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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. Hi Frank - I know whats on the flash drive and what files are in every folder on the drive.... My question is this - 1. Can I delete all of the items in the Plugins folder or will it hurt Dynamix for V6 B14 (which is built into V6 B14) 2. Then i SHOULD be able to install plugins and get Dockers working etc - In theory! 3. I looked at your guide and # 4 says - 4. Now copy the contents of the 'config' directory from your back up of version 5 that you made earlier to the version 6 Flash Drive. (You will have to grant permission to overwrite some of the files that are on the Flash drive!) Delete the 'plugins' and 'SimpleFeatures' folders if they exist. 4. Do i delete the plugins folder or whats in the plugins folder?- I believe just whats in the plugins folder - Again just dont want to hurt Dynamix thats built into V6B14 (Question 1) then i will not be able to see the server from my Win7 machine... thanks AJ Assuming you have a VIRGIN ver 6 'config' folder, the only things that I copied over were the files in the root of the 'config' folder and the 'shares' folder. When I boot up the Flash drive, all of the basic server services were running with proper server name, IP address, user shares, all SMB and NFS settings. Everything! What wasn't there were some of the functions that had been added by the plugins that I had installed. Many of those are available in the two links in steps 8 and 9. Many other functions that used to be provided by plugins are now provided by Docker containers. (I don't (and have never) used any of these types of plugins so I had no need to install any Docker containers at this point.) In retrospect, I believe I will go back and revise the instructions to more fully explain exactly what I did. I was attempting to follow closely what Limetech had proposed and I can now see where that is going to present a problem!
  2. You might want to read this thread: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39032.0 Many people are recommending, reformatting your Flash Drive and starting over. Otherwise, you (Yourself-- all alone) will have to figure out exactly what what is currently on your Flash drive and what has to be removed. In my opinion, most people will be better off, figuring out what they want (and need) on their system and install those packages again if necessary. Plus, most of the version 5 stuff just plain doesn't work right on ver 6!
  3. You may be right, I'm going to have to think about that. It was my feeling that many veteran unRAID users would balk at reformatting. I'd like to hear more views, from both fresh users and veterans. From what I can determine, almost nothing (plugin wise) from version 5 works in version6. You are basically starting over. The things that do carry across are the basic settings such as the server name, IP address, network configuration, shares and their settings, password and a few others. If the guide can get all of those copied over so that the server when it comes up is running as a simple server that behaves the same way as the ver 5 server, that will be an excellent starting pointing for installing the balance of the desired Docker containers. Then the guide can be a straight forward guide sections to explain the ins-and-outs of Docker containers, vm machines, etc. With all of the bastardization that was required with ver 5 for (and by) some users to get ver 5 to do what they wanted it to do, writing an comprehensive update guide starting with the ver 5 software setup will be a thankless task. And then it will be almost incomprehensible for those who are not unRAID experts. Making a backup of the version 5 Flash drive will allow anyone who is not happy with what they get with version 6 to simply revert back to ver 5 with a minimum of hassle. (Of course, you had better put a note in explaining that if you ever think you might want to do this don't change the disk format from reiserfs!)
  4. Not a problem. You are most welcome to use what helped me in doing my upgrade. As I said, I got most of what is in there from a lot of other folks. If you can use some of what I compilied, have at it! By the way, this was the first time, I realized that there even was a (unofficial) unRAID Manual for version6! EDIT: In my opinion, a reformat of the Flash drive should be THE recommended way to do the upgrade. Over-writing some files, while deleting other files and folders may be a possible upgrade path for expert unRAID users. For the rest of us, it simply causes problems which will result in a lot of posts on the forum for help. Having to copy back some of the contents of the config folder (to preserve the basic configuration settings that are common to both ver 5 and 6) will probably cause enough confusion...
