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  1. Question with the "2020.01.18" update one item listed is "Added: Recommended apps" I've updated to latest version and when I click on the apps tab I dont have any option present for "Recommended Apps". Under categories the options I have are as follows: New Apps, Updated Apps, Random Apps, Top New Installs, Trending Apps Could someone clarify how you get into the new Recommended Apps?
  2. Hello @ich777 , I'm trying to get dirsync pro to work on my server and its not working. I've tried variety of different ports (8080, 8084, etc) in the config and that doesn't fix it (made sure to try ports that I didnt already have allocated to my other dockers). I've tried different browsers (chrome, edge, internet explorer) to access the Web UI and VNC isn't working on it (I'm able to use VNC find with my other dockers & VMs). I tried the docker both with a SMB remote share and local and no luck there either. I tried reviewing the online FAQ and couldn't find anything that would help me. Feel like I'm missing something basic but not sure what else to try. i'm very familiar with docker setup as I have 28 other dockers that are running okay. I also tried to run Dirsync Pro docker with all other dockers turned off and also after rebooting the server with no luck. See attached screenshots of setup and below info from log. Hoping you can point me in the right direction, your help is greatly appreciated. ---Starting DirSyncPro--- Error occurred during initialization of VM java/lang/ClassNotFoundException: error in opening JAR file /dirsyncpro/runtime/jre1.8.0_211/lib/rt.jar mmap failed for CEN and END part of zip file ---Setting umask to 000--- ---Checking for 'runtime' folder--- ---'runtime' folder found--- ---Checking if Runtime is installed--- ---Runtime found--- ---Checking for DirSyncPro--- ---DirSyncPro found--- ---Local mounting is selected, please mount your local path to the container--- ---Preparing Server--- ---Checking for old logfiles--- ---Checking for old display lock files--- ---Starting Xvfb server--- ---Starting x11vnc server--- ---Starting noVNC server--- WebSocket server settings: - Listen on :8080 - Flash security policy server - Web server. Web root: /usr/share/novnc - No SSL/TLS support (no cert file) - Backgrounding (daemon) WebSocket server settings: - Listen on :8080 - Flash security policy server - Web server. Web root: /usr/share/novnc - No SSL/TLS support (no cert file) - Backgrounding (daemon) ---Starting DirSyncPro--- mmap failed for CEN and END part of zip file Error occurred during initialization of VM java/lang/ClassNotFoundException: error in opening JAR file /dirsyncpro/runtime/jre1.8.0_211/lib/rt.jar
  3. The 4.0 test that I downloaded off the first page yesterday at 12:17 PM EST. On my 6.6.7 Unraid is returning that I should be using a negative md_sync_thresh " md_sync_thresh: -56" is that even possible to use a negative md_sync_thresh? Or does the script need some sort of code added to never let it test down into negative values? The test also indicated that the setting will consume 0 MB which I thought was confusing too. Thought it seemed strange so before I updated my unraid to these settings I thought I better double check. If it makes any difference I do NOT have parity disks in my array. Example: The Fastest settings tested give a peak speed of 143.7 MB/s md_sync_window: 8 md_num_stripes: 16 md_sync_thresh: -56 nr_requests: 128 This will consume 0 MB (38 MB less than your current utilization of 38 MB) Full report attached.
  4. I came to this thread because of people over on the 6.6.0-rc3 prerelease thread complaining about a password manager. I'm a little confused. I use Google Chrome along with Lastpass. Whenever I go to login to my unraid the user id and password are always pre-filled in for me on the authentication box that pops up. I'm not sure if its chrome autofilling it in or my lastpass. I have 2 unraid boxes 1 where it auto fills and the other where it doesn't, haven't looked into the differences. But it seems with either lastpass or google chrome it is possible to have the password and login auto filled. Sorry can't offer more details as to which of the 2 is doing it, I just know its doing it as I just tried to pull it up and each time the user and password are already there and I just have to hit ok.
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