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Everything posted by GuildDarts

  1. Very curious why that would happen, but that's for another time i would recommend that you goto import/export then export all your folders. Then try and make a folder with only stopped. If i goes bad then you can just import it. Also if it goes bad could you attach the export to your post so i can try on my end
  2. @sjb217 this has me pulling my hair out. Can't seem to figure out why that would happen. Just made a folder named "stopped" added only stopped dockers and it works I really wanna figure out why this is happening but don't know where to start could you try another reinstall and if it happens again, tell me what you did to cause it
  3. if you do cat /boot/config/plugins/docker.folder/folders.json can you see all your folders or only the one the killed it all What did you name the folder that killed it, in your screenshot the folder has no name
  4. @darki73 wow thanks for the very detailed steps. I really need to learn to format my typing like that @sjb217 glad that its working could you elaborate what you mean by Not quite sure i'm totally getting your question sorry
  5. That's very much not intended If you open browser console and refresh the page do you get any errors? If you goto addFolder then in the top right there is a button called 'import/export' if you click it do you see all your folders there? Do your folders also seem to come and go like @sjb217 or are they just gone Are they missing on both the docker page and dashboard or just one of them? Will also try and see if i can reproduce this
  6. Sorry for the inconvenience and not actually fixing it @sjb217 @darki73 Hope it got it this time, if not will give it another go Will be going to bed so if its not fixed then sorry its gonna be a bit
  7. Dang knew i'd miss something. Should be fixed now
  8. Update Added: VM folder support @vw-kombi took a while but this is now a thing Fixed: Oddly named dockers showing up There might be a few bugs so watch out. In Case you find something check browser console for errors. Also if your folders are gone (not that i am expecting them to vanish ) there is a backup at '/boot/config/plugins/docker.folder/folders.backup.json'
  9. you are correct tho if you make a folder and dont sort a folder/docker after, the displayed order might be lying. you can see the order here "/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/userprefs.cfg"
  10. That is indeed very odd. Just checked myself and i also have a docker named '0' tho it does not have a image. Also checked squids CA Backup / Restore Appdata plugin, which is where i copy pasted the code that displays the dockers (shhh dont tell ) and its also there Also checked CA Auto Update Applications and that does not have it. Will look at what that might be doing differently and see if i can fix it for docker.folder
  11. Thanks for the positive comment. Yeah my main motivation for making it was when i was running mailcow. 18 containers for one app was just a bit too messy
  12. @darki73 Just pushed an update with you PR (did not use the one liner) Thanks again for the PR
  13. @darki73 so i figured out your original error, look like it happens if the settings object is missing from folders.json. Why i might not have been there i've got no clue For me prefs is an array, i remember it turning into an object in the past for me when there was folders loading issues. You could try Reset sorting or deleting it at "/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/userprefs.cfg" Will also include your PR as it still works if prefs is an array so win win For now a reinstall the plugin achieves the same goal. But yeah would be nice will do
  14. Should hopefully be fixed now, thanks for including browser console error
  15. There might be away for me to better support themes, will look into that. for now you can use the "Custom styling (advanced)" in theme engine .dockerPreview-no-icon-container { color: #486dba !important; } Hope it helps
  16. Yeah could not sleep so wanted to just give fixing it a quick try Sadly i'm unable to reproduce it this time around. Can't seem to get a combination that makes it break Might this have happened right after you just sort a folder/docker. If you refresh the page then just expand the folders and start/stop a docker does it still happen?
  17. Use the config type "WebUI_new_tab"
  18. if you add http:// to the front so http://Serverip:Port then it should work you can also do http://[IP]:[PORT:8888] that will get your servers ip and use port 8888 in this case. So if you server ever changes ip you wont have to edit all your folders
  19. @GuilhermeFluis Just pushed an update that might fix it, if not will try again. But now im really gonna sleep i would recommend that you also reorder any docker/folder as that will update "userprefs.cfg" which is what stores the sort order
  20. will look into this, had a nagging feeling in the back of my head today that i did not get it totally right Going to bed right now so will be a bit
  21. I feel your pain, i hope you get it working. My only advice would be to check the github page and see if anyone else has had the same issue and see how they fixed it. Best of luck
  22. If you want you could post whatever it's spewing out when it fails. Tho i might not be able to help
  23. If you're lazy like me you can make a start/stop/restart button for you folder that runs the docker-compose commands using the bash type in docker folder hope it helps (dont know if you asked an actual question or if it was rhetorical )
  24. Just tested this out and it worked for me hope its helps add the below to the docker-compose file (some more info) networks: default: external: name: proxynet PS: glad you got docker folder working
  25. Glad that you're enjoying the plugin The issue should hopefully be fixed now, thanks for the detailed report made alot of sense Glad that its fixed tho wonder why it happens Just in case anyone is reading this and has this issue, could you check browser console for errors and attach "/boot/config/plugins/docker.folder/folders.json"
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