW

  1. Nice, Only got a four core AMD myself but am running a few tests to see how it best handles the conversion.
  2. interesting, going to see exactly what mine does when I convert just 1 file and not the standard 3 that it was running with
  3. Josh-5 said in a previous post that "To be clear, the main unmanic service runs on a single process (as is the nature of any python application), but each worker spawns a separate process that can take advantage of multiple processors for the encoding task.". So I don't think that you will be able to get it to use more than the 1 core per file being converted.
  4. Hi, Thought I would give this a go and it works great apart from the same issue as above with it maxing out a single cpu core when in idle. Version in the bottom corner of the webpage says
  5. So probably a stupid question but if I reverse proxy this using the lets encrypt docker, can I then access the items I put on the Heimdall homepage from outside my home network or would I need to set them up behind lets encrypt and use a separate user on Heimdall to host the links to these items? If that makes sense. Sorted it, got advice to use the external address that I set up for letsencrypt on a per docker setting.
  6. Tried it earlier on so afraid that's 50/50 if it is needed or not, just after the first install.
  7. Spot on working perfectly now. thanks for the plugin.
  8. It's alive. Does not appear to be updating the data but the plugin is now running.
  9. No cache drive on this system, as a network storage and plex unit I found it not really necessary.
  10. more than willing to help, I can wait if you want to try something else.
  11. So do we think it's not doing the copy? If I tried the copy manually?
  12. No update showing on the system. Question - as shown below the rc.vnstat is looking for the PDFILE in /var/run/vnstat/vnstat.pid rc.vnstat CONFIGFILE=/etc/vnstat.conf PIDFILE=/var/run/vnstat/vnstat.pid DAEMON=vnstatd But the vnstat.conf is looking in # file used as daemon pid / lock file PidFile "/var/run/vnstat.pid" could this be causing the issue?
  13. That won't help me on the link as its the same place the community application gets it from so now it the latest version anyway. I tried the chmod option as well and that does'nt appear to have helped either.
  14. Same error, @prongATO could you do me those instructions? Thanks
  15. It's not working for me, i still get the lock failed message. Should I uninstall and then remove the left over networkstats.cfg file before reinstalling
  16. I think this is the log you need. Oct 6 16:53:35 root: plugin: running: anonymous Oct 6 16:53:35 vnstatd[4539]: SIGTERM received, exiting. Oct 6 16:53:59 emhttpd: req (4): cmd=/plugins/community.applications/scripts/pluginInstall.sh&arg1=install&arg2=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dorgan/unraid-networkstats/master/networkstats.plg&csrf_token=**************** Oct 6 16:53:59 emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/scripts/pluginInstall.sh install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dorgan/unraid-networkstats/master/networkstats.plg Oct 6 16:53:59 root: plugin: creating: /boot/config/plugins/networkstats/networkstats-2018.10.06b-x86_64-1.txz - downloading from URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dorgan/Unraid-networkstats/master/archive/networkstats-2018.10.06b-x86_64-1.txz Oct 6 16:54:00 root: plugin: creating: /boot/config/plugins/networkstats/networkstats-2018.10.06b-x86_64-1.md5 - downloading from URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dorgan/Unraid-networkstats/master/archive/networkstats-2018.10.06b-x86_64-1.md5 Oct 6 16:54:00 root: plugin: skipping: /boot/config/plugins/networkstats/networkstats.cfg already exists Oct 6 16:54:00 root: plugin: running: anonymous Oct 6 16:54:01 vnstatd[15481]: vnStat daemon 1.18 started. (pid:15481 uid:0 gid:0) Oct 6 16:54:01 vnstatd[15481]: Monitoring: eth0 (1000 Mbit)
  17. @dorgan just to clarify you did mean /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/networkstats?
  18. Let me know if you need anything else.
  19. rc.vnstat CONFIGFILE=/etc/vnstat.conf PIDFILE=/var/run/vnstat/vnstat.pid DAEMON=vnstatd vnstat.conf # location of the database directory DatabaseDir "/var/lib/vnstat" # file used as daemon pid / lock file PidFile "/var/run/vnstat.pid" Added the pid lock file location from vnstat.conf as well.
  20. Fresh install, I saw your first post on this and have been waiting till you thought you had it sorted.
  21. One reboot later and still the same I am afraid. Oct 6 15:29:02 UnraidTower vnstatd[11262]: Error: pidfile "/var/run/vnstat.pid" lock failed (Resource temporarily unavailable), exiting. Linux 4.18.10-unRAID. /etc/rc.d/rc.vnstat start Starting the vnstat daemon... Error: pidfile lock: Resource temporarily unavailable /etc/rc.d/rc.vnstat status vnstat daemon is not running. Anything else you need let me know.
  22. Hi, so I just installed 2018.10.06a and get the same message as others were earlier. Oct 6 15:06:03 UnraidTower vnstatd[15224]: Error: pidfile "/var/run/vnstat.pid" lock failed (Resource temporarily unavailable), exiting /etc/rc.d/rc.vnstat status vnstat daemon is not running. /etc/rc.d/rc.vnstat start Starting the vnstat daemon... Error: pidfile lock: Resource temporarily unavailable Thoughts?
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