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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. I'll include it on my proposal to Joe L. Please note that this plugin based on his script, and I don't have control over it's development. The actual place that I found the command line ( grep preclear /var/log/syslog | todos >> /boot/preclear_results.txt ) for getting the preclear report was in the Configuration Tutorial at this section: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Configuration_Tutorial#Preclearing_Without_Screen The todos utility is a part of unRAID and it will convert all lf's to lf/cr's. I just went back to my old unRAID v 5.0.6. backup and found that JoeL's script does generate three reports and they have only lf's. Wow, I learned something new today. (I must admit that I haven't read Joe's complete directions for use since I first installed the script a few years ago. I would occasionally check his thread to see if he had a new version and update if there was.)
  2. I had a look at the generated files. My suggestions would be to add the extension .txt onto each file. It just makes it easier to open them from Windows (and probably most other OS's). The second thing is a bit of a quibble. What is everyone's opinion/feelings about line endings? Presently, the files are in the linux format of 'lf'. Should they be in the 'lf/cr' format for the Windows people. I know that the suggested command line for collecting the report using the original command-line script pipes the output through the 'todos' command to change it to the Windows format. I use EditPad lite so it doesn't present that much of an issue for me but I am wondering about which format is preferred when posting to the forum. I precleared the same drive again after the recent update and all went well. I am still having the issue where I have to double click to get things to start and, yet, a single click seems to work at other times. I can not seem to find a pattern as what is causing this behavior. I do want to thank gfjardim for adding the extension to the file names. It will be a big help to those who want to look at the files to make sure that 'nothing weird' is going on with the drive and help the forum gurus who will inevitably be asked to analyze the files uploaded by forum posters to see if their drives is OK. Since I was the only one who who even expressed a (albeit remote) preference for 'lf/cr' format, I assume that most people are OK with the present 'lf' formatting. Gfjardim, thanks again for all your effort, time and hard work on this project!
  3. This file is part of the fast preclear that bjp999 created. But this file is in the root of my flash drive so it must have been copied there when this plugin was installed. What is its intended purpose in the current plugin? (I installed this plugin for the first time a couple of days ago. The last -modified date on the file is 6/12/2015. It was created on 6/11//2015. )
  4. My bad. I totally missed that directory. Again, the need for the help feature. I had a look at the generated files. My suggestions would be to add the extension .txt onto each file. It just makes it easier to open them from Windows (and probably most other OS's). The second thing is a bit of a quibble. What is everyone's opinion/feelings about line endings? Presently, the files are in the linux format of 'lf'. Should they be in the 'lf/cr' format for the Windows people. I know that the suggested command line for collecting the report using the original command-line script pipes the output through the 'todos' command to change it to the Windows format. I use EditPad lite so it doesn't present that much of an issue for me but I am wondering about which format is preferred when posting to the forum.
  5. I preclear a disk overnight and everything went fine. I have a request that you might want to consider implementing. Generate a report after the preclear is finished. (That way, if people have questions about the disk they have just precleared, they will have the information available to post with their query.) I know that there are instructions on how to do this from the command line using the following command: grep preclear /var/log/syslog | todos >> /boot/preclear_results.txt But this partially defeats the reason for the plugin. I also found that you can copy and paste the contents of the popup window into a text editor (copy of that action is attached) but I would think that could be automated also. (Quick comment--- I got a lot of extra lf's at the end of the report when I did it so you should probably strip those out before saving.) Using either method, the resulting text file could be stored in the /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk folder on the flash drive. I would like to suggest that when you name the file you incorporate the serial number of the disk into it. That way there should not be a problem with overwriting the file of the preclear results of another disk. PreClearReport-JTTL.txt
  6. Yes, I am seeing the same thing! I just installed on my Test Bed Server to evaluate. this double/multiple-clicking is confusing to say the least. It seems to me that every place a single click is only required in the GUI. Or is it that there is a 'lag' until things start to happen with slower machines. I have a big second for getting some help into the plugin as the GUI provides an easy(?) way to provide it. The 'convert to start a sector of 63/64' particularly needs an explanation. Most users will have absolutely no idea what those options are even referring to! But a excellent job on something that has been needed for a long time. Running the preclear script from the command line may be something that old UNIX/Linux command-line gurus love but it is a real hassle for most of us. (I have a couple of ten page printouts which walk me through it every time I have to do it!) Your plugin only needs a bit more polishing to knock off a couple of rough edges and it should be ready for the big time.
