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Posts posted by blaine07

  1. Alright, not trying to beat a dead horse here...apologies in advance. 

    Today I have been trying to upload a .mov file that is just a LITTLE larger than 2.5gb using the current Nextcloud iOS app. Every time it fails with a 413 error in Nextcloud app. 

    I’ve searched through thread and edited the few different files, that are usually responsible for this issue, max upload size to 0 as been mentioned in thread 200x. Still no dice. 

    In my Letsencrypt nextcloud.subdomain.conf would or could “proxy_max_temp_file_size 2048m” have anything to do with my issues? Not sure what else to do, as I said, I’ve changed max upload size everywhere else(mentioned in thread) to “0” on max size. Could it just be a defunct in most recent Nextcloud iOS client app ?


    suggestions, thoughts, direction or help would be greatly appreciated. 




  2. Zoneminder 1.34 has been released.  I am building the docker for 1.34.  All you have to do is update the docker and 1.34 will be installed and your database converted.  Everything should work without any problems.  You will have to set your time zone in the Options->System.

    Thanks for all your hard work keeping this going for us mate! [emoji1305][emoji3]
  3. Had excactly the same Problem before 10 Minutes. It seems like a Problem in the latest release. If u install via Community Plugin then change the Repository to : "linuxserver/nextcloud:17.0.2-ls58" [emoji4]

    What’s going to happen next time they push out a update though and you’ve pointed container to one specific release...?
  4. On 1/12/2020 at 9:40 AM, ndaringer said:

    Not 100% sure if this is the best way to do it or not, but here is what I did to migrate to the bitwardenrs docker


    !!!!! Stop your existing bitwarden docker and then make a backup of your existing bitwarden appdata folder !!!!!

    I did this using the unraid web terminal as follows:

    • cd /mnt/user/appdata/
    • tar -cvzf bw.tgz /mnt/user/appdata/bitwarden

    Copy that tgz file to at least 3 places. You should see it in the root of your appdata share.


    Now that you've backed up your precious bitwarden data, let's do the migration.


    Go to CA and open the template to install the bitwardenrs docker




    1. set the webui port to the same port you had previously used for bitwarden.
    2. make sure the appdata folder matches your old appdata folder
    3. set your server admin email address
    4. lastly, set your admin token with a long random string. I used 'openssl rand -base64 48' to make the string.

    You should be able to hit Apply now and it should create the new docker for you.


    Hope this helps.

    Then everywhere in our reverse proxy Bitwarden.conf change Bitwarden to new container “name”? (bitwardenrs or whatever new container name is?) Or is it easier to change new container name to what previous container was called?

  5. I created a post about using redis with this container in Unraid:
    I recommend checking it out if anyone is getting performance issues with their database.

    Poster above mentioned setting up Redis as well; appears he went at it a entirely different direction.

    Which way is right/ wrong here? Or is it both accomplishing same thing? One using app on CA and Nextcloud using something built in?

  6. Hi, i've been using this docker without issue for months after following spaceinvaderone's video. A couple weeks ago i started getting notifications that my certs were going to expire however after checking the logs i couldn't find any issues. Unfortunately, they have now expired and I'm not sure how to debug further?   Here is a screenshot of my logs, docker and router settings. I also recently changed my router although i did add the port forwarding.


    Any ideas?






     I can’t tell you what has went wrong but edit Letsencrypt, add a additional subdomain, save Letsencrypt config and then start Letsencrypt, let it boot. Stop Letsencrypt, remove subdomain, save and start it back up and they should renew. I’ve had issues occasionally with the certs not renewing, too, and this has 100% been the fix. :-)



  7. 1 hour ago, saarg said:

    It says at the bottom of the documentation linked in your link to put nextcloud in maintenance mode.

    Just wanted to say THANKS. Had to go into maintenance mode then "cd /config/www/nextcloud/" first then ran "sudo -u abc php7 occ db:convert-filecache-bigint" then come out of maintenance mode and reboot. Thanks a ton @saarg! Took literal seconds to "convert" whatever it converted. Shrug

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  8. 2 hours ago, blaine07 said:

    Well, successfully got this accomplished. Now in security warnings I have:

    "MySQL is used as database but does not support 4-byte characters. To be able to handle 4-byte characters (like emojis) without issues in filenames or comments for example it is recommended to enable the 4-byte support in MySQL. For further details read the documentation page about this."


    Which leads me THIS. Going to try to go through those motions a bit later today. Appears I'll flip this: "[mysqld] innodb_file_per_table=1" ON and then proceed to follow the MySQL steps at step 2 and restart and repair NextCloud etc. Hopefully it goes easy 🙂

    Sometime it's the small things in life LOL; FINALLY got all this sorted out. Converted to SQL DB and got the silly security warnings ALL fixed.


