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Posts posted by blaine07

  1. So I've now setup Redis and still the docker image fills up whenever anyone downloads a file!!!!!! I daren't try to upload! Can't believe Nextcloud has reached version 17 with this bad a bug in it!

    Yeah, I still can’t do LARGE uploads with iOS client. Can upload large files everywhere else etc. Something to do with chunked file upload, or lack thereof, on iOS for me.
  2. Hello there! I have just configured this awesome docker and I can access some dockers via HTTPS and DuckDNS but I cannot get to access to my server this way. I did not find the "server.subdomain.conf.sample" in proxy-confs so when I try to acces I land to "Welcome to our server". Is there something I'm missing/doing wrong? (I followed the awesome Spaceinvaders One setup video)

    You 100% don’t want your Unraid Server accessible directly over the web if that’s what your fiddling with. Perhaps look into OpenVPN docker for remote access to server.
  3. I hope I have found my way to right place...


    Tonight playing with idrac6 container.


    Feb 02, 2020 6:45:58 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode
    WARNING: Could not lock User prefs. Unix error code 20.
    Feb 02, 2020 6:45:58 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
    WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.


    in the logs a LOT. Is it any reason for alarm or concern?



  4. Having an issue uploading large files to nextcloud only using letsencrypt reverse proxy, works fine without letsencrypt.  Even just a 2.3 GB file: the file completes uploading on the client, and I see that it's processing and copying the file into the final location on nextcloud//files/.  However, this only lasts for around 1 minute then stops writing the file, and tells the client that it timed out.  Watching the file get written, it's in the range of 800~1200 MB.
    If I turn reverse proxy off and revert those settings, it works fine and the "processing" of copying into the final location runs for longer than that minute.  All the guides I've seen about configuring letsencrypt are removing client_max_body_size, but that was already removed back on 01/21/2019.  I'm on the latest nextcloud docker and letsencrypt docker.  
    There were some timeout settings in letsencrypt/nginx/proxy.conf: send_timeout, proxy_*_timeout, increasing those significantly and restarting yielded the same result.  Same with modifying proxy_max_temp_file_size  in letsencrypt/nginx/proxy-confs/nextcloud.*.conf
    I'm not really seeing anything in letsencrypt/nextcloud's log/[nginx,php]/*.log either.  Is there a loglevel I should be changing?

    Sadly I can’t offer a helpful reply but sure wish I could. More or less at this point I suspect we will continue to have this issue until “chunked file upload for iOS app” is a priority and addressed. My problems mentioned a page or two back were only an issue on iOS app.
  5. On 10/14/2019 at 11:23 PM, Ustrombase said:

    I am getting this error when I try moving "a lot" of pictures (50) into a folder using the webUI

    [15-Oct-2019 04:10:14] WARNING: [pool www] server reached pm.max_children setting (5), consider raising it

    research has led me to edit /config/php/www2.conf inside my config directory of nextcloud docker.



    However, I can't find anywhere what each of these settings are suppose to be. I would like to know what each number means. Also don't know why this happens specifically when I am moving files into another folder.


    pm = dynamic
    pm.max_children = 40
    pm.start_servers = 15
    pm.min_spare_servers = 15
    pm.max_spare_servers = 25

    Does anyone know?

    Sorry to bring up a post from the dead but seeing this error in my PHP logs quite often. 

    Does anyone have the details on assigning more children? What file? How does one determine how much to raise it by?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated:-)


    Edit: error below. Also is this correct www2.conf file to edit?(appdata>Nextcloud>PHP????)





  6. Hello,
    I installed this docker a while back and it worked great. I simply didn't know I had to update it from within the application.
    Now I have to reinstall. Whats the best way to go around this as I do not have a LDAP set up.
    Is there a way I can keep the files and the users? So can I just use the same data path. Or should I use a new share and move the files back in later?

    You might try looking this before you write it off and start over. May be able to salvage your install?


