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Posts posted by blaine07

  1. Feel dumb, I was connected to my IoT network which has outbound network blocking. What also didn't help was I had accidentally set one of my ports on my switch to the different vlan. After setting it back to my main LAN, everything works.

    Unrelated but story of my life. Always tinkering with stuff LOL. Is EXACTLY something somehow I’d manage to pull off messin around [emoji23][emoji23](sorry I know it’s not FUNNY but I can relate)
  2. On 11/3/2019 at 1:17 PM, blaine07 said:

    Anyone have any ideas on what I MIGHT be doing wrong...

    Been trying to change Catalina from 4gb to 8gb of memory.

    I edit using GUI and change memory ONLY from 4gb to 8gb and save. I go back to edit XML and add the last few lines of code back, edit icon link to bring that back and edit network adapter back to VMXNet3 and save XML.

    Every time I go through these motions once I start the VM it shows loading bar multiple times and appears to fully boot but graphics super borked of having the desktop like gargley across top of screen several times.

    What am I doing wrong changing from 4gb to 8gb of ram that may be causing instability? I copy my original XML back over with the 4gb of ram and all is well. I wasn’t changing cpu cores or threads but tried deleting that line mentioned in video too to no avail.

    Every time I boot Catalina VM with 8 gb of ram the VM is unstable.

    Thoughts, ideas? Suggestions?


    Anyone on memory? 😞


    Also, is their someway to use the installer Macinabox downloads to install more of the same VM? For example, I used MIB to download Catalina, is their a way I can create a new VM branching off the installer already downloaded?

    • Like 1
  3. Anyone have any ideas on what I MIGHT be doing wrong...

    Been trying to change Catalina from 4gb to 8gb of memory.

    I edit using GUI and change memory ONLY from 4gb to 8gb and save. I go back to edit XML and add the last few lines of code back, edit icon link to bring that back and edit network adapter back to VMXNet3 and save XML.

    Every time I go through these motions once I start the VM it shows loading bar multiple times and appears to fully boot but graphics super borked of having the desktop like gargley across top of screen several times.

    What am I doing wrong changing from 4gb to 8gb of ram that may be causing instability? I copy my original XML back over with the 4gb of ram and all is well. I wasn’t changing cpu cores or threads but tried deleting that line mentioned in video too to no avail.

    Every time I boot Catalina VM with 8 gb of ram the VM is unstable.

    Thoughts, ideas? Suggestions?


  4. It's just a testing docker I was playing with. So not a big deal. Once I have all the bugs figured out the are bugging me, I nuke it and start over with a fresh install. 
    I was only worried about my domain. besides if you want my password for it.  Its password. Lol. 

    How did you change pic on login screen? Didn’t even know that was possible [emoji848]
  5. I think you have the trusted proxies wrong, here is what mine looks like:
    Notice no brackets.... only
    0 => 'letsencrypt',

    and notice the array 

    'trusted_proxies' =>array (    0 => 'letsencrypt',),


    To edit config.php are you stopping Nextcloud, making changes, saving and restarting Nextcloud? Tried to fix mine yesterday and ... went through like a fixing itself process when Nextcloud came back up. So reverted file back.
    be sure you adding it to the correct file and location.
    I added it just after the array section, 
    $CONFIG = array ( 'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu', 'datadirectory' => '/data', 'instanceid' => 'oclhll8iza6g', 'passwordsalt' => 'vzhofu9+O5BbCxQO4T++lye7TlahPb', 'secret' => 'QZrs52ulA6RWatw8CvwRji367qo6ZnSTvLSJbrcVHaj7U8WW', 'trusted_domains' =>  array (   0 => '',   1 => 'huskycloudstorage.ddns.net', ), 'trusted_proxies' => ['letsencrypt'], 'dbtype' => 'mysql', 'version' => '', 'overwrite.cli.url' => 'mysubdomain.ddns.net', 'overwritehost' => 'mysubdomain.ddns.net', 'overwriteprotocol' => 'https', 'dbname' => 'nextcloud', 'dbhost' => '', 'dbport' => '', 'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_', 'mysql.utf8mb4' => true,


    In yours in shows it WITH brackets? So for clarification is it with or without brackets?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. The cron error will likely resolve itself.
    The X-Frame error can be resolved by editing the Nextcloud NGINX default config.  There is a guide on the previous page of this thread showing what you need to add.
    I had the trusted proxy error as well, I had to add letsencrypt to the Nextcloud config.php file.  
    'trusted_proxies' =>
    array (
    0 => 'letsencrypt',
    Also on page 86 of this thread.  Search is your friend.  

    I’ve tried it before with “letsencrypt” as you show before and still had that error. I’m currently just living with it out of fear for yesterday’s debacle I created for myself lol
  8. 42 minutes ago, blaine07 said:

    If youd feel inclined to glance it over, here is my site-confs/default file




    Spot my idiocracy? Sigh 😞

    Oh FFS Facepalm.


    Admittance: first time I have used nano.


    Pros: learn something new every day


    Cons: thought I had it all wrecked.


    So, I was editing file correct, and hitting Control-O to save... and every time somehow it was saving a new file rather than saving edited file as original filename.


    Crisis Adverted at the expense of my learning. As they say..."Now you know...!"


    So, in Nextcloud I am down to these two errors now:


    -The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If not, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud. Further information can be found in the documentation.


    -SQLite is currently being used as the backend database. For larger installations we recommend that you switch to a different database backend. This is particularly recommended when using the desktop client for file synchronisation. To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type', or see the documentation ↗.


    Not particularly worreid about using SWLite for backed; small operation just used for me. Maybe one day I'll figure this out but I fear converting will be more undertaking than I am ready for at moment.


    I have read some stuff about first error but found nothing definitive. Im sure though, as error above, it's likely just a line commented in/out that should or should not be.



  9. I connected a console inside the docker, opened the file "/config/nginx/site-confs/default" with nano and placed it in the server section below already existing "add_header" options.


    And now when I look at it again, there is already same option commented out further above [emoji23]


    EDIT: I modified the file inside the nextcloud docker, not the letsencrypt docker.

    Not sure if I’m not navigating to correct directory or what but when I open config folder just config.php and config.sample.php; no Nginx folder inside config folder [emoji848]


    Provide more info about how you made this change through terminal? I’d rather just pull text file, edit it and re-dump but [emoji848][emoji26]


    Edit: are you not using a reverse proxy?

  10. I tried it and it worked with switching to beta and back after the update. Looks like everything went fine besides of the above error. All apps updated and even the right-click addon works now out of the box. I had to reinstall it on every update in the past to not produce an error.



    I am assuming your commented that xframe line in around the “main server block area”? Is their someway you could kind of show me where or what lines it goes with specifically mate? Thanks!

  11. caf451d60255e06587435176ee922ec1.jpg

    Updated Nextcloud this evening using manual instructions linked in OP(THANKS).

    Everything seems to gone smoothly except this one thing. I tried searching but didn’t seem to find anything relevant.

    Anyone know how I can fix this so the cron will correctly run?

    Thanks a ton, as usual. 🙂


    EDIT: Help link says default mode setup is AJAX. Is it possible the update changed it to CRON from AJAX? Will AJAX work or anyone have a opinion about which of the three versions SHOULD be used and is compatible with Unraid?

  12. In the perhaps not unlikely event that the kids want to play games or watch Youtube be careful to check out the sound capabilities of any thin client software. Lots of thin clients including, I think, VNC, don't handle sound well, or at all.
    Yeah actually been thinking about that. Have sound on a VM on Unraid working remotely using RDP so I think it's possible but I'm afraid it is probably going to prove to be a pain.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

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