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  1. Hi guys, I am having an issue on my sites with this container that time to first byte is 2-3 seconds. It works great directly to other docker solutions I am hosting, only the three sites I host with this is displaying significant loading delay. Do any of you know what could cause this?
  2. Hi, yes same issue here. I connected a screen and it showed the attached. have you found a way to fix this?
  3. OK understandable, please see container config and frigate config: mqtt: host: port: 1884 topic_prefix: frigate client_id: frigate user: **** password: **** cameras: backyard: ffmpeg: inputs: - path: rtsp://admin:***@ roles: - detect - rtmp detect: width: 640 height: 480 Dafang3: ffmpeg: inputs: - path: rtsp:// roles: - detect - rtmp rtmp: enabled: False # <-- RTMP should be disabled if your stream is not H264 detect: width: 1280 # <---- update for your camera's resolution height: 720 # <---- update for your camera's resolution detectors: coral: type: edgetpu device: usb Thanks
  4. Hi guys, I am trying to start using frigate with my coral usb tpu which i think i have been able to set up just fine for a basic setup. However, after some hours I am experiencing unraid system wide crash and this point I am afraid to try again. Please send help. Happened once when I pushed some buttons on the frigate gui and a second time during the night after 10hrs of uptime. The Unraid GUI and other apps, HA and ssh for example, is unreponsive and I have to hard reboot the machine via holding down the power button. Have any of you experiecned this before or know what can be the cause?
  5. Hi I have a similar question to the above, which config is actually used by the template? How can i configure L2 zksync payments using this template? https://docs.storj.io/node/dependencies/storage-node-operator-payout-information/zk-sync-opt-in-for-snos
  6. It seems to be working! It did not work at first but tested it again now and it is working. Great.
  7. For any other looking to do the same: 1. To see usb devices: lsusb 2. Found the one, for me: /dev/bus/usb/001/004, 0bda:2838 (flightradar DVB-T dongle) 3. Ran code to get serial number: udevadm info -a -n /dev/bus/usb/001/004 | grep '{serial}' | head -n1 Response: ATTR{serial}=="00000001" 4. Added new file in /etc/udev/rules.d: 99-usb-rules.rules with content: vi /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb-rules.rules SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2838", ATTRS{serial}=="00000001", SYMLINK+="flightradar" 5. To get this to persist through reboots i copied the files to /boot/config/rules.d/99-usb-rules.rules: cp /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb-rules.rules /boot/config/rules.d/99-usb-rules.rules 6. Then in the file /boot/config/go i added a command to copy it back on boot: vi /boot/config/go Add: cp /boot/config/rules.d/99-serial-rules.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-serial-rules.rules chmod 644 /etc/udev/rules.d/99-serial-rules.rules (not sure if it is required but it the permissions now match the other files in the folder) Not sure if this is run before usb is initialized, so you might have to reinsert the device after boot to get the symlink recognized. I will test it and report. EDIT: Seems like it is not recognized on boot. EDIT2: It is working!
  8. Hi, I am trying to run flightradar24 data feeder with a USB dongle. I successfully connect to the dongle with device number, example: /dev/bus/usb/001/012. However, this location changes after a few hours to the next available spot, i.e. /dev/bus/usb/001/013. This happens after a few hours every time the image is started. Any clues to how or why this can happen? Thanks
  9. With the latest update It works! There were however some breaking changes, as the ENV variable for the storjMonitor was changed to STORJ_MONITOR_API_KEY in the template side. Thanks for the work put in to this!
  10. So tried to change the ownership of the storjfolder from 99(nobody) to root but it I still get the error. Using unassigned devices. Any wizards who know if there is anything else I should change? Pastbin: https://pastebin.com/pcAf2wzK
  11. The error below showing at docker image start is caused by the StorjMonitor being loaded before the node has fully started up. It should be the last thing to be started and preferably at least 10 seconds after the last node start command to be sure. * starting daemon in foreground{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:25:48.841Z"}* starting node with config at /storj/config.json{"level":"info","message":"got status query","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:25:49.094Z"}[12:25:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Submit to Storjstat[12:25:49] ERROR {"error":"Invalid farmer data (spaceUsedBytes)"}
  12. Any solutions to the issue with StorjMonitor? I'm still seeing errors for submitting data usage, otherwise the docker image is working fine. EDIT: Opened an issue here: https://github.com/calxibe/StorjMonitor/issues/25
  13. [13:55:53] nodeid | Submit to Storjstat [13:55:53] nodeid | Submit to Storjstat [13:55:53] nodeid | Submit to Storjstat [13:55:53] nodeid | Submit to Storjstat [13:55:54] nodeid | Error [13:55:54] nodeid | Error [13:55:54] nodeid | Error [13:55:54] nodeid | Error I'm having the same issue as MrChunky, plain error message. Do you guys know why this happens? The nodes have data
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