    CHBMB instructions for manually updating Nextcloud instance...
  7. Hey T0rq, I was playing with this yesterday as a secondary way into home network; currently depend on OpenVPN on PFSense. No matter what I did every time I imported the WireGuard config(s)(tunnel or client) I to iOS app it said something about not being a valid configuration.  I followed your guide, to a T, I think, three different times and no dice. Any ideas?


    Also, only thing I wasn’t sure of was whether I had Port Forward in PfSense set right. It was asking something about to NAT traffic or not; yes was forwarding the 51820 to Unraids IP. Is their anyway you could provide more specific details on the Pfsense specific portion of WireGuard setup since PFsense seems to be so widely used? Pic of your actual configuration page for it or anything so I can assure myself that my idiocracy wasn’t at fault? Still not sure why WireGuard app on iPhone kept saying not complete or valid configuration though??? 


  8. How can I fix this lua error?
    nginx: [warn] "ssl_stapling" ignored, host not found in OCSP responder "ocsp.int-x3.letsencrypt.org" in the certificate "/config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem"nginx: [warn] "ssl_stapling" ignored, host not found in OCSP responder "ocsp.int-x3.letsencrypt.org" in the certificate "/config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem"nginx: [warn] "ssl_stapling" ignored, host not found in OCSP responder "ocsp.int-x3.letsencrypt.org" in the certificate "/config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem"nginx: [alert] detected a LuaJIT version which is not OpenResty's; many optimizations will be disabled and performance will be compromised (see https://github.com/openresty/luajit2 for OpenResty's LuaJIT or, even better, consider using the OpenResty releases from https://openresty.org/en/download.html)nginx: [error] lua_load_resty_core failed to load the resty.core module from https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-core; ensure you are using an OpenResty release from https://openresty.org/en/download.html (rc: 2, reason: module 'resty.core' not found:no field package.preload['resty.core']no file './resty/core.lua'no file '/usr/share/luajit-2.1.0-beta3/resty/core.lua'no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/resty/core.lua'no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/resty/core/init.lua'no file '/usr/share/lua/5.1/resty/core.lua'no file '/usr/share/lua/5.1/resty/core/init.lua'no file '/usr/share/lua/common/resty/core.lua'no file '/usr/share/lua/common/resty/core/init.lua'no file './resty/core.so'no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/resty/core.so'no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.1/resty/core.so'no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'no file './resty.so'no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/resty.so'no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.1/resty.so'no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so')


    What it means has been talked about in length previously in this thread.

    TLDR; ignore it
    • Like 1
  9. Hi,
    new to unraid and nextcloud and I want to share a fix for a problem I had a couple of days ago.
    I looked for a fix in the forums but only 2 people reported it and one of them moved to owncloud after giving up on it, I hope this will help other people who had the same issue.
    After I setup nextcloud (followed SpaceinvaderOne's video) I had a problem each time I tried to upload a large file (11.2 GB).
    After the upload, while processing, an error message showed up - "Error when assembling chunks, status code 504".
    If I refresh the page the file is there and its ok (compared checksum to source). Tested it a couple of times and only one time the file didn't show up (can't really explain it). The message is pretty annoying so I had to look it up.
    Found the following issue:
    To fix I had to open the nginx config - appdata/nextcloud/nginx/site-confs/default
    Searched for 'fastcgi' and inside the brackets I added these lines:
    fastcgi_connect_timeout 60;
    fastcgi_send_timeout 1800;
    fastcgi_read_timeout 1800;
    That fixed those error messages and I hope it will help you.
    For more info you can check the issue on nextcloud's github.
    Have a good day [emoji4]

    Have you tried making large uploads in the iOS Nextcloud app?
  10. If battery level always 95, then you should check / replace the battery. And problem may relate mains unstable which trigger UPS on battery too.

