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Everything posted by mwells

  1. I have a 1050ti I use as well. However, what driver mod are you referring to that will allow more then 2 transcodes on the 1050ti?
  2. First off thank you. I just started using this container and I like all the options you have to control your media files. I'm having an issue with the container not using the PUID:99 and PGID: 100 defined in the template. When the container writes any file it does so as root. Most of the containers when the PUID and PGID are set it uses this when writing files created. Can you please change the container to use these settings? I don't want my media files created as root that are output from this container. Anyone else having this issue? I thought I might have setup something incorrectly, but everything else is working fine. Only issue is the files are being created with the wrong owner. Thanks
  3. I'm having the same issue. Is there a fix for this?
  4. First off another great video. Thank you! The issue with the UTC times in the Calendar view and other areas is fixed by adding the "tzdata" package to the docker. SpaceInvader - Would it be possible to add this to your docker? I added in it manually by going into the containers console and running this command: apk add --no-cache tzdata This resolved my problem with the times showing in calendar view, file naming of the videos, and other areas. Instead of it showing previously as UTC time it now shows as the local timezone. Thanks
  5. Sorry, I missed that on the docker hub. Thanks
  6. If this container only scans when you start the container or from the user script that Squid provided here. Will the Clam Databases check for updates every time the docker runs as well? Or how do the updates for the definitions database work in this container?
  7. I'm having an issue with the DelugeVPN container only when I have it configured to use network br0. I'm not able to connect to the webui from any device on the LAN network. Other containers like Sonarr, Radarr, etc... can see this container and connect to it since they are also on br0 and have a static ip address assigned like the DelugeVPN container. If I change this container to Bridge Network type I can connect to the WebUI without a problem. However, I would like to use this with a static IP address for the container. Also, I proxy my browser traffic through this container using the built in VPN. The proxy is working fine with all the devices on the LAN configured to use the proxy. I'm at loss on why the WebUI isn't allowing me to connect to it. Any ideas? Thanks
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