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  1. I have Setup a VM with pass trough Nvidia GPU, normaly when i shutdown the vm the monitors turn off too. after updating unraid to 6.11 the VM shutt down and the Monitors stays on with the last seen screen. It seems that the GPU dont get shutdown correctly? Hope someone can help. here my xml: If u need more Information feel free to ask
  2. i have similiar issue i have a VM where i passthrough a mouse and keyboard gpu soundcard, worked fine for month. today i added 2 more USB devices, wich work fine. but now my mouse stops working after some time. with the hotplug usb plugin i can detach and attach the mouse again and after a few minutes the mouse stops working again now i followed spaceinvader video to passthroug the whole usb controller, nothing changed. the only thing i can now detach and attach the usb physically instead of do it over the plugin. someone know whats the problem here? EDIT: Same for Keyboard, the other USB devices dont have this issue
  3. Here a few more stats and infos, all the lsof tasks seems a bit of to me after stopping the docker service webui gets responsive again, but have a high CPU usage, every core about 10-30%, i pinned my cores so when i stop docker service unraid have 16/32 Cores/Threats alone My Log was at 100%, mainly nginx with a lot of worker connections are not enough lines another strange thing, i want to stop the array but the buttons are blinking (Mover and Stop Array) so some Array process is spawning again and again? after restart and starting all up again it looks good so far, will see if it break after some time
  4. I had make a backup at the time of diag and becouse of the long loading times i had multiple instance open, it makes no diffrenze if i use one tab or more, my containers are up quite some time and even this makes no diffrence
  5. Dont know if its a pre release thing but had this on stable too from time to time. Its present after restart too, my webui takes a few minutes to load, but it is loading and working. All containers and VM´s run perfekt, it seems like something is blocking the webui from loading, cant find anything and didnt change anything (plugins etc) Someone have an idea whats happening here? server-diagnostics-20220507-0830.zip
  6. Is there a way to disable the docker services from unraid but keep docker enabled? I work with docker-compose and the unraid docker services is messing up my containers. I don't need the fancy webui and such things.
  7. I recently have Trouble with my Unraid OS I cant create a new vm, when i hit save it loads foreever, i looked in the vm log but nothing i double checked all paths and leave all things default but nothing. Hope someone can figure out why ... Server Diag is attached server-diagnostics-20210725-1404.zip
  8. ok i get snmp working now, but the only thing i see more is "UPS LOAD %" "NOMINAL POWER" and "UPS LOAD" are still missing .. and yes modbus is enabled but i only see modbus tcp in settings, i dont think that this is modbus per usb
  9. i enabled modbus but when i set to ModBus (no matter if i use usb or ether) i get nothing
  10. I have installed a APC Smart UPS from APC with a UPS Network Management Card 2. How can i get the data? when i use the USB Cable i dont get any Power readings, but it works for Battery % and static data as Serial number and such things now i want to get it up over network with SNMP, i select "Ether" as usb Cable and "SNMP" as UPS Type. i enter the IP adress dont get any information, i tried something like ";apc;apc" too but no luck, anyone have more information how i can get this up and running ?
  11. im stuck in a boot loop on 7daystodie. i created the server and seems to work fine, i then imported an existing save, changed the config (server name and so on) and started the server again. Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK Waiting for user info...OK Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK Waiting for user info...OK ---Update Server--- Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK. Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK Waiting for user info...OK Success! App '294420' already up to date. ---Prepare Server--- ---SaveGameFolder location correct--- ---Savegame location found--- ---UserDataFolder location correct--- ---UserDataFolder location found--- chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/serverconfig.xml': Operation not permitted ---Server ready--- ---Start Server--- Found path: /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer.x86_64 ---Checking if UID: 99 matches user--- usermod: no changes ---Checking if GID: 100 matches user--- usermod: no changes ---Setting umask to 000--- ---Checking for optional scripts--- ---No optional script found, continuing--- ---Starting...--- ---Update SteamCMD--- Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK. Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK Waiting for user info...OK ---Update Server--- Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK. Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK Waiting for user info...OK Success! App '294420' already up to date. ---Prepare Server--- ---SaveGameFolder location correct--- ---Savegame location found--- ---UserDataFolder location correct--- ---UserDataFolder location found--- chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/serverconfig.xml': Operation not permitted ---Server ready--- ---Start Server--- Found path: /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer.x86_64 I fixed the permissions in a try before that wasnt the error so we can ignore this for now
  12. Ok i finally found the issue... a module https://github.com/NolanKingdon/MMM-DailyPokemon is crashing since MM2 V2.13
  13. @ich777 Here is the log, its repeating and sure you want a screenshot? Its just a black screen... Log.txt
  14. My Magic Mirror goes black a few days ago .. after a while of tweaking i checked that there is no problem with my hardware .. my server just serves a black screen. I didnt changed anything and it was working before .. checkt the logs and no problems there .. but i just get a black screen when browsing to the url
  15. I have some problems with the Onlyoffice container, i run it first stock from template and was getting MySQL errors, i then changed to an external mariadb instance and this error is gone. But now i getting errors related to elasticsearch, i would use an external there too but there are no variables for that. more infos are here https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/Docker-CommunityServer/issues/100 , i created a github issue becouse i think its more related to the docker image than this thread but i hope that someone has the same proble or have a fix for that
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