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Posts posted by blaine07

  1. Mysql is built into the docker.  You shouldn't have to do anything to set it up.
    Try removing the docker and re-installing it.

    Tried that earlier; sadly. Deleted image. Didn’t re-set it back up but did remove and re-install hoping MySQL would reinstall/fix and sadly it didn’t. [emoji848] Any other ideas? Thanks for your time you put into this man; I truly am appreciative. Just not sure what else to do sans starting over all together. I dont remember logins to one of the few cameras setup in it as it was a old Iris by Lowe’s camera that got moved and not documented. Fail on my part lol
  2. Working fine for me.  The only change was an update to the baseimage used for the docker.  Still Ubuntu 18.04.  Should not make a difference.

    I think these two lines are the problem... but I’ve never setup a db for ZoneMinder. How can I fix or repair existing sql db?? Appears it’s contained within docker image itself but I’ve never messed with it?

    Jul 20 18:25:09 056fe99db366 zmpkg[1115]: ERR [Error reconnecting to db: errstr:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) error val:]

    Jul 20 18:25:09 056fe99db366 zmpkg[1115]: ERR [Error reconnecting to db: errstr:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) error val:]
  3. I just added the following line to my letsencrypt nginx  proxy config:
    proxy_temp_path /config/proxytemp 1 2
    This way it just creates a sub folder called proxytemp in the letsencrypt folder in appdata.

    Literally with the “1 2” at end? Exactly which letsencrypt file are you editing? I have had problem with large files such as MothyTim too and never really figured it out...
  4. To start with, we recommend turning it off. Once you get everything working, you can then experiment with it.
    I believe with http validation it outright doesn't work because letsencrypt acme server's validation request goes to cloudflare instead of the letsencrypt container (not too sure about it).
    With dns validation you can get it to work if set correctly. But we don't provide support for that.
    There are quite a few different settings on cloudflare for proxy and they can be confusing.

    Yeah I recently changed from http validation to Cloudflare dns validation. Everything appears to be fine at moment. If I recall I had to turn CF proxy off to get it to validate but turned it back on. I figure once my local certs expire I may have to toggle the proxy back off to get a renewal.

    Was more or less just curious as to if it impacted anything, but if it’s working it’d probably be well in my interest to leave it alone LOL [emoji13]
  5. It looks like you turned on caching on cloudflare (which we recommend against), and your server is not accessible. Check your ip, port forwarding, etc.

    Sorry... not trying to interject myself here; apologies.

    It’s recommended to turn CF Caching OFF? Would I turn “Caching Level” to “No Query String”, or change bottom drop down to “Respect existing headers” to successfully turn caching off?


    Thanks for everything you do Aptalca [emoji2]
  6. Hi,
    I'm trying to setup Nextcloud using the Spaceinvaderone tutorial but I get this error in the Nextcloud admin setup page:
    Error while trying to create admin user: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occurred in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'Gilles'@'' (using password: YES
    You have a MariaDB setup and linked to Nextcloud? If so it would appear something with that isn't setup right.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  7. Well I tried forwarding to the server at .... is that what you mean?

    Your using Letsencrypt on Unraid? What port do you have it watching on? My LE reverse proxy runs on 180/1443; so whatever ports your reverse proxy is watching is what you need to forward 80/443 from pfSense to; and yeah whatever IP of your Unraid box is.
  8. Hey hoping someone can help.  Trying to update from 18.01-18.02  as following Spaceinvaders in docker get error at the Backup stage as following.  No matter how many times I try to retry it does not work.  Any ideas?
    Parsing response failed. 504 Gateway Time-out

    504 Gateway Time-out


    Try updating manually. Link to instructions in first post. Update GUI seldom works right, for me anyways. May be worth a shot. [emoji16]
  9. Hi, did you work this out? Might fix my docker image filling up whenever anyone downloads a file problem! I might reinstall the app if so, as I removed it because it was unusable!!

    I got it added to Nextcloud Config and the www2.conf file and was generating a bunch of errors in Nextcloud. Not sure what I did wrong and honestly just didn’t spend much time on it. Theirs a Tmp folder share on Unraid and debated it but haven’t made it back round to it sadly. It may be worth you playing with though!!![emoji3]


    Would also like to say I played with pm.max children and changed it to on demand etc and overall performance is much better. Once I was able to get a ~2.5gb file uploaded.