  5. Over the past few weeks I have been considering converting my media server from ver5.0.6 to version 6. I have been running the beta versions of version 6 on my test bed server almost since it has been introduced and knew what the differences were between the two versions. Since most of the plugins that I had installed for version 5.0.6 would not function properly for version 6, I realized that making the jump would not really be a simple task of overwriting a few system files. To this end, I have been collecting notes of how to do this update with a minimum of hassle. I had thought originally that I might wait until the first release candidate was released. But then I realized that version 6b14b seems to be quite stable and usable on my basic 'Plain Jane' server. As a result I got impatient and decided to do the upgrade of my Media server using version 6b14b. I used the assembled notes that I had collected and everything went quite smoothly. The server is running without any problems. I then thought that soon the first release candidate will be posted and there will be a lot more people that will want to move to the next version and that these instructions that I put together for my own use might be of some value to others. I am posting them below and have attached a PDF file which contains the same instructions. (I have found when doing some thing like this, I make fewer mistakes if I physically check-off each step as I proceed!) On 4-2-2015, I revised these instructions to make it more clear exactly what I did. In the original set, I was trying to stick a bit to close to what LimeTech proposed doing and That has confused at least one person. Upgrading unRAID from Version 5 to Version 6 IMPORTANT: Read this entire set of instructions before you start. Make sure that you understand each step to minimize the possibility of making a mistake. Most of this content was plagiarized from other sources over a period of several weeks and I can not at this time recall who the original Authors were and I do apologize to each of them! It will take some time to actually do the upgrade so make sure you have enough time to go through each step slowly and not be tempted to take any shortcuts. If you were running a very basic unRAID NAS setup, an hour or two should be enough. If you were running a lot of plugins to provide extended services, you will need a lot more time to complete the conversion including some research time to determine which Docker packages you will require. (If you are wondering what a 'Docker' package is, keep reading. Remember, I told you to read the whole instruction set first!) First backup the contents of your USB Flash device to a folder on your PC. You should stop the array before making the backup. (By clicking on 'Main', Array Operation' tab, and the 'Stop' button.) This will allow you to roll-back to your old setup with a minimum of hassle if circumstances should require it. Then install Version 6 according to the instructions (most of this was copied from LimeTech's) below: 1. Open 'My Computer' (XP) or 'Computer' (Vista/Win7) and right-click your Flash device. Click 'Format...', set the volume label to UNRAID and then click 'Start'. Important: the volume label must be set exactly to UNRAID (all caps). 2. Click on your Flash device (to open it), click on the downloaded unRAID zip file (to open it) and drag then entire contents of the unRAID Server zip file to the Flash. (IMPORTANT NOTE: You are dragging the contents of the ZIP file, NOT the .ZIP file itself!) 3. For Windows XP, click on the file 'make_bootable' on the Flash Drive. A DOS window will open and run the 'syslinux' utility on the Flash. For Windows Vista or Windows 7, right-click on the file 'make_bootable' and select 'Run as administrator'. The 'syslinux' utility will write the Master Boot Record and create a small hidden file named 'ldlinux.sys' on the Flash device, making it bootable. (There is a 'make_bootable_mac' file which does the same thing for Mac users.) 4. Now copy the contents of the 'config' directory from your back up of version 5 that you made earlier to the version 6 Flash Drive. Do NOT copy the 'go' file. You want a virgin 'go' file when you first start version6! (You will have to grant permission to overwrite some of the files that are on the Flash drive!) Delete the 'plugins' and 'SimpleFeatures' folders if they exist. >>> This above instruction is what LimeTech proposed doing. After examining the folders and files in the 'config' folder, I decided to copy over only the files in the root of the 'config' folder with the exception of the 'go' file and the 'shares' folder because inspection of that folder showed that it contained the setup for my shares. I would surmise that this 'shares' folder would be the only folder that most people would want to retain from their old 'config' folder. (If I am wrong in this assumption, I would appreciate being told of any other files which should be copied over.) <<< Make sure that current unRAID .key file is in the config folder on the flash device. (Version 6 requires that the .key file be in the config folder! If you have more than one key file in that folder, it is a good ideal to change the extension of unused ones. I changed my Plus Key file name to Plus.key.old since I now have a Pro License for my Flash drive.) 