  7. Suggest you read the first post in this thread and the discussion that follows: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=9936.0 And here: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=Advanced_Format_Drives
  8. Even MORE important! I believe this unit is rated at 600W/1000VA. When it switches to battery if the power draw is (or changes to) only a few watts or volt-amperes over the maximum rating, the inverter turns off INSTANTLY. You want to be very careful about this...
  9. Basically, the settings indicate that the software will start to initiate a shutdown of the server when (1) the battery reaches 10% of full charge, or (2) the battery has ten minutes of runtime left, or (3) after the power has been off 60 seconds . The ups_info.pgn picture is confusing to me. It should be displaying numbers in all three of the positions. The fact that it does indicates (to me) that the data coming from the UPS is not be properly interpreted by the software. Not sure I would be worried about it at this point as long as the server shut down after you plugged the plug. (Particularly, if you are considering upgrading to ver 6 anytime soon.) By the way, neither of my UPS's will shutdown after the the server has shutdown. I am not really sure what could really cause the UPS to shutdown in any case. You sure don't want that shutdown to be triggered as so many seconds after apcupsd has started the server shutdown. The UPS has no way of really knowing when that event has occurred UNLESS it is monitoring when the power drawn from it reaches some very low level. If that is the case, what is the level .1w, 1w or 5w?
  10. What firmware? Apcupsd became a standard component of unRAID somewhere in the beta program for version 6. For all versions of 5.X, it has to be installed as a plugin. It is not a part of any other plugin. (unMENU does install a earlier version of it. But it is still an stand alone plugin. unMENU has some plugin management capability built-in. )
  11. I would suggest installing Dynamix for version 5 (It provides a GUI that has the 'look-and-feel' of ver 6). See Here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=30939 For apcupsd for version 5, see here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=29605.0
  12. Setting up apcupsd does not require the services of a rocket scientist. Below is the setup screen for the included apcupsd built into version 6. (No need to install unMENU!) There is a "help" button in the right right that will provide considerable detail what each setting does. Most people can simply connect the UPS with an USB cable, 'Start' the service using the defaults, and everything will simply work.
  13. How exactly is "external" defined? If all my network's AC power is protected, and the external WAN connection is protected, then the internal LAN connections shouldn't matter, right? If so, then I wouldn't think 100Mb surge ports would matter for many people since their WAN connection will not exceed that anyway. The manufacturer is writing the warranty conditions and they want to pay as few a number of claims as possible so the conditions are written based on that! Not the technical details...
  14. A lot of this depends a couple of factors. First, there were/are(?) some computer power supplies which really don't work well with some UPS that provided simulated sine wave output. If you have one of these, you need one with sine-wave output. Second issue. What is the stability of your the AC power at your location? Do you have a lot of low voltage or over-voltage occurrences? If you do, have you might need a UPS which provides protections against these conditions. (However, a lot of Computer power supplies are quite forgiving of either of these conditions. If you are not having issues now as a result of either of these conditions, you might want to spend additional money to fix a problem you don't have.) This is the cyberpower UPS that I am using on my Test Bed sever and it is quite satisfactory. I should point out that power stability is not an issue where I live. In fact, I have the power off timer set for 30 seconds as my experience indicates that if the power is out that long, it probably will be out for at least a couple of hours! http://www.cyberpowersystems.com/products/ups-systems/intelligent-lcd-ups/CP600LCD.html The cost when I purchased it about year-and-half ago was $65.00US.
  15. I can tell you that mine is still working in both rc1 and rc2. Perhaps, you had better attach a syslog so someone can analyze what is going on.
  16. I have a CyberPower UPS on my unRAID server and it works just fine. I would personally suggest that you get a unit rated at least for 550VA. The bigger battery will provide for longer run time of your server as the battery ages. (It takes unRAID a couple of minutes to actually shutdown after the timeout you have set in the apupsd interface. When the battery is nearly exhausted, the UPS just shuts off the conversion of battery power to AC power. If your server is not completely shutdown when that happens, you will have the unclean shutdown condition! You might actually be able to stretch out the battery replacement interval with a larger battery-- Oh, the cost of the Manufacturer's replacement battery is almost as much as the UPS!)