    I’m wondering at what point docker.img starts to unload stuff on its own, because as you said large upload gets docker.img filling up. Not sure at what point it starts trying to figure out what’s on dumping stuff. Mine doing large upload gets docker img up to ~60%.

  10. Does everyone have "tmp" share set to use cache disk? Also, is their some way to point Nextcloud to use the "tmp" share on Unraid? I know it would be something like /config/www/???? but what would file structure in Nextcloud look like to use Unraids "tmp" share? I know where all I need to place to url to tmp, just not sure how it would be formatted or structured?



  11. www2.conf
    Here is what I have configured in that file. Please do your research about each parameter. That way you will set the correct values for you.
    pm = ondemandpm.max_children = 300pm.start_servers = 8pm.min_spare_servers = 8pm.max_spare_servers = 16pm.max_requests = 500


    That’s in Appdata>Nextcloud>php folder, correct? The one inside nextcloud directory?
  12. Does anyone know how to fix this error:
    The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If not, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud. Further information can be found in the documentation.

    I'm using the example config from LE:

    # make sure that your dns has a cname set for nextcloud# assuming this container is called "letsencrypt", edit your nextcloud container's config# located at /config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php and add the following lines before the ");":#  'trusted_proxies' => ['letsencrypt'],#  'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://nextcloud.my-domain.com/',#  'overwritehost' => 'nextcloud.my-domain.com',#  'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',## Also don't forget to add your domain name to the trusted domains array. It should look somewhat like this:#  array (#    0 => '', # This line may look different on your setup, don't modify it.#    1 => 'nextcloud.your-domain.com',#  ),server {   listen 443 ssl;   listen [::]:443 ssl;   server_name nextcloud.*;   include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;   client_max_body_size 0;#	location ~ /auth-(.*) {#        internal;#        proxy_pass$1;#        proxy_set_header Content-Length "";#	}   location / {#        auth_request /auth-4; #=User	include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;       resolver valid=30s;       proxy_max_temp_file_size 2048m;       proxy_pass;   }}

    Thanks in advance.

    At a glance remove brackets from letsencrypt

    'trusted_proxies' => 'letsencrypt',
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  13. On 2/21/2020 at 6:15 PM, blaine07 said:

    Could would anyone provide assistance in doing this on Nextcloud on Unraid?


    Could anyone confirm/deny that this could be adapted to Nextcloud on Unraid and would/should work or nah?


    EDIT: I got brave...or stupid. Can CONFIRM this DOES work for anyone having issues with Gallery on v17 and shared folders only giving folks viewing gallery as a guest options to "download".


    Fixes THIS: https://github.com/nextcloud/photos/issues/128

  14. FOUND THE SOLUTION for 504 error
    In the letsencrypt config for nextcloud you need to add
    location / {       ........       proxy_read_timeout 3600;........ }

    I have 3600 for testing purposes. You have to adjust that as you need.
    By default is 60 somwhere in nginx backend and thats why you get the 504 error after 1 min.

    So in nextcloud subdomain conf file?
  15. Have to tell you that there is probably no solution for nextcloud speed problems, there is no difference is that iOS or NC windows app.
    I have wasted tens and tens of hours for debugging it over past 2 years. It has to be related docker, unraid docker network or specifically to this NC container.  There are main 2 suspects on this case, for some reason php-fpm takes alot of time to process files that are uploaded ( 10mb chunks) and/or there is some specific internal docker network problem why it takes so long to transfer that file.
    Another server with much less cpu and ram and there i can upload 500-800mbit/s (server is 700 km away from my home, without docker, it uses reverse proxy also). On that server it takes about 400-800ms to process one chunk(10mb), compare with unraid docker NC where it takes 2-3 seconds. 4 core cpu with lower ghz and 6gb ram can process 15 times faster NC on bare metal than dual cpu xeon with 64gb ram on docker.
    There is no config file that i have not modified/tuned nginx, php, mysql, memcached, APCu, Redis... you name it 
    Btw nginx and NC combo loves http1 not http2, there is alot talk about it on github/NC forum. Thats why im using on my second server http1 only, network speed went from 50mbit/s to almost gigabit.... 
    However on my unraid server im out of ideas.

    Yeah, similarly, I’ve almost tried everything within my capabilities. Hopefully it’s resolved one day. Like Nextcloud a lot, and despite drawbacks, their isn’t much out their self host able that compares IMO.
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