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Posts posted by FlamongOle

  1. 23 minutes ago, ratmice said:

    I just installed, and really like this plug in. However, I cannot seem to get the Main page to use the colors, for the drives, from the configuration page. I changed them but the old colors remain, or even began using new colors entirely. One category changed to black and I can't read any info at all 😆


    Sorry, I can't replicate this. Check if you didn't mess up with choosing "heat map" and thinking custom colors would work. You have a "reset colors" button in the configuration too.

  2. 3 hours ago, ssnow said:

    Enjoying the plugin!


    One thing I'm seeing is critical temp threshold is not reflecting what is configured per drive.  I have my NVMe SSDs configured at a drive level for warning at 70* and critical at 80*.  The Samsung SSDs are configured at a drive level for warning at 55* and critical at 65*.


    Looks like warning is pulled correctly, but critical is the global config.


    Unraid version: 6.11.5
    Plugin version: 2023.04.17

    Did you force scan all recently? I know this was a bug at initial release. I might look into it soon, but too drunk now.

  3. 3 hours ago, marco_yang said:

    I really appreciate your build! It's very handy!


    I see someone on github also mentioned about NVME ssds not showing up. I have the same issue here, where the NVME drives can't be recognized by your handy plug-in. And I have the output of "lsscsi -u -g" and "lsscsi":



    I am currently running UNRAID 6.12.0-RC2 with 2 identical Gloway Basic 256G NVME ssd cache, and force scan can successfully find my 2 nvme drives, but it just can't be find under "tray allocation" tab. 



    BTW I want to mention that the 2 NVME was not able to be recognized by UNRAID at the same time before UNRAID 6.12.0-RC2 maybe because of the global duplicate IDs. I posted this problem on UNRAID forums and supports replied me to update to this UNRAID 6.12.0-RC2 version which solved the recognize difficulties in UNRAID. I am not a professional but do you think disk location may have the same global duplicate ID issue here?


    The thread I posted on UNRAID forum: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/137442-solvednew-nvme-not-visible-globally-duplicate-ids/#comment-1248613



    This post continues at https://github.com/olehj/disklocation/issues/188

  4. 15 hours ago, schreibman said:

    Love this plugin and appreciate your work.  Would love the ability to manually add a disk.  As silly as this may seem, my use case is that Unraid contains 90% of my 'infrastructure' and it would be useful to be able to manually add disks, and then I would assign them to an 'offline' disk tray layout.   Just a simple way of keeping 100% of my disk inventory visable.  Also  would use for any 'cold-swap' disks I may have.

    Thanks, happy to help whenever I can. Right now I'm just drunk and on a metal festival, so I'm not very useful. 


    However, may I ask why you need to manually add disks? Do you have a system that is not discovered? Is it a bunch of external devices (USB/thunderbolt etc)? External disk enclosure? Something else i vant think of?


    And more importantly: is there a way too see them in unRAID system by a common command?


    Just curious if it's something that could be implemented in the plugin, or if the manual mode would be the only way too go except from adding multiple disk search function on specialized hardware. 


    Adding a manual mode would not be impossible, but it would only keep track of whatever you would type in yourself. 


    If the command "lsscsi" shows the devices, then it should probably be easy to include automagically. 


    Cheers, soon heading out being more drunk and .. deaf-er? :P Inferno Festival 🤘

  5. Check main post above about all the major updates for this release. Click the top header for correct link location.


    Update 2023.04.05

    • Commit #210 - BUG: Conflicting style sheets across the plugin and Unraid LEDs has been addressed.
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  6. Check main post above about all the major updates for this release. Click the top header for correct link location.


    Update 2023.04.04

    • Commit #208 - IMPROVEMENT: Added a button to move the legacy Dashboard left and right under "System" configuration. This is not visible for Unraid 6.12 users and also not needed. The file that defines the location will be deleted under Unraid 6.12 automagically.

    This will override the current modified variables in the file if that has been done, but the manual editing won't be needed to be done anymore as the button to move the location for the Dashboard is under "System", the button toggles between left and right.


    To manually disable the dashboard, you must still manually delete the file or rename the extension of this file:


    This has to be done after every plugin update for Unraid version below 6.12!


    @TwistedCarnivore you might want to read this when you update.

  7. Check main post above about all the major updates for this release. Click the top header for correct link location.


    Update 2023.04.01 - no, it's not an April Fools joke.

    • Commit #205 - IMPROVEMENT: Added a legacy dashboard back, as people can use newer plugin on a current stable Unraid system again.
    • Also removed a useless question mark icon when hovering the LED-icons.


    This update will force enable the Dashboard for Unraid below version 6.12, and it will be stuck on the right side. You can still move it up and down.