  17. Frank1940

    Flash GUID

    You are laboring under a bit of confusion. unRAID runs completely off of a Flash Drive. And That Flash Drive is the one that you are going to get the GUID from! It does not need or use any hard disk to install any portion of the OS. You install unRAID on the Flash Drive that you are going to register with LimeTech according to the instructions for preparing the Flash Drive. (You would have to do it anyway once you got your license file!) See Here: http://lime-technology.com/getting-started/ (Stop after the Booting Up section!) You then boot from that Flash drive in any computer. It can be a Windows machine, an Apple or even a server running some other server software. It will NOT do anything to any hard drive on that computer UNLESS you tell it to. You then follow these instructions from from a second computer: http://lime-technology.com/registrationkeys/ Once you get the GUID from the Flash drive, copy it (Since you are in a browser you can cut and paste it!) for entry into the order form. You can now remove the Flash drive from the computer and push the reset button to start the normal OS. If your issue is that you have unRAID running on a computer and you want to use a new Flash drive when you get your License, do the same thing. And even easier way to do it in the this case, first stop the array, then copy the complete contents of the current Flash drive onto the new Flash drive, and run make_bootable on that new flash drive. Power down the server, swap flash drives and restart. Then get the GUID by the instruction above. You can use the server with that Flash Drive until you get your license file. Copy it into the 'config' folder using Windows explorer and reboot the server from the GUI and you will be up and running with your newly licensed unRAID in about two minutes.
  18. Can you make this a feature request ? I like the idea but don't think it is doable for v6.0, however as a feature request it can be taken in a next version. Done!!! See here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39640.0
  19. There is something that I bugged me for a long time. It is a matter of usability and a source of frustration to the new adapters (including persons who are testing out the unRAID). On the 'Array Operation', it is not obvious how to powerdown the server or reboot it. One must stop the array FIRST. Then, the 'Reboot' and 'Power down' options appear. These 'hidden options' have been a source of several posts over the past couple of years from new users and a source of frustration/turnoff to potential adapters of unRAID. My proposal is a simple one. Make the Reboot and Power Down options a permanent choice on the Array Operation's page. Modify the scripts for those two functions to 'call' the Stop Array function is the array is not already stopped. Of course, I would still want those confirmation check boxes there. (I, personally, like things that protect me from doing something stupid!)
  20. Frank you are the man it worked - I run a static ip and my router is the 1st DNS - then i added the google ips in 2 and 3 dns and it all works now - see the screen shot - and i have my first plugin installed - question is my server now exposed to the NET Now?? thanks again for being patient with me... I looked at screenshot of the display and there is not evident to me (or the OP) that anything had failed. Could you look at modifying the 'Install Plugin' app to indicate an "install failure" if any installation should failed for any reason? If you could provide the reason that could be an even a better solution... No more so then when you plugged in that cat 5 cable. While entering the DNS servers' IP addresses made Internet Services available that was only an outbound enable, inbound had always been there. But you are protected by the software that is in your router on that point. Unfortunately, outbound is totally your responsibility with unRAID! You have to be careful what software you install on your server and what sites you either allow that software to go to and what sites you "visit". Luckily, Linux is normally not a target of the bad guys and most unRAID users don't surf the Internet from their servers. While some of this may sound scarey, I have never heard of anyone having a problem with virus, malware or other things the bad guys are prone to do. REason for edit: "I have never heard" was "I have heard".
  21. That should do it!!! (And, thanks again for all your time and effort in fine tuning the code for Dynamix to provide a very pleasant, friendly, easy-to-use Interface.)
  22. I looked at screenshot of the display and there is not evident to me (or the OP) that anything had failed. Could you look at modifying the 'Install Plugin' app to indicate an "install failure" if any installation should failed for any reason? If you could provide the reason that could be an even a better solution...