5. Once again, right-click your Flash device in 'My Computer' or 'Computer' and then click 'Eject'. 6. Your USB Flash device is now ready to boot into unRAID Server OS. Install the Flash drive and boot your server. 7. In the GUI, setup the following: UPS Settings Notification Settings Scheduler Be sure that to click on the 'Apply' button on each page to start these services even if you did not change any settings! (NOTE: if the 'Apply' button isn't active, change one of the entries and change it back to make the button active) 8. There are several additional Plugins for the GUI which are not provided as a part of the unRAID package. Many people will find some of them very essential. The URL for Dynamix GUI plugins for Version 6: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=36543.0 Install each plugin that you want to use using the 'Install Plugin' tab on the 'Plugins' page of the GUI. 9. The Powerdown plugin is not installed as part of the apcupsd plugin on V6. If you want Powerdown, it needs to be installed as a separate plugin. (One feature that this powerdown plugin provides is generation of a syslog file as a part of the powerdown procedure. You might be surprised to find how useful this feature aline can be!) Paste this line into the 'Install Plugin' line in the 'Plugins' webgui and click on install. This will install the plugin. Don't install the plugin manually. Let the plugin manager handle it. https://github.com/dlandon/unraid-snap/raw/master/powerdown-x86_64.plg >>>>>> Be sure to setup any Plugins after installation! <<<<<< If you were using plugins under version 5.X to provide such services as Plex, Couchpotato and many others too numerous to name, these types of plugins are now to be installed as Docker Packages. You can find out more information on how to install Docker packages here: http://lime-technology.com/docker-guide/ This posting from LimeTech provides links to other posts which contain the unRAID Docker Template Repositories for many different services. As each Docker container has its own memory space and runs in a separate environment, there can be no software or coexistence conflicts with other applications-- including unRAID! EDIT: RobJ has put together an excellent WIKI on upgrading from ver 5 to ver 6 for those folks who did not find everything that they needed or wanted to know in this short guide. You can that WIKI here: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Upgrading_to_UnRAID_v6 Upgrading_from_Version_5_to_Version_6_of_unRAID-rev2.pdf
  6. Jon ---- This is what my Dashboard screen looks like. Describe what you have or don't have in terms of this one.
  7. If you don't get a quick direct answer to your question, I would suggest you just print out the configuration setting pages on your current version and use that information to configure Dynamix and its plugins in ver 6.
  8. Both the periodic and real-time checking look at disk read errors, these will be reported in the health report or as an warning notification. Great News! Thank you very much for all your hard work in developing an indispensable adjunct to the unRAID software package!
  9. Does anyone (with even minimal computer knowledge) have access to your server? What I would do is to reset the password and shadow files again. Then, the FIRST time I logged onto the server, go to the 'Users' page, double-click on the user 'root' and change the password for the root user from blank to one that is really secure-- at least, seven characters long-- and not easy to guess by someone who knows me. While it does make it a bit more of a hassle to gain access to the server, it does prevent semi-malicious game playing with you.
  10. I don't know if this has been included but I (personally) would like to see an e-mail notification anytime there is a non-zero number of 'Errors' on the any of the 'Main' tabs. While such notification should definitely be a part of the periodical array status check, it would be nice if an single 'High Priority' alert e-mail might be sent as soon as the condition is first detected. (I would think that most of us would not want an e-mail every minute or so if one were sent every time the status scan was made!)
  11. You can do that now, and have two options for settting that up: Option 1 - Under notification settings, you can setup the Email Subject Prefix. ie: Unraid Server #1 Status Thank you! How did I ever miss that!!!
  12. One more request. Add the server name to the subject line of all E-mails (or at least the option to do so). This way those of us with more than one server can tell instantly which server may be in trouble.
  13. Any chance of getting the periodical E-mails (that is in the ver 5 Dynamix) of the server status added back in. I have my main server set up to send an E-mail once a day and it is reassuring to get that message. Plus, I would imagine that is almost a necessity for people who manage a remote server.
