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Everything posted by PaulieORF

  1. Is everyone else still stuck on this? I've deleted the container and image and reinstalled, but as soon as I check for docker updates I get back to "not available".
  2. I've got the plugin installed with a backup schedule set for my Home Assistant VM, and it works perfectly. I even tested doing a restore (in case the day comes where I'll actually need it) and it worked as expected. My only nagging problem is every time my scheduled backup runs, I get the following notification from Unraid: Event: Unraid Status Subject: VM Backup plugin Description: cannot run /boot/config/plugins/vmbackup/configs/home-assistant/ Importance: warning 2022-01-14 03:00 User script file does not exist. Exiting. I never put anything in the pre or post-script locations in the config for this backup because I don't have any scripts I need to run. Is it normal for the plugin to report a warning if you do not have a script set to run as part of your backup? Is there a way to stop this notification? Note: When I run the backup manually, it does not trigger this notification. Thanks
  3. Just followed this and it worked for me. Flash backup is not functioning! Woohoo! Thanks.
  4. I installed and setup the My Servers plugin in April and all was good. I hadn't thought about it for a while, so I opened up the plug-in and saw that the flash backup (which originally was working fine) was now showing "fatal: .git/index: index file smaller than expected", as you can see in the screenshot I'm including. I have rebooted my server, signed out and back into My Servers, uninstall and re-installed the plug-in, and so on. All the while My Servers shows that it's online. I've also not been able to find any posts on the community or internet in general regarding this error. I'm hoping someone here is able to help, as a regular flash backup would definitely help me sleep easier at night! Thanks in advance. P.S. I'm running 6.9.2.
  5. On Transmission_VPN, I've switched to using NordVPN instead of PIA. I've got Nord working using the provider specific variables. Part of getting Nord to work for me was deleting the OPENVPN_CONFIG variable. However if I restart the docker container, OPENVPN_CONFIG is automatically created again and points to a PIA config, causing the docker to not start properly because it can't connect. If I manually remove the variable again and then restart the container it works, but the OPENVPN_CONFIG variable will always come back on subsequent restarts. How can I make it so OPENVPN_CONFIG does not keep coming back? Thanks
  6. Everything has been smooth with this container forever. Suddenly when I attempt to access the web UI, I am prompted for an email address and password. I've never seen this before, and I can't seem to get past it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: I tried the default email address and password with no luck. I ended up just trashing the container and files, and just starting over again. Back up and running now.
  7. Oh okay. I had to enable advanced view to see all the fields. For the VPN_PORT value, it was listed as "admin" for the container port but it was grayed out, so I was unable to edit it. So what I did was delete this port and create a new one for it. Set the container port to 1198, set it to bridged, and now it's rocking and rolling as it should. Thanks for your help!
  8. When I switch to bride, I get this. And then the docker container becomes an orphaned image.
  9. Regarding haugene/transmission-openvpn... I've been using this container for years on its own IP address with no issues. I've decided I want to run it using the host's IP. The container works, however the entire Unraid host and any other docker containers that also run using the host's IP are now having all their internet traffic routed through the account I've got the Transmission_OpenVPN container connecting to. There's got to be some way to make it so the VPN connection is isolated to just this container, right? Thanks in advance.
  10. I've figured it out. I had to turn HSTS on in my Cloudflare account. All good now!
  11. Have you been able to over come this message? I've got HSTS turned on in Nginx, but this still shows up.
  12. Wow, so my problem was that I had the Nextcloud container using its own IP address. Just changed it to the same as the Unraid server and it's now working. Thanks!!
  13. Has anyone been successful in getting Nextcloud working through the Nginx Proxy Manager docker? I've been able to get other dockers and a VM to work through it, but not Nextcloud. I can't find a guide, and solid info on getting the two working together seems pretty sparse. Thanks
  14. It's been quite a few months since this workaround. I do see in the Nginx Proxy Manage now that forwarding to HTTPS servers is supported, however I still cannot get it to work with my Nextcloud container. I get 502 Bad Gateway. Is there some other trick in getting this working? Thanks!
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