    No it normally sits at “100” [emoji848][emoji2373] I may try another Battery Backup; same model Tripplite though. Need to buckle down and buy a APC I guess but $$$
  11. I have had the same problem since I installed Nextcloud over six months ago and have asked a few times and not got any answers so I don't think anyone knows! I did get one answer over on Nextclouds forum and they seemed to think it was a bug! A bad one in my opinion, makes it unusable for me and effects downloads or uploads to the server the same! I can't have a system that crashes all my docckers when someone downloads a file! So I leave it off until I find a solution! If you find one please post here and I'll do likewise!

    I saw some talk too about Nextcloud for iOS not uploading in “chunks” like browsers and Android etc. I suspect it perhaps has something to do with that at this point [emoji848][emoji2373]
  12. Any ideas on how or where to begin troubleshooting NUT randomly saying that server is on battery backup and shutting down? It’s a Tripplite 1050SLT UPS. I’m positive power isn’t being lost. Did this once last week and once this week. Good news is it’s safely shutting down system; bad news is erroneously and randomly LOL. 





  13. So...my above fiasco(couple posts up). Still no resolution, sadly.
    Does anyone know in exactly which files to edit to turn "proxy_request_buffering off"? It's literally the only thing I haven't tried.
    I have changed "client_body_buffer_size" to 512 in Letsencrypts>nginx> proxy.conf. in Letsencrypt>nginx>nginx.conf I have client body size set to 0. In Letsencrypt>nginx>proxy-confs>nextcloud.subdomain.conf I have client max body size set to 0. In Nextcloud>nginx>nginx.conf I have max body size set to 0. In Nextcloud>nginx>site-confs>default I have max body size set to 0. I have changed "client_max_body_size" to 0 in all the different places it could be, that I can find, a factor. Google says in Nextcloud UI under basic settings at one point their was a max filesize option but im assuming at this point that in v17 that doesn't exist as it's nowhere to be found under basic settings.
    Not sure what else to do other than try turning proxy buffering off. Not sure exactly which error logs I need to check for further information, either. I am at a total loss at this point [emoji20]
    In Nextcloud GUI under Settings>System I see a "external monitoring tool" link. In that link it opens I seen a few lines that jumped out at me
    But I haven't slightest idea where the upload_max_filesize figure is coming from?
    Any help and guidance would be awesome [emoji846]

    Okay, figured PHP junk out; no change.

    Now I’m on to trying to figure out “fastcgi” stuff found here: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/15/admin_manual/configuration_files/big_file_upload_configuration.html



    I just don’t understand where it’s telling me to make fastcgi changes.

    Anyone had any experience with changing fastcgi stuff and have any advice? This deal literally driving me bonkers not being able to figure it out(uploading large files through iOS Nextcloud app). [emoji2361][emoji2361][emoji2361][emoji26][emoji26][emoji26]

    I just don’t understand how no one else has hit this rock wall like I have.
  14. So...my above fiasco(couple posts up). Still no resolution, sadly.


    Does anyone know in exactly which files to edit to turn "proxy_request_buffering off"? It's literally the only thing I haven't tried.


    I have changed "client_body_buffer_size" to 512 in Letsencrypts>nginx> proxy.conf. in Letsencrypt>nginx>nginx.conf I have client body size set to 0. In Letsencrypt>nginx>proxy-confs>nextcloud.subdomain.conf I have client max body size set to 0. In Nextcloud>nginx>nginx.conf I have max body size set to 0. In Nextcloud>nginx>site-confs>default I have max body size set to 0. I have changed "client_max_body_size" to 0 in all the different places it could be, that I can find, a factor. Google says in Nextcloud UI under basic settings at one point their was a max filesize option but im assuming at this point that in v17 that doesn't exist as it's nowhere to be found under basic settings.


    Not sure what else to do other than try turning proxy buffering off. Not sure exactly which error logs I need to check for further information, either. I am at a total loss at this point 😞


    In Nextcloud GUI under Settings>System I see a "external monitoring tool" link. In that link it opens I seen a few lines that jumped out at me




    But I haven't slightest idea where the upload_max_filesize figure is coming from?