  14. Absolutely, if given the information, I always check out what the changes are. (If the changes are major and don't address an issue on my system, I will generally wait a few days to see if any issues/bugs crop up!) PS--- The description you provided really didn't indicate what the changes were or why they were necessary. I can only assume that some change in the base WebGUI required some minor updating of the other plugins.
  15. I only have three Dynamix plugins installed: Dynamix System Temperature Dynamix Cache Directories Dynamix System Information
  16. What is happening? I have three plugins that should be up-datable and I am getting the following message: /usr/local/sbin/plugin update dynamix.system.temp.plg 2>&1 plugin: running: 'anonymous' plugin: skipping: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.system.temp/dynamix.system.temp-2014.12.05.txz already exists plugin: running: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.system.temp/dynamix.system.temp-2014.12.05.txz +============================================================================== | Skipping package dynamix.system.temp-2014.12.05 (already installed) +============================================================================== The date does not look right and the 'update' button is still there after I click on it. After a jumped to the 'Main' page and then back to "Plugins', clicked on the 'check of update' button, everything was now shown as updated but all of the updates have December 2014 dates except for the WebGUI.
  17. Since no one else has jumped in, I will give two approachs to try. First thing before anything else-- The username is 'root' not 'root.' If that was not the problem, then try this: Shut the server down. Pull the flash drive and plug it into another computer. Rename the 'passwd' and the 'shadow' file in the 'config' folder (or directory) to 'passwd.old' and 'shadow.old'. Plug the flash drive back and start the server. The user should now be 'root' and the password is a blank. (Just press the enter key.) (I had you rename the these files rather than deleting it in case something goes wrong. You can simply repeat the process and rename them back to the original name.) Reason for edit: To add the shadow file in instructions.
  18. In the USA, Amazon is very good on returns. I would buy as many as you need. Test one quickly and see if you have problems. If it works, repeat for the others. Otherwise, sent them back ASAP via RMA method. (I have always gotten Amazon to even pay for shipping by checking the proper reason for return option-- make it look like it was Amazon fault as much as possible! I have always had the feeling that this RMA process is totally automated. You can always call if you don't get free return shipping.) Disclosure: I am an Amazon Prime member and order a fair amount of things from them. So I might get a bit better treatment than someone who only buys a couple of times a year.
  19. IF you used a control-c, you killed the process that was running in that shell! SO you can only run one preclear function per shell. You can run multiple shells, you use alt-F1, Alt-F2, and alt-F3 to get to the first three shells. (You can run up to six shells.) Start a preclear session on each disk in a separate shell. You then switch between the shells with alt-Fx key sequence. Hope this helps...
  20. The problem with SATA cables comes when they are tied together into a bundle. This is usually done because someone wants the interior of the unit to 'look neat'. If you have each cable running from the controller to the drive , any incidental contact is not an issue. Just don't bundle them altogether using tie wraps! (The technical term for this problem is called 'cross-talk'. You can google the term for more details.)
  21. Yes, it should work. It simply uses utilities that should be supplied with the stock unRAID. Good news. I will test as soon as someone gets the apcupsd package recompiled for use with ver 6. (This is January in Ohio with current temperatures in the single digits. Too risky a time to run without a ups monitoring software to shut things down ...) I have a spare 1GB drive I can use for the trial. I got APCUPSD for ver 6.X installed and found that it works. With that working, I decide to try to preclear a 1 GB Hitachi SATA drive. I can report that it worked perfectly. I ran one preclear cycle on it. Time to complete was a few minutes over 10 hours which is about normal for this drive. I do have the preclear report if you would like to se it.
  22. Yes, it should work. It simply uses utilities that should be supplied with the stock unRAID. Good news. I will test as soon as someone gets the apcupsd package recompiled for use with ver 6. (This is January in Ohio with current temperatures in the single digits. Too risky a time to run without a ups monitoring software to shut things down ...) I have a spare 1GB drive I can use for the trial.
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