  23. As a piece of information, I had to turn off the "Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically:" (on the 'NetworkSettings' page) at some point in the distant past and enter The IP addresses for a couple of IP addresses of DNS servers. (Probably because I have set Static IP addresses for both my servers.) You could easily use the Google DNS servers: The Google Public DNS IP addresses (IPv4) are as follows:
  24. First thing, did you make a backup of your Flash drive BEFORE you installed ver 6b14b? A backup will allow to recover anything that you MIGHT need for ver 6. But it is highly unlikely, you will need anything from ver 4.7 or ver 5.0.X plugins folder in ver 6! Most of those plugins either don't work or cause problems when used with ver 6! Second thing, if your answer was "No", make the backup NOW. Third thing, Ver 6 appears to the outside world exactly the same as ver 5.0.X. as far as access goes (I don't know about ver 4.7 as I never used it). If you copy over the config files and 'shares' folder, everything will appear normal on your PC. As I stated in the thread, the basic setup that had to be set up when you first install unRAID back when you first started with unRAID (Server name, password, IP address determination method, etc.) are all in those files. Even your share share settings should be working. Fourth thing, IF you should happen to have a problem. you can always reformat the Flash again, restore that BACKUP that you were told to make and you will be right back to where you were before you reformatted your Flash drive to install ver 6. Fifth thing, I see an 'ssh' folder in your 'config' folder. I know what ssh is but I have never seen the need for it so I am totally unfamiliar with its implementation requirements and software that has to be installed to run it. You will have to look elsewhere for an answer to questions about ssh if it absolutely necessary that it be installed whenever your server is on line. Frank I made a backup on every upgrade because of paranoia while upgrading, Made another one last night and tried a test 1. backed up flash drive 2. reformatted flash drive 3. copied over all from the backup 4. Deleted all the plugins in the plugin folder 5. run the make bootable 6. install flash drive and boot up server Boots fine and all parity etc shares all fine, went to the flash drive and it added the dynamix folder per V6 B14 uses it now.. went to install one the plugins and it still will not install... I have included a screen shot of whats happening.... could it be that the server DNS settings are wrong? see the screen shot its like it downloads i guess ... I click done and nothing , I check the plugins nothing in there for the required plugin, I click the update button 1- 2 times nothing happens... I am confused.... I am as well. In your step three. What did you copy over? I have suggested to you two or three times, exactly what to copy from the config folder. You should definitely not be copying any other folders outside of the 'config' folder. You evidently have used S3 sleep in the past. I doubt if an earlier version plugin will work for ver 6. If you have any pieces left of S3 sleep left from ver 5, it could well prevent the Dynamix of S3 for ver 6 from installing. The big problem that many people are going to have is that in earlier version of unRAID there were several places that plugins could be installed from. Tracking them where things are is not something that is easy to do from afar. That is why is the recommendation to install ver 6 to a newly formatted Flash drive by copying the files to that Flash drive from the download of the zipped file download for ver 6. The instructions then recommend copying as few files as possible to get the server running in its basic NAS function. You may well have some other issue. But until you have the only the base OS installed, you are going find that most people will be unable to assist you. Can you install any other plugins? Or is your problem limited to the S3 plugin? I also know that some plugins take quite some time to download and install. But I seem to recall that the 'Done' button didn't pop-up until after everything has completed. Perhaps, bonienl will take a quick look at your screen shots and make some comment...
  25. First thing, did you make a backup of your Flash drive BEFORE you installed ver 6b14b? A backup will allow to recover anything that you MIGHT need for ver 6. But it is highly unlikely, you will need anything from ver 4.7 or ver 5.0.X plugins folder in ver 6! Most of those plugins either don't work or cause problems when used with ver 6! Second thing, if your answer was "No", make the backup NOW. Third thing, Ver 6 appears to the outside world exactly the same as ver 5.0.X. as far as access goes (I don't know about ver 4.7 as I never used it). If you copy over the config files and 'shares' folder, everything will appear normal on your PC. As I stated in the thread, the basic setup that had to be set up when you first install unRAID back when you first started with unRAID (Server name, password, IP address determination method, etc.) are all in those files. Even your share share settings should be working. Fourth thing, IF you should happen to have a problem. you can always reformat the Flash again, restore that BACKUP that you were told to make and you will be right back to where you were before you reformatted your Flash drive to install ver 6. Fifth thing, I see an 'ssh' folder in your 'config' folder. I know what ssh is but I have never seen the need for it so I am totally unfamiliar with its implementation requirements and software that has to be installed to run it. You will have to look elsewhere for an answer to questions about ssh if it absolutely necessary that it be installed whenever your server is on line.
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