    Any help and guidance would be awesome 🙂

  15. Just for info 
    isnt a domain I own, i used this as an example. When this has my domain in for example downloads.mydomain.co.uk - is when i get the error. I removed my personal URL so it doesnt get hit by all the bots that pull info from forums [emoji846]

    Well a few lines up your domain, I assume, still is there by “array”... if that’s the case. [emoji3]
  16. Hello All 


    Hopefully someone will be able to help as I cant work out what could be wrong and its driving me nuts 


    I have followed all the video's I can find on getting Lets Encrypt working with NextCloud - Works fine till I edit the config files and try and get it to work via an external domain 


    Below are my configs minus any personal data. 





    server {

        listen 443 ssl;

        listen [::]:443 ssl;

        server_name downloads.*;

        include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

        client_max_body_size 0;

        location / {

            include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;

            resolver valid=30s;

            set $upstream_nextcloud nextcloud;

            proxy_max_temp_file_size 2048m;

            proxy_pass https://$upstream_nextcloud:443;




    CONFIG.PHP (from NextCloud) 




    $CONFIG = array (

      'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu',

      'datadirectory' => '/data',

      'instanceid' => 'oc4vag78a6fo',

      'passwordsalt' => 'liPhgdvDE1exeucvrm9n9Lms3BWZAP',

      'secret' => '1dETA0S8OmAO7FD4KxsC+AD/xlwDXpVNE8RP7FkrhNT+Of0m',

      'trusted_domains' => 

      array (

        0 => '',

        1 => 'downloads.ikweb.co.uk',


      'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://downloads.google.co.uk',

      'overwritehost' => 'downloads.google.co.uk',

      'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',

      'dbtype' => 'mysql',

      'version' => '',

      'dbname' => 'nextclouddb',

      'dbhost' => '',

      'dbport' => '',

      'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',

      'mysql.utf8mb4' => true,

      'dbuser' => 'nextcloud-user',

      'dbpassword' => 'Password',

      'installed' => true,




    But with the above configs in place all I get is the image below. Both NextCloud and LetsEncrypt and on there own network within Docker. as per the videos from Spaceinvador but I am buggered if I can get it working. 


    Any help would be very welcome. 








    I’m far from a expert but I’d imagine the Overwrite Host/CLI can’t point a domain you don’t control. Not sure about yours specifically but I’m my a nextcloud.subdomain.conf I had to have my server name as its url, not a name.*. It never did work right having it that way for me despite having first part of subdomain correct.

    So I fixed PART of this problem.. still need a little help though. Thought I fixed it 100% as I DID got rid of the 413 error(turning off temporarily the Cloudflare Proxy)...
    Basically, now, when I upload the 2.5gb file mentioned above the WHOLE file uploads in the iOS Nextcloud app, it sits on screen saying 2.54gb of 2.54 uploaded. Just sits, never says finished. If I look at my Unraid Server.. it fills the NORMALLY 50% docker.img to over 80%(and sends me a panicked email). Almost hangs Unraid server up; everything comes to a crawl. Wouldn’t mind the blip if file would finish but then it just starts uploading all over again without deleting its previous attempt. In essence never finishing though.
    Been trying to read and figure it out, but afraid to meddle in too much. I suspect it’s a cache/tmp directory problem but I just don’t quite know enough to figure it out.
    Tried looking where this referenced but with NC on Unraid the file structure must just be different enough that I cant figure out where those specific files are I guess rendering it not a possible solution.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. [emoji26] If a Diagnostics upload would be helpful please let me know. With having to restart Nextcloud when this happens not sure what log files would be useful, sorry for the ignorance on my part.
    Edit: still also not sure if the Proxy Max Temp File Size thing I mention in post above is perhaps a relative culprit [emoji848][emoji2373]
    Edit2: if useful. 
    Run Command: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='nextcloud' --net='proxynet' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '444:443/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/nextcloud/':'/data':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/nextcloud' 


    Wonder if perhaps theirs some way to still do this with Nextcloud? Don’t see whatever directory he’s referring to for correct file to edit though??