    To manually disable the dashboard, delete or rename the extension of this file:



    To manually set it to the left side of the plugin, edit the file above, find and set the variables to this instead:

    $dashboard_widget_pos_legacy = 1;
    $dashboard_widget_colspan_legacy = 3;


    In short: YES, you can now finally use and install this plugin for Unraid versions from 6.9 and above.

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  8. On 3/29/2023 at 1:02 PM, FreeMan said:

    olehj is the maintainer and it's his choice to do with the plugin what he sees fit.


    It is, however, unusual to release to production a version that requires a beta OS release, instead of releasing the plugin as a beta/test/dev release until the OS release that requires the breaking change is into production.


    Those who are on 6.12 beta would, I'm sure, be most happy to install the beta version of disklocation to test it out, while the rest of us who are happy to sit on an OS release until the next one is in production (no matter how stable the latest beta might be) are confused by a notification saying our plugin is only compatible with an OS release that doesn't (and won't) exist and come here asking 20 dozen questions about it.

    Ye, it's a hard life.


    Now, there's reason why it had to be like this - this time around. To prevent my plugin from being blocked (which it actually was for some days) due to major changes in the Dashboard for Unraid 6.12, I had to fix and release a new update. The developer package was ready to be installed, but it was not good enough UNTIL I had released the stable version of it.


    The new version of my plugin required some additional changes to the Dashboard, not really suitable for a dual-dashboard (for both versions) to exists at the same time as I had the possibilities to "hack" the Dashboard to the "left" and "right" side, or simple turning it "Off". In the new version, these settings are completely unnecessary and thus removed from the plugin. So the other option would then be just to release the plugin, making people ask where the Dashboard had gone. While on Unraid 6.12 it would have invalid settings under configuration as they don't matter anymore (and are actually now used by something else - a feature that was requested).


    There was simply not a lot of good options here, so I decided to release the production release of this plugin, as it is really ready for production use regardless of Unraids state at this point. But once you upgrade, you'll have more and a better plugin - without having lost the Dashboard meanwhile.


    Hope this clarify a bit why shit was done as it was.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Squid said:

    I believe that @olehj decided to make the latest update only compatible with 6.12+.  In other words, the minimum version the plugin now requires is 6.11.9 (a non-existent version)

    Exactly that. Otherwise, the already installed version will be the last until the 6.12 upgrade. No new installs will be possible with older versions of Unraid unless the developer package is installed.

  10. 5 hours ago, Schwiing said:

    The only issue I have is that I usually update all of my plugins before updating unRAID (based on advice from update assistant). In this case I'm hoping that by the time 6.12 stable comes out, there won't be an issue with leaving this plugin as-is until after the update

    Fair point. Worst that can happen is a messed up dashboard, you can disable that in the plugin before you reboot into 6.12. Then upgrade it and dashboard is automatically accessible.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 35 minutes ago, DataCollector said:

    personal opinion: when a plugin is not compatible with the used unraid version, then it should not show the plugin.

    But this behavior (whowing a plugin while it says it is not compatible) did not happen with an unraid version change, it did occur after the plugin was changed.


    Continue this topic somewhere else now then, nothing I can do about it as far as I can tell. Should not be related to my plugin.

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  12. 10 hours ago, DataCollector said:

    same issue.

    Is it possible to change it, that the update will not be shown, when the system is not compatible?

    I don't understand your request, this is not an issue with the plugin. The "issue" will be gone whenever you upgrade to 6.12. It's worse if Unraid would not let you know at all, wouldn't it?

    • Confused 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Gunny said:

    So I figured I could always restore the old one from backup anyways if it broke, but it looks like it shows an update button even though it prevents you from updating:


    This is to be expected, as it might confuse users even more if the dashboard widget is suddenly gone after an update. 6.12 is under RC now and is probably soon™ released. "6.11.9" is set as minimum required as I'm not sure if setting it to "6.12.0" would include beta and release candidates and that 6.11.9 does not exists.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Gunny said:

    Yeah I read that, but what do you mean by dashboard though? Is it the widget on /dashboard, the configuration dashboard in settings, or something else?

    The dashboard widget is simply just gone, but rest should work. I recommend to wait until 6.12 before updating it to stay in the stable releases. Otherwise, the developer package is right now exactly the same apart from the installation file itself.

    • Confused 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Gunny said:

    So I'm on 6.9.2, and it is showing that update 2023.03.22 is available to me, but its not actually compatible with 6.9.2.  What happens if it gets installed on 6.9.2?


    7 hours ago, olehj said:

    This version is ONLY supported by Unraid 6.12 and later! The development package can be installed instead for earlier versions, but the Dashboard will not work. The auto-updater will not accept Unraid 6.11.5.