    "All checks passed."


    Anyone else having Nextclouds Security check update the scan on their website? Says my scan was last done in October and I hit "trigger re-scan" hours ago and it still hasn't updated hmmm :shrug: oh well

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/4/2019 at 12:09 AM, ICDeadPpl said:

    I'd try with changing the "php occ" part of each command to "sudo -u abc php7 /config/www/nextcloud/occ".
    That is unless you've changed your working directory to "/config/www/nextcloud/" with the command "cd /config/www/nextcloud/". Then you could use use "sudo -u abc php7 occ".

    Well, successfully got this accomplished. Now in security warnings I have:

    "MySQL is used as database but does not support 4-byte characters. To be able to handle 4-byte characters (like emojis) without issues in filenames or comments for example it is recommended to enable the 4-byte support in MySQL. For further details read the documentation page about this."


    Which leads me THIS. Going to try to go through those motions a bit later today. Appears I'll flip this: "[mysqld] innodb_file_per_table=1" ON and then proceed to follow the MySQL steps at step 2 and restart and repair NextCloud etc. Hopefully it goes easy 🙂

  10. https://nguvu.org/pfsense/pfsense-baseline-setup/

    Look at the parts were this guy use the resolver and forwarder

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Just read through it. Essentially he’s doing same thing as I am currently.. well I mean using the dns Resolver for one specific network and Forwarder for another network. I’m currently using Pihole for adult network and pfBlocker for kids network. Not sure using dns Resolver and Forwarder how he is would help me any though... [emoji848] goodness one wouldn’t think this would be this hard [emoji2361]

  11. Sorry for the employ phrase. What I meant is I use pfsense dns resolver and forwarder.

    You don’t have to use 180/1443 for the container you can use anything else as long the external stay 80/443.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yeah not sure I’m prepared to change all the ports up and have to reset up all the subdomain.conf files.

    Can you please explain more(see my idiot edits above LOL) about how you are using both Resolver and Forwarder? Would you recommend maybe I just take Pihole out of equation? Could you show screen shots of your settings for Resolver and Forwarder and DNS Settings under General Setup? Pm me maybe if you don’t want redacted info in public? [emoji3]



    I don’t use the pi-hole but what you’ll need is a dns resolver, I use pfsense but employ dns resolver and dns forwarder that’s how I get it to my proxied apps from within my network.


    Also you may google hair pinning on pfsense that may help you out.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


     What does employ dns run on? Yeah I figured out with Pi-Hole how to forward domains to unraid server(IP) BUT Letsencrypt listens on port 180 and 1443 and forwarding with Pi-Hole I can’t specify port. Any info you could provide about Employ dns would be appreciated!


    I’ve even tried setting up another reverse proxy on unraid, to locally forward, but it won’t let me use it on ports 80/443 so just seem to be jammed up every which way I turn. [emoji2959][emoji2361]


    EDIT: I’m a idiot. You USE Resolver AND Forwarder on PFSense. At any rate, yet please provide any and all relevant details. Maybe I’ll have to take Pihole out of loop and just use pfBlocker only instead I guess [emoji848][emoji2373] I didn’t think it was suggested to run both Forwarder and Resolver though?



    EDIT2: yeah with Cloudflare in between I’ve tried PFSense NAT+Proxy but failed every which way I’ve tried it.


  13. I’ve read your post a couples of times but it’s not clear to me what you want to do?


    Why do you have the pi doing the dhcp instead of pfsense.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Pi-Hole is only doing DNS.


    What I’m trying to accomplish: working NAT for local hosted Subdomains.


    What I think problem is: Pihole not making PFSense aware of subdomains locally hosted OR Pfsense not automatically picking up on NAT because Cloudflare is proxying connections before forwarding back to local server/services.

  14. On 12/4/2019 at 12:09 AM, ICDeadPpl said:

    I'd try with changing the "php occ" part of each command to "sudo -u abc php7 /config/www/nextcloud/occ".
    That is unless you've changed your working directory to "/config/www/nextcloud/" with the command "cd /config/www/nextcloud/". Then you could use use "sudo -u abc php7 occ".

    I am assuming I would run the appropriate command while NextCloud is running, right?

  15. If it was posted my search skills didn’t turn it up...


    When I set NC up initially I was dumb and did SQLite3 DB. I’m wanting to convert to a MariaDB. 

    I see this page has the docker command fo convert but if I recall running commands in the Nextcloud docker is slightly different. Could someone enlighten me as to the correct command to run to convert to a MariaDB?


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