  18. 20 hours ago, blaine07 said:

    Solved my problem, sometimes I’m a real... errrm “genius.”


    Forgot I was proxying through Cloudflare... DNS only and such issue evidently doesn’t exist. I’ll flip proxy back on later. Facepalm.


    So, for anyone in future... If your uploading large files and using Cloudflare as your CDN you *may* have to turn the CF Proxy off/on to accommodate occasional large file uploads. 🙂


    So I fixed PART of this problem.. still need a little help though. Thought I fixed it 100% as I DID got rid of the 413 error(turning off temporarily the Cloudflare Proxy)...


    Basically, now, when I upload the 2.5gb file mentioned above the WHOLE file uploads in the iOS Nextcloud app, it sits on screen saying 2.54gb of 2.54 uploaded. Just sits, never says finished. If I look at my Unraid Server.. it fills the NORMALLY 50% docker.img to over 80%(and sends me a panicked email). Almost hangs Unraid server up; everything comes to a crawl. Wouldn’t mind the blip if file would finish but then it just starts uploading all over again without deleting its previous attempt. In essence never finishing though.


    Been trying to read and figure it out, but afraid to meddle in too much. I suspect it’s a cache/tmp directory problem but I just don’t quite know enough to figure it out.




    Tried looking where this referenced but with NC on Unraid the file structure must just be different enough that I cant figure out where those specific files are I guess rendering it not a possible solution.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated. [emoji26] If a Diagnostics upload would be helpful please let me know. With having to restart Nextcloud when this happens not sure what log files would be useful, sorry for the ignorance on my part.


    Edit: still also not sure if the Proxy Max Temp File Size thing I mention in post above is perhaps a relative culprit [emoji848][emoji2373]




    Edit2: if useful. 


    Run Command: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='nextcloud' --net='proxynet' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '444:443/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/nextcloud/':'/data':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/nextcloud' 

    • Like 1
  19. The Zoneminder Docker has been updated to Zoneminder 1.34.  This may have changed your iPhone app access.  Why don't you use zmNinja?

    Maybe IpCam app, after reading description seems very possible, was using Cambozola and that’s where my issues start and end.

    Meh, will definitely take a look at zmNinja.

  20. Seeing a lot of this: ".WAR-/usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php/778 [ZM_OPT_CAMBOZOLA is enabled, but the system cannot find /usr/share/zoneminder/www/cambozola.jar]" in the logs. Can anyone explain Cambozola significance?


    On maybe a unrelated note, I was using IpCamViewerPro on my iPhone to remotely, through VPN, watch cameras. Today I had to turn SSL off in the app to see cameras. I have never put a signed HTTPS certificate, but to best of my knowledge it's always worked in IPCamViewer with SSL enabled and now it requires me turn OFF SSL. Does anyone happen to have any idea if recent update with Zoneminder could've caused that/been related?

  21. Alright, not trying to beat a dead horse here...apologies in advance. 
    Today I have been trying to upload a .mov file that is just a LITTLE larger than 2.5gb using the current Nextcloud iOS app. Every time it fails with a 413 error in Nextcloud app. 
    I’ve searched through thread and edited the few different files, that are usually responsible for this issue, max upload size to 0 as been mentioned in thread 200x. Still no dice. 
    In my Letsencrypt nextcloud.subdomain.conf would or could “proxy_max_temp_file_size 2048m” have anything to do with my issues? Not sure what else to do, as I said, I’ve changed max upload size everywhere else(mentioned in thread) to “0” on max size. Could it just be a defunct in most recent Nextcloud iOS client app ?
    suggestions, thoughts, direction or help would be greatly appreciated. 

    Solved my problem, sometimes I’m a real... errrm “genius.”

    Forgot I was proxying through Cloudflare... DNS only and such issue evidently doesn’t exist. I’ll flip proxy back on later. Facepalm.

    So, for anyone in future... If your uploading large files and using Cloudflare as your CDN you *may* have to turn the CF Proxy off/on to accommodate occasional large file uploads. :-)
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