  16. Update 2023.05.30

    • Commit #218 - BUG: When upgrading the plugin or Unraid, something might not upgrade correctly. Added some cleanup before install script starts to prevent this from happening.


    Update 2023.04.22

    • Commit #216 - BUG: Typo on a variable caused wrong "maxTemp" to be included.


    Update 2023.04.17

    • Commit #188 - BUG: Some errors might be output with smartctl on certain NVMe drives, added a silent mode to ignore such events as it's not useful for this plugin anyway. More NVMe drives should now probably be detected, and maybe some regular drives as well.


    Update 2023.04.15

    • Commit #212 - MINOR: Fixed some more undefined variables.


    Update 2023.04.05

    • Commit #210 - BUG: Conflicting style sheets across the plugin and Unraid LEDs has been addressed.


    Update 2023.04.04

    • Commit #208 - IMPROVEMENT: Added a button to move the legacy Dashboard left and right under "System" configuration. This is not visible for Unraid 6.12 users.


    Update 2023.04.01 - no, it's not an April Fools joke.

    • Commit #205 - IMPROVEMENT: Added a legacy dashboard back, as people can use newer plugin on a current stable Unraid system again.
    • Also removed a useless question mark icon when hovering the LED-icons.


    Update 2023.03.25

    • Commit #203 - BUG: Fixed a background color bug if warning/critical flash was active.


    Update 2023.03.24

    • Commit #199 - BUG: In some specific situations, the temperature colors where not correct.


    Update 2023.03.23

    • Commit #197 - FEATURE: Added a function to enable the background to flash on a disk that has a warning or critical issue.
    • Commit #197 - BUG: Also fixed an issue where empty trays did not hide the contents when checked.


    Update 2023.03.22

    • Commit #193 - BUG: Various bugs fixed. Eg. SMART crontab should now be able to install again.
    • Commit #192 - IMPROVEMENT: Prepared for Unraid 6.12 and above. Breaks Dashboard compatibility with earlier Unraid versions.
    • Commit #190 - FEATURE: Addition of a Heat Map has been added, this can now be chosen instead of the traditional color scheme. It will disable custom drive colors.
    • Commit #176 - BUG: Fixed storing warranty and purchase date from the Unraid system to the plugins database.


    More info about this new release


    The information and the configuration of the plugin is now all under the same main area: Settings -> Disk Location (Tools is gone).


    The Heat Map function will use the temperature set by the system (globally) unless if it's stored per drive manually. The colors will use the same settings/variables as the traditional tray system and are still configurable. The custom colors will be deactivated in this mode. There's also an additional "LED" to display temperature warnings: okay -> hot -> critical: green orb -> yellow flame -> red flame. Additionally, temperatures including the stored Unraid settings are visible under the INFO tab.


    The warranty data is back, you might need to do a "Force Scan All" to get them back from the stored Unraid array.


    Dashboard example with "flash warning" and "flash critical" enabled:



    Layout example with "flash warning" enabled:


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  17. Disk Location is a different disk tray layout plugin which uses the harddisk path to locate the drives. It supports only drives found by the SCSI Generic drivers, which is usually SATA and nVME including devices attached to hardware storage/raid cards.


    This also include a handy "Locate" function which help you allocate the tray from where the disk is installed in, if you have hotswap trays with their own HD-activity LED (or made your own custom ones). This might not work on SSD's or maybe even some other types of harddrives.


    You can change the direction of the trays horizontal and vertical as well as the numbering direction of the trays, make some override to add more storage "not included in the hotswap tray area", change the background colors of the different type of storage (unraid, unassigned and empty), and more. Doing changes will not delete or clear any configuration and values are mainly stored based upon serial number and model name of the harddisk.


    For more information and help, use the inline Help function from Unraid (this will solve most of the questions asked):



    It might take some time to install and update the plugin as it goes trough all your drives, more you have, longer it will take. For me it takes about 5-10 seconds with 15 harddisks, but upto 30-60 seconds if they need to wake up from standby.


    The plugin is primarily developed for the current stable Unraid branch and might lag a bit behind for new releases with new functions.


    Disk Location will be installed under "Settings" (as of Unraid 6.12 and onwards).


    Download plugin using this link here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olehj/disklocation/master/disklocation-master.plg

    Or install it via "Community Applications" plugin, search for "Disk Location" under "Apps"


    For unstable development build, check next post.



    Tools: DevicesTools: InformationSettings: ConfigurationSettings: Tray AllocationsSettings: DrivesSettings: System



    Please report bugs and feature requests at github: https://github.com/olehj/disklocation


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