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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. Joe L. Will this script run properly on the new 64 bit version of unRAID? (I know that none of the current plugins will work but I thought that it might be possible that a script might work.)
  2. Whatever webGui is chosen, it all comes down whether emhttp stays alive or not ... Isn't it about time that all of the developers of webGUI's set the priority level of emhttp (I probably have the wrong terminology here as I am not a Linux expert) so that it does NOT get killed when resources get tight? I seem to recall seeing that it only takes a simple command that can be run from a script.
  3. Actually, both of these are plugins in Simple Features. (I know this because I disabled the 'Stats' page...) I seem to recall that it was intended the Simple Features plugins would be ported over to work with the new GUI after it was finalized and released. However, I feel that I should point out the doing this is not a travail process and the people who wrote the original Simple Feature plugins do have jobs in the real world. So it may be quite some time before this happens.
  4. +1 I worked for many years as an Engineer at Western Electric in the old Bell System. I can recall the old adage that the production people and management people would finally end up saying, "There comes a time in every new product development cycle when you have to shoot the Engineers if you ever want to ship the product!"
  5. Right, I will update the README file about this, sorry. Tom ---- The following line in README.md : If you have any other plugins installed, reboot your server; otherwise, just bring up the webGui in your browser. Should read : If you have had any other plugins installed, reboot your server; otherwise, just bring up the webGui in your browser. The reason being that you have just ripped out SimpleFeatures from the /root/plugins directory, all of those addins will show up in the new webGui. Apparently none of them will work but it may appear to less experienced unRAID user that they should work. Of course, this causes all sorts of confusion and will result in lots of posts from those users wanting to know why things are not working and how to make them work!
  6. You still have some remenents of SimpleFeatures left in your server. See my earlier post... (fourth one back from this one.)
  7. As a piece of information: I was using Simple Features on my test bed server. I decided to try out the new webGui. I read through the thread to this point, making notes on how to do it. First, I backed up the entire flash drive to my windows computer. Second, I deleted the contents of /boot/plugins (plugins in Windows). Third, followed the instructions on the GitHub page. I copied and pasted the commands from the page into a terminal session using PuTTY. Fourth, started the WebGui in my browser. At this point, Everything seemed fine. Then I noticed that the addins for Simple Features (Health, "SimpleFeatures Settings" on the Setting tab) were still there. However, the addins not longer worked that there were error messages on many of the pages. I corrected this issue by rebooting the system. Apparently, even though I had deleted the files on the Flash drive, they were still in memory and were being used by the new webGui.
  8. I like the idea allot. I sometimes mistake which server I'm on. Been there... AND done that!!!!
  9. What speed is your router (or switch) that you are connected to? Is the cable used at least cat5E or cat6? If these are not your problem, post a syslog.
  10. I have a test bed using unRAID Basic and I have three hard drives in the array. I have been using this system to evaluate unRAID and intend to upgrade my FreeNAS system as soon as hard drive prices return back to normal. I recently purchased a Monoprice PCI SATA card (SA3114) for this test bed to permit me to preclear drives prior to the changeover. I connected up an ESATA external drive to this test bed. (I don't want to actually do anything to this drive as it contains backups.) This drive can not be seen in the standard unRAID Web interface (Simple Features installed). However, using unMenu, the ESATA drive, and its properties, is listed as not being in the array with the device designation--- /dev/sda. From this, I am certain that the card is working properly. My question is: Can I preclear drives in the current configuration without removing one of the drives in the array which would bring the drive count below three for the Basic version?
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